Circular IT group overbrugt de uitdagingen van het Ravijnjaar 2025! We staan inmiddels aan het einde van het eerste kwartaal van het Ravijnjaar 2025. Overheden en publieke instellingen worden geconfronteerd met forse bezuinigingen en strengere budgetten. Dit zorgt voor onzekerheid, maar ook voor nieuwe kansen. We spraken met Sander Cornelissens, Directeur Recommerce bij Circular IT group, over hoe zijn organisatie inspeelt op deze uitdagingen met Circular IT Infra-oplossingen. Sander, wat zijn jouw waarnemingen rondom het Ravijnjaar? "Het is nu voor iedereen duidelijk dat het Ravijnjaar enorme impact heeft. Overheden en semi-publieke instellingen moeten zich aanpassen aan een nieuw financieringssysteem, waardoor hun budgetten flink dalen. Dit creëert een gat van €3 miljard. Wat betekent dat? Minder grote investeringen, maar wél de noodzaak om IT-infrastructuur operationeel en toekomstbestendig te houden. Daar speelt Circular IT Infra perfect op in." Wat betekent dit voor Circular IT group? "Wij hebben onze dienstverlening hierop afgestemd door flexibele IT-oplossingen aan te bieden die geen grote investeringen vereisen. Met onze rental-modellen bieden we publieke organisaties de mogelijkheid om hun IT-infrastructuur (netwerk, servers en storage) in een OPEX-vorm te verkrijgen. Dit kan op maand-, kwartaal- of jaarbasis, waardoor ze wél over de nieuwste technologie beschikken, zonder zware kapitaalsuitgaven. We hebben jarenlange ervaring in tijdelijke en flexibele IT-oplossingen, en die kennis zetten we nu volop in om overheden en publieke instellingen door het Ravijnjaar te helpen." Waarom is Circular IT Infra dé oplossing voor het Ravijnjaar? "Dat laat zich éénvoudig samenvatten in vijf punten:" ✅ Geen grote kapitaalinvesteringen (CapEx → OpEx) ✅ Maximale flexibiliteit ✅ Duurzaam en circulair ✅ Kostenbeheersing en voorspelbaarheid ✅ Altijd up-to-date technologie Kortom: wij bieden met Circular IT Infra financiële ademruimte, flexibiliteit en duurzaamheid – precies wat nodig is in en vanzelfsprekend na het Ravijnjaar! Geldt dit alleen voor de publieke sector? "Nee, zeker niet. Organisaties die afhankelijk zijn van gemeentelijke financiering of samenwerking krijgen hier ook mee te maken. Denk aan de culturele sector, zorg- en onderwijsinstellingen en aanpalend bouw- en vastgoedsector. Ook zij kunnen deze periode overbruggen met Circular IT Infra en blijven profiteren van schaalbare, duurzame en betaalbare IT-oplossingen." Wat maakt Circular IT Infra nu zo circulair als IT-oplossing? "Bij ons draait alles om het verlengen van de levensduur van IT-hardware. We combineren nieuwe en gebruikte hardware in oplossingen voor een afgebakende periode. Daarna wordt de apparatuur hergebruikt of gerefurbished, zodat het een tweede leven krijgt. Nieuwsgierig wat betekent dit voor jouw organisatie? Ben je benieuwd hoe Circular IT Infra jouw organisatie kan helpen om de uitdagingen van het Ravijnjaar 2025 het hoofd te bieden? Klik hier:
Circular IT group
IT-services en consultancy
Zoetermeer, Zuid Holland 2.566 volgers
We Make IT Circular
Over ons
The leading European brand in making IT circular Circular IT group is working on a day-to-day basis to support customers get the most value out of IT hardware. We do this by extending IT hardware lifecycles, Device as a Service, IT rental, refurbishing, repair, recommerce and avoiding the creation of unnecessary e-waste, minimizing Critical Raw Material consumption, decreasing GHG / CO2 emissions and the negative impact on biodiversity. The Circular IT group supports circularity, future proof connectivity, social and digital inclusion. We make IT circular!
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- IT-services en consultancy
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 201 - 500 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Zoetermeer, Zuid Holland
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- Particuliere onderneming
Medewerkers van Circular IT group
💡Wrap-up webinar "Turning your ICT Waste into Wins"!💡 Friday the the 14th of March Circular IT group kicked of a series of webinars with the first episode focusing on the impact of ITAD. During this webinar various topics were discussed on how to make impact by translating ITAD into wins on the level of ✅Commercial business, ✅CSR/Social Impact and ✅Legislation & Compliance. All of the topics supported by inspiring stories of an expert panel! With more than 140 people directly or indirectly participating and an average viewing time of more than 38 minutes🏆, this first edition was well perceived. A special thank goes to Daan van Nieuwenhoven, Didier Appels, Olivier N. (Baron) Vanden Eynde, Jacques Buith and Nathalie van Gent, whose contributions and expertise proved invaluable! Not able to view this webinar live? Click here: to watch it at your convenience. Follow the Circular IT group for more updates and unique content on Circular Workplace, Circular ITAD, Circular IT Infra, Lifecycle Management, Recommerce, and IT trends.💻 🤝Join us—and the team at Circular IT group, The Leading European Brand in Making IT Circular—to learn how you can be sustainable while staying safe, secure, compliant, and profitable!🤝 #Innovation #MakingImpact #SMARTgreenIT #LoweryourTCO #SocialImpact #TheNewESG #Inspiring Flynth adviseurs en accountants
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Join our webinar "Turning your ICT Waste into Wins"! This webinar goes beyond traditional view on end-of -life IT-equipment. Click below to register.
