Allard Pierson heeft dit gerepost
Call for Global Slavery History Fellowships (GSHF) in Amsterdam Are you a professional working on the history of slavery in the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and the Indonesian archipelago, linked to the Dutch involvement in slave trade and slave labour? Then this scholarship might be something for you. The attention to the Dutch colonial slavery past has increased considerably over the last years. Especially communities that were subject to the contemporary ramifications such as systemic racism pushed for acknowledgement and changes in perspectives and priorities within academic institutions, museums and archives. A missing link is the input and expertise of inhabitants of societies that were colonized and where slavery and other forms of forced labour were rampant. The questions, perspectives, and expertise of young professionals from societies affected by this colonial slavery past and its knock-on effects in the Americas, Africa, and Asia are essential to inform contemporary debates about and dealing with the slavery past. Interested? More info 👉 Allard Pierson Blackarchives Universiteit van Amsterdam Amsterdam Museum Rijksmuseum Stadsarchief Amsterdam NiNsee Wereldmuseum Amsterdam