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International Association of Prosecutors

International Association of Prosecutors


The Hague, South Holland 2.342 volgers

The worldwide network of prosecutors.

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The International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) is the only worldwide network of prosecutors, committed to setting and raising standards of professional conduct and ethics for prosecutors all over the world. Currently, the IAP has a growing network of 183 Organisational Members representing over 350.000 prosecutors from over 177 different countries, as well as 850 Individual Members. The IAP was established in June 1995 at the United Nations offices in Vienna. Ever since, the network established by the IAP allows prosecutors to cooperate internationally. Central to this function is the IAP's organisation of online forums, as well as regional and annual conferences for prosecutors. Additionally, the IAP supports prosecutors actively through webinars, training, quarterly newsletters, a granting program, and other professional initiatives and programs. The IAP's Objectives are: 1. Promoting effective, fair impartial and efficient prosecution; 2. Respect and seek to protect human rights as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; 3. Promote high standards and principles in the administration of criminal justice; 4. Promote and enhance international standards and principles necessary for proper and independent prosecution of offences; 5. Assist prosecutors internationally in the fight against crime; 6. Promote measures for the elimination of corruption in public administration; 7. Promote the professional interests of prosecutors; 8. Promote good relations between prosecutors and prosecutor's agencies; 9. Promote the examination of comparative criminal law and procedure; 10. Co-operate with international juridical organisations in the furtherance of the foregoing objects. To read more about the IAP Membership (for prosecutors, prosecution agencies and associations of prosecutors):

11 - 50 medewerkers
The Hague, South Holland


Medewerkers van International Association of Prosecutors


  • Profiel weergeven voor Janne Holst Hubner

    Executive Director at International Association of Prosecutors

    We are delighted to announce that the website and registration are now open for the 30th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP), hosted by the Attorney-General’s Chambers of Singapore.  Location: Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore Dates: 7 – 10 September 2025 Theme: The Versatile Prosecutor and the Administration of Criminal Justice This conference will bring together prosecutors from approximately 100 countries/territories in a collaborative and professional setting to explore the evolving role of prosecutors in the administration of justice. Through interactive discussions, expert panels, and shared learning experiences, participants will exchange insights, explore common challenges, and discover best practices in prosecution services worldwide. A detailed "Call for Speakers", outlining the overarching theme and sub-themes, is now available from the conference website. The conference is open to: ✔️ Members of the International Association of Prosecutors ✔️ Designated representatives of IAP Organisational Members Prosecutors who are not yet IAP members but are interested in participating and learning more about the benefits of membership—including access to professional development opportunities and international networking—are encouraged to visit the IAP website,, or contact me at 🔗 For further details and registration, please visit: []

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  • Profiel weergeven voor Janne Holst Hubner

