The Action Learning Project (ALP)
The idea behind the ALP, is to select a project that is aligned to National priority and plans . After careful review of the National Development Plan (2021-2025) and the sectorial plan NATIP (2022-2025), Team Sage identified a gap in export rejects from EU, and selected Sesame, being the highest in forex earning and having the highest rejects due to infestation by Salmonella, and high residual of pesticides.
After a causal analysis, it was observed that infestation by salmonella and other pathogens came as a result of improper handling right from the field to storage.
Thereafter, team Sage developed a series of Good Agrnonmic practices to address the issues identified, then mapping of willing farmers to participate in the pilot project, this was after identification of the project site (Jigawa state) working in collaboration with project partners ThriveAgric to leverage its existing structures in Jigawa state, implementation commenced after farmer training .
The outcome of the pilot project was salmonella free sesame seeds which were duly tested in a lab and can be exported to EU countries thereby increasing incomes for the farmers and those involved in the value chain.
Lessons learnt during this project are teamwork, accountability, problem solving, collaboration, effective communication , intentionality and putting into effect agro ecology and environmental sustainability management .
The scaling up of this project would greatly enhance the livelihoods of players in this sector, also value addition by further processing the sesame seeds into oils and cakes would further empower the farmers, sesame is a very versatile crop as it can be used for various foods, has great health benefits, can be used in manufacturing sector, for soaps etc.
#TeamSage #NationalDevelopmentPlan #Agribusiness #SesameExports #SustainableAgriculture #ExportPromotion #FoodSafety #ValueChainDevelopment #CapacityBuilding #AgroEcology #NigeriaAgriculture