CCINP - Chamber of Commerce and Industry NL-PT heeft dit gerepost
🚀 Webinar Alert 🚀 LinkedIn Usage: Excel in Recruitment, Sales, and Marketing Are you looking to grow your impact on LinkedIn? Join us on Monday, 11th of November for a 30-minute webinar, where Pedro Caramez will share some valuable insights on how to navigate Linkedin effectively About our speaker: 📌 Over 15 years of experience almost exclusively dedicated to LinkedIn 📌 Develops consulting programs in social selling, social recruiting, and LinkedIn 📌 Author of 4 books about LinkedIn 📌 Currently an invited professor at several Portuguese universities Don’t miss this opportunity to take your LinkedIn presence to the next level. 👉 Register now on Eventbrite: #LinkedInTips #Webinar #SocialSelling #Networking #CCINP