    Executive Director at International Association of Prosecutors

    We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the 10th IAP Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Conference, hosted by the Prosecutor General’s Office of Mongolia. Location: Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Dates: 4 - 6 June 2025 Theme: "The Evolving Role of the Prosecutor: Challenges and Best Practices in Tackling Cybercrime” This conference brings together prosecutors from within the Eastern European and Central Asia region and beyond. Participants will engage in interactive discussions, expert pannels, and shared learning experiences to exchange insights, explore common challenges, and discover best practices for tackling cybercrime. A detailed "Call for Speakers", outlining the overarching theme and sub-themes, is now available from the conference website. The conference is open to:  ✔️ Members of the International Association of Prosecutors  ✔️ Designated representatives of IAP Organisational Members   Non-IAP members may be invited to attend the conference, subject to space availability and on the condition that they join the IAP upon their attendance.     The maximum number of participants for the conference is 150 and places are divided on first-come first-serve basis. Hence we strongly encourage you to register as early as possible to secure your seat at the conference and avoid disappointment. The registration deadline is: 26 May 2025 23:59 hrs CET Please visit the conference website to learn more about the content of the professional and social programme and to register online. We very much look forward to seeing you in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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  • All organisational and individual members of the IAP are invited to join us for a webinar organised by the International Association of Prosecutors in conjunction with the Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative. Webinar: Unlocking the Potential of Equivalent Value-based Measures in Asset Recovery    Date / time: 09:00 hrs EST / 15:00 hrs CET, Tuesday 22 April 2025   Speakers: Stefano Betti, StAR Consultant - Understanding Equivalent Value-Based Confiscation: Importance, Legal Framework and Key Findings Yael Bitton, Unit Chief, Department of International Affairs, Office of the State Attorney, Ministry of Justice, Israel - Implementing Equivalent Value-Based Confiscation: Recommendations, Practical Applications and Case Studies Facilitator: Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager, IAP   The Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative is a collaborative effort between the World Bank Group and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) that works with developing countries and financial centres to support international efforts to eliminate safe havens for corrupt funds and facilitate more systematic and timely return of proceeds of corruption. StAR aims to achieve this by working directly with jurisdictions, by contributing to the international debate on anticorruption and asset recover and by drafting reports and conducting research on such topics. An ongoing challenge in seizing and confiscating proceeds of crime is the requirement to establish a clear link between a specific asset and a particular crime. After years of a corrupt regime having been in power, such direct links may be hard to demonstrate. To address this issue, equivalent value-based confiscation (EVB) offers a solution by enabling the confiscation of assets equivalent in value to the benefit derived from criminal activities, regardless of their origin. StAR’s new publication delves into the utilisation of EVB measures as a tool for asset recovery in cases of corruption and financial crimes. This webinar will provide an overview of StAR’s priorities and efforts in addressing corruption and the recovery and return of stolen assets and feature StAR’s latest publication, considering the challenges and good practices in the use of equivalent value-based confiscation measures as a tool for asset recovery. The webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members. Please note that this webinar will be recorded. For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at   We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!

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  • The General Counsel had the pleasure and honour to represent the IAP at the 'International Conference on Crimes of the Digital Age: Anticipation and Response' conference hosted by the Office of the Attorney General of Nepal in Kathmandu last week. She delivered an inaugural keynote speech on "Putting Victims at the Heart of the Criminal Justice Process - Addressing Technology- Facilitated Sexual Violence and Abuse" and also participated in a panel discussion on "Cross-border Cooperation in Combatting Technology-Facilitated Crimes", during which she was able to stress the importance of informal networks as a means of effective international cooperation. The conference also discussed critical issues relating to TFSVA, cybersecurity and cyber crimes, cryptocurrency, and AI-enabled crimes, enabling delegates from 14 countries to discuss challenges and best practice in the investigation and prosecution of offences committed in the online space.

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  • All organisational and individual members of the IAP are invited to join us for a webinar organised by the International Association of Prosecutors Global Training Academy in conjunction with the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland. Webinar:           Universal Jurisdiction – An Overview   Date / time:      14:00-15:00 hrs CET, Wednesday 02 April 2025   Speaker: Andreas Mueller, Federal Prosecutor, Head International Criminal Law, Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland   Facilitator: Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager, International Association of Prosecutors The principle of universal jurisdiction provides for a state's jurisdiction over crimes against international law, even when the crimes did not occur on that state's territory and where neither the victim nor perpetrator is a national of that state. It enables states or international organisations to prosecute individuals for serious crimes, such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. This webinar will provide an overview of the principles of universal jurisdiction, and outline some of the challenges and best practice in investigating and prosecuting crimes of universal jurisdiction. It will then provide examples of a relevant legal framework and case studies, based on the Swiss experiences. This 60-minute webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members. Please note that this webinar will be recorded. For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at   We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!

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  • International Association of Prosecutors heeft dit gerepost

