Impact Institute

Impact Institute

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services

Amsterdam, North Holland 9.013 volgers

Helping organisations manage and improve their impact.

Over ons

One of the greatest opportunities of the 21st century is the realization of the impact economy: an economy where everyday work, entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology lead to a better world. To achieve this, a global system shift is needed in which we keep the valuable components of the old market system while embracing new economic models. A requirement for making this shift to the impact economy is a common language for impact and integrating this language into every aspect of our economy. Our mission at the Impact Institute is to empower organisations and individuals to realize the impact economy by creating a common language for impact and providing the tools to use it. We develop open-source standards for impact measurement and valuation and provide organisations with the tools, training, and services to implement them. We are a team of passionate professionals committed to driving positive change in the global economic landscape. Our diverse and skilled staff brings together a wealth of expertise in impact measurement, valuation, and sustainable practices. Through meticulous training, innovative tools, and tailored services, the Impact Institute team stands ready to guide organisations and businesses towards impactful and sustainable practices. Joining us means shaping a better world through the transformative power of the impact economy.

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services
51 - 200 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Impact Measurement, Impact Valuation, Sustainability consulting, Sustainability Data, Sustainability Education, Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Food, Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Infrastructure, Impact Data en Impact measurement software


Medewerkers van Impact Institute


  • It's great to see this milestone - a letter to the European Commission and Commissioner Christophe Hansen to create an EU Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods, where our study on the externalities attributed to current value chains of EU production and consumption of animal-sourced food was used as a reference! The signatory will help to bring the conversation on plant-based diets forward in the EU👏🌍

    Profiel weergeven voor Matthijs Germs, afbeelding

    Creating a more sustainable EU food system | Food Policy at BirdLife | Fellow at the School for Moral Ambition | 2100 network member | Alumnus of Global Shaper & AIESEC

    What a milestone! 🥁 I’m honored to have contributed to the writing and publication of an open letter, signed by 130 organizations, calling on the European Commission and Commissioner Christophe Hansen to create an EU Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods. This action plan is meant to support plant-based production and consumption. Denmark is the first country to have implemented this, and it already has resulted in plans like: 🎒 A school scheme for fruits and vegetables 👩🍳 Adding a curriculum to cooks schools on how to cook plant-based 💶 Increase the percentage of plant-based public procurement 💹 Investing in promising start-ups and the infrastructure to scale up 🌱 Extra financial support for farmers in the veggie and fruits sector There is a strong scientific consensus that shifting to more plant-rich diets is what we need to eat to stay healthy, prevent disease, and what we need to take care of the planet and all animals. By investing in this food transition, we can ensure everyone has access to affordable, sustainable, and delicious food. At the same time, we can create a more autonomous and resilient food system and help farmers diversify and thrive in a changing world. Win-win-win-win-win, if you ask me! This is about creating a food system that we can all benefit from. ----- Links to the letter, science and Danish plant-based action plan in the comments below.

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  • Onze oprichters Adrian de Groot Ruiz en Michel Scholte stonden vorige week samen op het podium tijdens het True Price Festival. Wat hen het meest bij blijft van die dag? “Dat het niet meer de vraag is óf true pricing nodig is, maar wanneer het de massa bereikt.” Een paar hoogtepunten van het festival: 🔸 Managing Director van True Price Claire van den Broek legde het publiek uit hoe duurzame, gezonde producten goedkoper kunnen worden ten opzichte van vervuilende, ongezonde producten. 🔸 Onze Responsible Value Chain expert Leanne Heuberger en Henk Hofstede van ABN AMRO Bank N.V. lieten bedrijven zien hoe je biodiversiteit meetbaar maakt. Ze gaven een persoonlijke noot mee: verwonder je wat vaker over de natuur. 🔸De uitreiking van de eerste True Price Award aan Eosta BV / Nature & More voor de ‘Organic Raingrown Avocado’. 🔸Jan Rotmans liet zien waar op de transitiecurve true pricing staat volgens de transitietheorie. True Price is goed op weg naar het kantelpunt om de massa te bereiken. Wat de True Price beweging volgens hem nog nodig heeft? Rituelen en symbolen. Kortom, als partner van het True Price Festival kijken we terug op een inspirerend festival. Meer weten over True Price en de methode die wij bij Impact Institute gebruiken om jouw impact te meten en te monetariseren? Check onze website: #Impact #Trueprice #echteprijzen #duurzaamheid #sustainability