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Meet Oliver Ihnken – Senior Account Manager 🇩🇪 💪 Ergebnisorientierter und kommunikativer Teamplayer mit strategischem Denken. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Deutschland. Leidenschaftlicher Reisender und Foodie. ♻️ Warum ist eine zirkuläre IT wichtig? Durch die Reduzierung von E-Waste und die Verlängerung der Lebensdauer von IT-Hardware machen wir hochwertige Technologie für mehr Unternehmen zugänglich – und tragen gleichzeitig zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft bei. Ein echter Gewinn für Unternehmen und unseren Planeten! 💡 Das Beste an meinem Job Kein Tag gleicht dem anderen! Jeden Tag warten neue Herausforderungen und Lernmöglichkeiten, die mich motivieren und weiterbringen. Ich liebe es, Kunden dabei zu helfen, ihre IT-Prozesse zu optimieren und maximalen Mehrwert zu schaffen. 🔥 Meine wertvollste Qualität für Kunden Ein tiefgehendes Verständnis für sowohl neue als auch refurbished IT-Lösungen, damit Unternehmen strategische und kosteneffiziente Entscheidungen treffen können. Mein Fokus? Langfristige Partnerschaften aufbauen und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen entwickeln, die perfekt zu den individuellen Bedürfnissen der Kunden passen. ⚽ Abseits der IT? Fußball hat mir beigebracht, wie wichtig Teamarbeit und das gemeinsame Verfolgen eines Ziels sind. Außerdem liebe ich es zu reisen und gemeinsam mit Freunden und Familie gutes Essen zu genießen. 🎬 Ein Zitat, nach dem ich lebe: "If you can dream it, you can do it." – Walt Disney Kontaktiere Oliver, um zu erfahren, wie nachhaltige IT-Lösungen dein Unternehmen voranbringen können. #CircularIT #RefurbishedIT #GreenIT #Innovation #Networking
🚔🚑🚒 Blue Light kick-off sets NEG-ITSolutions on fire! 🚔🚑🚒 No worries—no emergencies here! Instead, we’re talking about an electrifying kickoff that’s setting NEG-ITSolutions, part of the Circular IT group, on fire! 🔥 On Monday, February 24th, we had the pleasure of welcoming our fantastic HP colleagues for the Blue Light Kickoff—a unique HP incentive program that blends fun, performance, motivation, and IT excellence. As an EcoVadis Platinum organization, our professionals at NEG-ITSolutions are always pushing boundaries. Now, thanks to HP’s "In IT to Win IT" program, they have even more reason to go the extra mile! Great to be part of an rewarding incentive program and the opportunity to display our strong relationship. 🎉With every achieved target, team members earn a coveted silver coin, unlocking a spin on the Blue Light vending machine—where every turn guarantees a prize! 🎉 And if you’re lucky enough to land the golden ball? Well, that means an extra treat—a special lunch at HP’s NL-office, plus an exclusive draw for even bigger prizes! 🏆 With 20 coins up for grabs per quarter, competition is heating up, and excitement is in the air. A huge thank you to HP, represented by our Partner manager Nico De Goede for being such a great and dedicated partner—we couldn't ask for a better match! 🚔💙🚀Let’s go, team! Let’s make the Blue Light rock the office! 🚔💙🚀 #CircularITGroup #NEGITSolutions #HP #BlueLightKickoff #InITtoWinIT #ITExcellence #SustainableIT #WinningTogether
Rencontrez Romuald Lagrange – Sr Account Manager 🇫🇷 💪 Problem-solver, toujours curieux, orienté solutions et prêt à relever de nouveaux défis. Il cherche sans cesse des moyens plus intelligents et durables d’optimiser l’IT. 💡 +100 entreprises accompagnées en 2 ans : grâce à sa vision stratégique et son approche centrée sur l’humain, il aide ses clients à optimiser leur infrastructure IT tout en réduisant leur impact environnemental. 🔥 Son credo ? Ce n’est pas juste une question de transactions, mais de bâtir des relations durables et d’apporter des solutions à la fois économiques et écologiques. Créer un réel impact et challenger le status quo ! En réduisant le gaspillage et les émissions, il prouve que durabilité et performance vont de pair. 🏀 En dehors du monde IT, vous le trouverez sur un terrain de basket, en pleine discussion sur les théories Marvel (Team Iron Man ou Team Cap ?) ou partageant un verre avec amis et partenaires. 🔝 Une phrase qui l’inspire ? "Ne jamais dire jamais, car les limites, comme les peurs, ne sont souvent qu’une illusion." – Michael Jordan 💬 Alors, qu'attendez-vous ? Ne vous limitez pas au neuf ! Contactez Romuald ou l’un de ses collègues pour découvrir tous les avantages du matériel réseau, serveur et stockage reconditionné et les services offerts par Circular IT Group. #ITDurable #Reconditionné #ÉconomieCirculaire #Networking #CircularIT #GreenTech #Innovation #letsmakeITcircular