    All organisational and individual members of the IAP are invited to join us for a webinar organised by the International Association of Prosecutors in conjunction with Blue Shield International. Webinar: Trafficking and terrorism of antiquities    Date / time: 08:00 hrs EST / 14:00 hrs CET, Wednesday 05 March 2025 Speakers:            Patty Gerstenblith, Distinguished Research Professor and Director of the Center for Art, Museum and Cultural Heritage Law, DePaul University College of Law; President of the U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield; Chair of the Blue Shield International Working Group on Countering Trafficking in Cultural Materials - Presentation: Background of Trafficking in Antiquities   Mark Carroll O.B.E., Criminal Justice Advisor, National Security Directorate, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; Chair, Blue Shield UK Illicit Trafficking Working Group; Director, International Justice Development                              - Presentation: Prosecuting Cultural Terrorism and its Trafficking: UK and beyond   Facilitator: Shenaz Muzaffer, General Counsel, International Association of Prosecutors                               The Blue Shield is an international organisation, dedicated to protecting heritage in crisis. Its mission is the protection of the world’s cultural property, and it is concerned with the protection of cultural and natural heritage, tangible and intangible, in the event of armed conflict, natural or human-made disaster. It has a specific Working Group – the Working Group on Countering Trafficking of Cultural Materials – set up to contribute to tackling the international trade in trafficking items of cultural heritage. The illicit trafficking in antiquities is a global problem that impacts on cultural heritage, economies and communities worldwide. Items are stolen, smuggled and sold across borders and through a complex network of actors, resulting in a significant cultural loss on those communities from which they are taken. In addition, the money gained from selling looted and stolen objects may be used to buy weapons, contribute to organised crime and terrorism, and prolong conflict. This webinar will provide an overview of trafficking in antiquities, examine some of the legal structures that exist to counter the trafficking in antiquities, and also consider challenges and best practice in prosecuting cultural terrorism and its trafficking. The webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members. Please note that this webinar will be recorded. For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!

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  • All organisational and individual members of the IAP are invited to join us for a webinar organised by the International Association of Prosecutors Global Training Academy and the Global Consortium on Prosecuting Human Trafficking. Webinar:           Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Prosecutions   Date / time:      13:00-14:30 hrs CET, Wednesday 19 March 2025 Speakers: Jessica Roberts, Vice President of Partnerships, Justice & Care: Introduction to the Global Consortium on Prosecuting Human Trafficking   Marcelo Columbo, Head of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office No.8, Ministerio Público Fiscal, Argentina: Principle of non-punishment   Barbera Mae P. Flores, Deputy Regional Prosecutor and OIC-Executive Director, Department of Justice, Manila, Philippines: Building networks to facilitate the prosecution of MSHT   David Mancini, Chief Prosecutor at the Juvenile Court, L’Aquila, Italy: The link between MSHT and other forms of organised crime and money laundering   Facilitator: Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager, International Association of Prosecutors In early 2021, Justice and Care and the McCain Institute for International Leadership at the Arizona State University launched the Global Experts Consortium on Prosecuting Human Trafficking to increase human trafficking investigation and prosecution efforts around the world. The objectives of the Prosecutors Consortium are to (i) align best available evidence for prosecuting human trafficking cases with a victim-centered approach (ii) develop specific, targeted policy recommendations and (iii) build a vibrant global practitioners’ network of experienced human trafficking prosecutors. The Consortium brings together experienced prosecutors and expert advisors from over fifteen countries and 5 international organisations for discussions on best practices in prosecuting human trafficking cases.  This webinar will enable attendees to develop an understanding of the work of the Consortium and the best practice guidelines that they have developed in relation to the non-punishment principle and for law enforcement to further a victim-centered approach. The experts will also discuss the need for effective networks to tackle MSHT and will consider the links between MSHT and other forms of serious and organised criminal activity.  This 90-minute webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members. Please note that this webinar will be recorded. For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!

