Corbulo: Executive Search | Talent Search | Interim Management

Corbulo: Executive Search | Talent Search | Interim Management

Werving en selectie

Rotterdam, South Holland 7.163 volgers

Dedicated to Financials. Executive Search, Talent Search and Interim Management

Over ons

Corbulo is the exclusive career and interim management platform that connects careers of financials with sustainable organizational goals. Corbulo is trusted partner in search and interim management of financial talent and executives. We have successfully worked for financials and organizations with ambition for over 10 years. PURE DEDICATION We translate competencies of financials into the organizational context within which financials have to perform at the top of their ability. Our consultants speak your language and guarantee a personal and tailor made approach. Mutual trust, collaboration and discretion form the basis for our pure dedication. Together with transparent and no-nonsense working method this guarantees successful sustainable intermediations. We are looking forward to a personal meeting. Corbulo; pure dedication

Werving en selectie
2-10 medewerkers
Rotterdam, South Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Recruitment, Interim Management, Finance, Control, Accounting, Audit, Risk, Coaching, Career consulting, executive search, talent search en dedicated to financials


Medewerkers van Corbulo: Executive Search | Talent Search | Interim Management


  • Profiel weergeven voor Feddo Heintz, afbeelding

    Managing Director CORBULO: Executive Search | Talent Search | Interim Management. +31 6 46390690 📈

    Artificial intelligence kreeg een nieuwe dimentie in de discussie gisteravond tussen Ebel Slijp en CEO's, CFO's ,non exectives en geinteresseerden over dit onderwerp. Ebel bekend van BNR nieuwsradio liet zijn licht schijnen over de mogelijkheden van AI nu en in de toekomst. Wat dat betekent en hoe we ons er op voor moeten bereiden. Hoe richten we de governance in, hoe ver kan en mag AI ingrijpen, de nieuwe AI act en nog veel meer. Een boost in opinievorming over de 4e industriele revolutie. Food for Thought!

    • Artificial intelligence en de 4e industriele revolutie

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