"Turning your ICT Waste into Wins" How ESG reporting, Social Impact, and ITAD can Transform Your Business and Strategy 🗓️ Join the ITAD Webinar 2025 on Friday, 14 March, 14:00–14:45 CET. 🗓️ This webinar goes beyond traditional view on end-of -life IT-equipment delivering insights on IT Asset Disposition (ITAD). We’ll explore crucial topics such as ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) best practices, social impact case studies, legislation and compliance highlights, and a few surprising facts fueling a lively discussion. Hosted in an interactive talk-show format, our table host Nathalie van Gent will guide the conversations with a strong lineup of speakers; Jacques Buith, Olivier N. (Baron) Vanden Eynde, Didier Appels and Daan van Nieuwenhoven who will ensure us of a dynamic exchange of ideas. By attending, you’ll gain insights on what ITAD contributes beyond what you would expect, strengthen professional connections, and take part in shaping industry thought leadership. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your ITAD strategy amongst a network of peers! Sign up now on this page and secure your place among top professionals exploring ITAD excellence. ➡️ Simply click the following link to register: 🔗
♻️ Five Questions for Sander Cornelissens, Recommerce Director at Circular IT group, After 100 Days ♻️ 1. Why did you join Circular IT group (CITg) after your previous employer? Two reasons: First, CITg’s circular foundation aligns perfectly with my values—using only what’s needed, both professionally and personally. After 30 years in IT, I’ve always been commercially driven, and CITg’s purpose-driven DNA matches my ambitions. Second, CITg is a dynamic organization with enormous potential, integrating the strengths of its founding companies to drive sustainable, efficient business models and improve Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). 2. 100 days at CITg—do you still feel you made the right choice? A straightforward "Yes!" I’ve seen strong propositions, deep expertise, and a spirit of innovation. I’ve also discovered hidden gems—global rental solutions, optical offerings, and reprinted keyboards for any layout. CITg’s remarkable buying power ensures IT asset continuity for our partners, reinforcing my confidence in joining. 3. What has surprised you the most? CITg’s Recommerce propositions stand out. We help customers and partners become more sustainable without compromising quality or cost-efficiency. By refurbishing IT assets, we extend their lifecycle through Circular Workplace, Circular ITAD, and Circular IT Infrastructure. We offer both new and refurbished hardware with flexible acquisition models—buy, rent, lease, or as-a-service. 4. Is Recommerce only about reusing pre-owned IT hardware? Not at all—Recommerce extends far beyond refurbished IT. It includes: ✅ Rental solutions for trials, emergencies, and disaster recovery ✅ Buy-back programs to give IT assets a second life ✅ Circular ITAD services to retain value and minimize waste ✅ Partner service enablement & data center support ✅ Leasing & Managed Lifecycle Management as-a-service It’s about sustainability, flexibility, and maximizing IT investments with optimal warranties and service. 5. In two years, what will be the biggest differences? CITg will have an even stronger solution portfolio, further cementing our position as Europe’s leader in circular IT. The Recommerce organization will accelerate growth—not just commercially, but in building long-term, sustainable business relationships. Deeper integration within CITg will enhance our ability to serve partners and customers even better. We Make IT Circular! ♻️🚀 #CircularIT #Sustainability #Recommerce #Innovation #PurposeDriven #100Days #ITSolutions
🎉 Celebrating 10 Years of Excellence with Maria van Stuivenberg! 🎉 Today, we proudly celebrate Maria van Stuivenberg's 10-year work anniversary at Circular IT group. Officially marking this incredible milestone on January 19th, we’re taking the opportunity to honor her contributions today! As Purchasing Team Lead, Maria is an integral part of our team. Her expertise, dedication, and professionalism have been a solid foundation for our success. Not only is she a wealth of knowledge in her role, but she’s also an amazing colleague to work with—a true pillar of our organization. Maria, your hard work and commitment inspire us every day, helping us drive forward our vision in Making IT Circular and make a meaningful impact. We are grateful to have you on board and are excited to celebrate this wonderful achievement together. Congratulations, Maria! Here’s to the past decade of excellence and many more successful years ahead! 🎊 #TeamCircularITgroup #WorkAnniversary #Leadership #10YearsStrong