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  • All organisational and individual members of the IAP are invited to join us for a webinar organised by the International Association of Prosecutors in conjunction with Blue Shield International. Webinar: Trafficking and terrorism of antiquities    Date / time: 08:00 hrs EST / 14:00 hrs CET, Wednesday 05 March 2025 Speakers:            Patty Gerstenblith, Distinguished Research Professor and Director of the Center for Art, Museum and Cultural Heritage Law, DePaul University College of Law; President of the U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield; Chair of the Blue Shield International Working Group on Countering Trafficking in Cultural Materials - Presentation: Background of Trafficking in Antiquities   Mark Carroll O.B.E., Criminal Justice Advisor, National Security Directorate, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; Chair, Blue Shield UK Illicit Trafficking Working Group; Director, International Justice Development                              - Presentation: Prosecuting Cultural Terrorism and its Trafficking: UK and beyond   Facilitator: Shenaz Muzaffer, General Counsel, International Association of Prosecutors                               The Blue Shield is an international organisation, dedicated to protecting heritage in crisis. Its mission is the protection of the world’s cultural property, and it is concerned with the protection of cultural and natural heritage, tangible and intangible, in the event of armed conflict, natural or human-made disaster. It has a specific Working Group – the Working Group on Countering Trafficking of Cultural Materials – set up to contribute to tackling the international trade in trafficking items of cultural heritage. The illicit trafficking in antiquities is a global problem that impacts on cultural heritage, economies and communities worldwide. Items are stolen, smuggled and sold across borders and through a complex network of actors, resulting in a significant cultural loss on those communities from which they are taken. In addition, the money gained from selling looted and stolen objects may be used to buy weapons, contribute to organised crime and terrorism, and prolong conflict. This webinar will provide an overview of trafficking in antiquities, examine some of the legal structures that exist to counter the trafficking in antiquities, and also consider challenges and best practice in prosecuting cultural terrorism and its trafficking. The webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members. Please note that this webinar will be recorded. For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!

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  • All organisational and individual members of the IAP are invited to join us for a webinar organised by the International Association of Prosecutors Global Training Academy. Webinar:           Prosecuting cases of police corruption     Date / time:      09:00 EST / 15:00 CET, Tuesday 11 February 2025 Speakers:           Jeffrey Blumberg, Former Federal Prosecutor, US Department of Justice                             Police corruption cases involving illegal drugs                               Paul Louw, Head Security Focus Area, Senior Deputy Director, Investigating Directorate, National Prosecuting Authority, South Africa     Facilitator:         Shenaz Muzaffer, General Counsel, International Association of Prosecutors                               An effective justice system requires the public to trust that law enforcement officers will uphold the law fairly, without bias, and without corruption. When those individuals who are entrusted with enforcing the law instead become the perpetrators of criminal activity, it significantly erodes public confidence in the police and in the integrity of the criminal justice system, and can lead to grave human rights violations and consequences. However, prosecuting police corruption – which can include bribery, abuse of power and cover-ups – is an inherently difficult task, which can involve complex legal, institutional and political challenges. Ensuring accountability and transparency in relation to the actions of law enforcement is essential, and prosecutors must be conscious of some of the particular difficulties that may be encountered in ensuring that law enforcement officers who commit criminal activity are bought to justice. This webinar will improve knowledge of prosecuting police corruption cases, providing practical case examples and discussing lessons learned from dealing with these complex but vitally important prosecutions. This one-hour webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members. Please note that this webinar will be recorded. For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!

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  • All organisational and individual members of the IAP are invited to join us for a webinar organised by the International Association of Prosecutors Global Training Academy and the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre (IACCC). Webinar:           Supporting the global fight against grand corruption: An introduction to the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre   Date / time:      14:30-15:45 CET, Tuesday 28 January 2025 Speakers:           Michael Petkov                             Deputy Head, IACCC, National Crime Agency   Grace Wood Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), RCMP Embed at the IACCC   Facilitator:         Shenaz Muzaffer                             General Counsel, International Association of Prosecutors The IACCC brings together specialist law enforcement officers from multiple agencies around the world to tackle allegations of grand corruption, including the bribery of public officials, embezzlement, abuse of function, and the laundering of the proceeds of crime. The IACCC aims to provide coordinated support for law enforcement agencies by collating and disseminating real time intelligence, with a focus on the identification of assets, accounts and money flows suspected to be connected to allegations of grand corruption. The IACCC is hosted by the UK’s National Crime Agency and became operational in July 2017. This webinar will enable attendees to better understand the work of the IACCC in the fight against corruption and bribery, and the ways in which prosecutors may be able to utilise the IACCC to support investigations and prosecutions into such cases. It will underpin the importance to prosecutors of early and constructive engagement and liaison with law enforcement agencies and centres and provide real-life case examples to demonstrate the operational impact of the work of the IACCC. This 75-minute webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members. Please note that this webinar will be recorded. For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!

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