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  • Vital infrastructure companies in the Netherlands ensure our access to energy, clean water, and transportation. What else? Alongside ensuring Dutch citizens have a strong and reliable infrastructure, they also assess their impact with our guidance! Five years ago, Dutch infrastructure companies, such as Alliander, Stedin, Enexis, and ProRail, in collaboration with us, published the first version of The Impact Measurement Handbook for Infrastructure Companies. This handbook provides a first-of-its-kind framework for standarding measuring and managing organisational impact for infrastructure companies while using the fundamental concepts needed. We've since updated the handbook, with companies such as Vitens and Gasunie joining us along the way. The enriched version includes information on measuring and reporting biodiversity and links to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive #CSRD. We take pride in assisting these companies and eagerly look forward to supporting them further! Read more and get access to the handbook with the links below (in Dutch) 👇 Florian Reuter Lotte Dietz Mathijs Rozemuller, PhD Jeroen Vanson Impact Economy Foundation

  • Remember we helped ABN AMRO Bank N.V. measure the impact of smartphones, sofas and sneakers on biodiversity? Next week our Responsible Value Chain Expert Leanne Heuberger and Henk Hofstede from ABN AMRO will give a workshop on how we made biodiversity measurable for the biodiversity report for ABN AMRO and how this helps companies become more sustainable at the sold-out True Price Festival. Can't make it? As consumers and citizens, we also have a role to play in preventing biodiversity loss. Building on last year's report, ABN AMRO published an analysis that focuses on what consumers can do to preserve biodiversity.   Read the full article by Henk Hofstede here (in Dutch): Missed our report on how trainers, sofas and mobile phones are harming biodiversity? Download the report here (in Dutch): #Sustainability #Biodiversity #Impact #SustainableBusiness #Consumers

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  • 📢 Wat zijn de beste lessen en praktijkvoorbeelden van bedrijven die al rapporteren onder de Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)? In opdracht van het Ministry of Economic Affairs publiceren we een uniek rapport waarin je antwoorden op deze vraag kan vinden. Wat staat er in het rapport? 🔸 Vijf best practices voor duurzame rapportages 🔸 Meer dan tien praktijkvoorbeelden van duurzame rapportages 🔸 Inspiratie van bedrijven die de CSRD al succesvol toepassen “Ik hoop dat dit rapport bedrijven helpt om van andere bedrijven te leren hoe ze de CSRD kunnen implementeren binnen hun organisatie”, aldus Margje de Mik van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken. De voorbeelden in het rapport zijn onder andere geïnspireerd op rapporten van de winnaars van de CSRD Awards 2024: Koninklijke Philips en Schijvens Corporate Fashion. Lees het volledige rapport hieronder en zet stappen in de richting van transparante en duurzame bedrijfsvoering! Michel Scholte Folkert van der Molen Smart WorkPlace Reinier de Adelhart Toorop Ana Dirkzwager #CSRD #Duurzaamheid #BestPractices #Rapportage #CSRDAwards

    Best practices CSRD-rapportages samengebracht in rapport

    Best practices CSRD-rapportages samengebracht in rapport

  • Avocado consumption in Europe will grow from two billion euros in 2024 to three billion in 2029. But how could companies in the food sector do this right? Eosta BV / Nature & More is a food producer committed to healthy food, sustainability, and social responsibility. We quantified the environmental and social benefits of their rainwater-grown avocados. In our impact evaluation, we looked at factors such as: 🥑(no) use of pesticides or artificial fertilizers, improving soil health and reducing pollution of freshwaters 🥑(no) use of irrigation 🥑grown with rainwater, reducing the amount of water consumed 🥑(no) deforestation 🥑fair compensation of farmers, contributing to equal treatment and working conditions The Organic Raingrown Avocado helps companies that fall under CSRD to achieve their sustainability goals. Not only to make their offering more sustainable, but also to substantiate this with valid data in their CSRD reporting. Breakdown of impacts also showcases growers' efforts towards a fairer, more sustainable society, while helping consumers make informed purchasing decisions. Read the entire story and learn more about how we measure impact below. #FairTrade #OrganicFarming #SustainableAgriculture #WaterConservation #GreenSupplyChain

