ECM Technologies heeft dit gerepost
🤔 "Sealing can't be done in metal to metal power sections, you need a rubber for that" is often something that is printed into peoples minds. When we explain how it works they are amazed but come up with 🤔 "but then you need a viscous fluid to be able to run a metal to metal". Also not true, it even runs on air, nitrogen or CO2 if you want to. Then the next questions pops up "Why is not everybody using this". To hold that tight tolerance between Rotor and Stator is not state of the art technology. Many have tried in the last 4 decades and almost everybody failed to keep a hair-thickness of accuracy over meters of length. At Full-Metal-Power we have designed and build this technology in house to be able to manufacture these accurate rotors and stators. Next logical question that pops up "why would you ever use rubber". At Full-Metal-Power we don't know 😊 but what we know at Full-Metal-Power is that once you get you're hands on a metal to metal power section you'll see it and use it and love it. Both the #PDM and #PCP operating with air are demonstrated below. Not only here it is demonstrated on a bench in our production facility but globally in 35 countries, companies are using successfully Full-Metal-Power power sections. Want to know more about running Full-Metal-Power with gasses like Air, Nitrogen or CO2 or liquids like acids, solvents or produced water not limited by industry temperatures feel free to reach out to; Aaron Baxter +1 (682) 230-0575 Hans-Henk Wolters +31 6 22 37 97 50 #oilandgas #oilindustry #geothermal #thrutubing #drilling #milling #coiltubing #fullmetalpower #metaltometal #coiledtubing #cleanout #geothermie #geothermalenergy #energy #coiltubing