    Eosta introduces Organic Raingrown Avocado

    Eosta introduces Organic Raingrown Avocado

  • Want to get CSRD knowledge in just one day? We have a few spots left for our upcoming CSRD IN ONE DAY courses in Amsterdam: 📅 Wednesday 22 January (English Language) 📅 Wednesday 12 February (Dutch Language) 📅 Wednesday 26 March (Dutch Language) We cover the ESRS requirements and reports in an 8-hour expect-led workshop. You will also get access to a useful scoping tool that helps you determine which requirements need to be disclosed at each phase of CSRD reporting. We use real example cases from different sectors, a digital CSRD manual, and scenario-based simulations to initiate and practice CSRD project management. You will go home with a wealth of new knowledge and a certificate! Register now via this link, use code csrd2025 for a 20% New Year discount: Are you curious about what our alumni say about this course? 👇 [DUTCH BELOW] Wil jij je CSRD-kennis in slechts één dag vergroten? We hebben nog een paar plekken vrij voor onze CSRD IN ONE DAY cursussen in Amsterdam: 📅 Woensdag 22 januari (Engels gesproken) 📅 Woensdag 12 februari (Nederlandstalig) 📅 Woensdag 26 maart (Nederlandstalig) We behandelen de ESRS-vereisten en rapporten in een 8 uur durende workshop onder begeleiding. Je krijgt ook toegang tot een handige scoping tool die je helpt te bepalen welke vereisten in elke fase van de CSRD-rapportage openbaar moeten worden gemaakt. We gebruiken echte voorbeeldcases uit verschillende sectoren, een digitale CSRD-handleiding en op scenario's gebaseerde simulaties om CSRD-projectmanagement te initiëren en te oefenen. Je gaat naar huis met een schat aan nieuwe kennis en een certificaat! Schrijf je nu in via deze link, gebruik code csrd2025 voor 20% nieuwjaarskorting: Benieuwd wat onze alumni over deze cursus zeggen? 👇 #CSRD #CSRDcursus #CSRDcourse #ESRS #CSRDAcademy

  • We luiden op dinsdag 28 januari samen met True Price een nieuw duurzaam jaar in tijdens het True Price Festival! 💥 Het festival is een ode aan de groeiende beweging voor echte prijzen, waarin milieu- en sociale kosten worden meegerekend. Impact Institute draagt bij aan het True Price Festival door inzichten te delen voor een duurzame economie. Wat kan je verwachten? 🔸 Onze co-founder Michel Scholte staat op het podium om de beweging van echte prijzen naar een hoger niveau te tillen. 🔸 Onze collega Leanne Heuberger geeft samen met Henk Hofstede van ABN AMRO een workshop over hoe we biodiversiteit meetbaar maakten voor het biodiversiteitsrapport voor ABN AMRO en hoe dit bedrijven helpt duurzamer te worden. 🔸 Een vooruitblik met de toekomstvisie van Prof. dr. Jan Rotmans, hoogleraar transitiekunde en duurzaamheid. 🔸 De lancering van de True Price Awards voor duurzame en betaalbare producten. Registreer je voor het (gratis) festival via deze link: Wil je weten hoe we samen kunnen bouwen aan een duurzame economie? Mis het niet! #TruePriceFestival #EchtePrijzen #Duurzaamheid #ImpactInstitute #Biodiversiteit #TruePriceAwards

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  • As we approach the end of the year, we want to extend our warmest wishes for a happy holiday season! Reflecting on our significant milestones of 2024, we are immensely grateful for your support and collaboration. Together, we made all of this possible: ⭐ 2 New Software Products ⭐+1,220 Educated Professionals ⭐+ 600 Participants in CSRD Day & Awards ⭐+ 10 Impact Reports ⭐80+ Successful Projects ⭐And so much more... It was a challenge to choose our standout projects, partnerships, and events, which is why we’ve compiled a complete list on our website. Feel free to check it out here: We look forward to seeing you all in the new year! #2024Recap #YearInReview #WrappingUp2024 #TeamSuccess

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  • An ESRS Framework for non-listed SMEs and a European simplification package to streamline reporting requirements. Sustainability reporting trends for 2025 are coming at us. Looking at the year ahead, Michel Scholte recently highlighted regulatory developments in the reporting landscape. Here is what your company needs to keep an eye on in the new year: 🔸 The VSME ESRS Framework: Designed for non-listed SMEs, this framework protects against requests from larger companies required to report on their impact. 🔸The Omnibus Directive: The Omnibus Simplification Package aims to streamline regulatory requirements, combining the CSRD with the EU taxonomy and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). It is expected to be published on 26 February 2025. However, according to the advice from the recent EFRAG Conference, companies should keep focusing on implementing the CSRD. 🔸Interoperability of standards: To ensure consistency and comparability, there will be a greater focus on linking ESRS to global frameworks like ISSB. 🔸Countries must step up: Countries, including the Netherlands, must accelerate CSRD implementation as companies gear up to comply. The directive is leading the way. 🔸Political Pushback: German ministries are pushing for a significant reduction of CSRD reporting requirements and postponing the CSRD deadline by two years for companies that have to report over the 2025 financial year or later It's clear: the regulatory landscape is evolving rapidly. Preparation, alignment, and adaptability will be key. Want to learn all about CSRD and future developments? We offer a discount (code: csrd2024) for our CSRD IN ONE DAY on 22 January 2025. Claim your spot here: #CSRD #SustainabilityReporting #ESG #Regulations #EFRAG #OmnibusDirective #ESRS

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