South Africa is one of the 17 megadiverse countries which make up more than two thirds of the world’s biodiversity. Tourists flock to witness the natural beauty of this land. However, challenges such as water management and invasive species threaten animal and plant life, as well as agricultural production. The Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) team at the Dutch Embassy in Pretoria is connecting local partners and identifying opportunities for Dutch knowledge and innovation to support efforts to protect the ecosystems of South Africa. Read the complete article in the link below. This article is part of the 13th edition of the e-magazine Agrospecial, titled "Peace with Nature: Global Biodiversity Commitment" (originally published on October 9, 2024). In this edition, the Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) explores the crucial role of biodiversity in agriculture and nature in the context of the COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Colombia. Agricultural Counselors from over 18 countries share their involvement in initiatives that foster the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, highlighting the complex interdependence between biodiversity, water and soil management. In these efforts, cooperation, innovation and knowledge exchange are key, and LAN plays a crucial role in mainstreaming this global commitment. #SouthAfrica | #biodiversity | #agrospecial | #COP16 | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur | Niek Bosmans | Timo Cober | Bernard Likalimba | William Bowden
LVVN Attaché Netwerk
Internationale zaken
Wereldwijde ondersteuning in het internationale domein van landbouw, visserij, voedsel en natuur
Over ons
Het LVVN Attaché Netwerk (LAN) verbindt Nederlandse producten, kennis en innovaties aan internationale uitdagingen en kansen in het domein van landbouw, visserij, voedselzekerheid en natuur. Zo positioneert LAN zich als dé samenwerkingspartner ter versterking van het verdienvermogen van Nederland en ten dienste van de realisatie van de Sustainable Development Goals. LAN ondersteunt Nederlandse bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en non profit organisaties in het internationale domein van landbouw, natuur en voedsel. De LVVN-raden en LVVN-attachés en hun teams werken op 62 Nederlandse ambassades en/of consulaten en bedienen van daaruit 77 landen. Ook zijn ze vertegenwoordigers voor Nederland bij internationale organisaties zoals FAO/WFP/IFAD in Rome, EU in Brussel en OESO in Parijs.
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Prinses Beatrixlaan 2
Den Haag, 2595 AL, NL
Medewerkers van LVVN Attaché Netwerk
Pascalle De Ruyter
Team coördinator voedselveiligheid bij Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur
Suzanne Wolters
Senior advisor Netherlands Agricultural Network
Morris de Moor
Merle Eerhard
Agricultural policy officer LAN-Paris & PR OECD 🇫🇷🇳🇱| MSc. Animal Scientist
Meet our agricultural advisor in #Jakarta, Nofalia Nurfitriani 🇮🇩 Nofalia’s work spans policy, business, research, and project implementation, making her role a cornerstone in fostering collaboration between the Netherlands and Indonesia. This collaboration focuses on multiple sectors, from #sustainable #horticulture and #agroforestry to #digital #transformation. ‘Working for the embassy has allowed me to operate on a global platform and contribute to bridging Indonesia’s needs with Dutch expertise,’ Nofalia says. To read more about Nofalia’s work in Indonesia, read her interview below: 🔗 #agriculture #foodsecurity #sustainability #climatechange Joost Van Uum | Vani Liesyoani | Li Huan Hoh | Lucas Jiang | Gabrielle Nuijtens-Vaarkamp | Ralf Van De Beek | Martijn Homan | Mark Zonnenberg | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur
Bridging knowledge and technology: Indonesia’s path to sustainable agriculture
The #horticultural sector in #Chile and #Peru has been showing impressive #growth for many years. Both countries have high ambitions in developing the production of fruits and vegetables we all enjoy consuming so much, such as avocados, blueberries, table grapes, citrus, cherries, walnuts and apples. However, these Latin American countries also face similar challenges regarding the increasing pressure of climate change, biodiversity loss, soil degradation and water shortage. How can we decrease the pressure of production of goods that the Netherlands imports and what are the joint ambitions? In October 2024, a Dutch trade delegation, accompanied by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security & Nature (LVVN), traveled to Chile and Peru with 12 companies for which these markets were new, but very promising due to their growing capacity and ambition to work together internationally. #climatechange | #biodiversityloss | #soildegradation | #watershortage | Netherlands | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur | Léontine Crisson MA | Salvador Orrego | Inge Horstmeier | Eleonora Pizarro
Moving towards a future-proof horticultural sector in Chile & Peru
In the modern global economy, more than 50% of economic activities rely on the ecosystem services that nature provides us. Yet, despite this dependency, we continue to degrade natural ecosystems at an alarming rate. Roel Nozeman, Head of Biodiversity at ASN Bank, argues that the ecosystem services provided by nature currently have no value in our economic system. We treat these vital services as infinite and free, extracting from nature without recognizing their value. To reverse this trend, it’s time to consider attaching a price tag to nature’s contributions. Nature's restorers need to be incentivized and polluters should start paying for the damage done. Read the complete article in the link below. This article is part of the 13th edition of the e-magazine Agrospecial, titled "Peace with Nature: Global Biodiversity Commitment" (originally published on October 9, 2024). In this edition, the Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) explores the crucial role of biodiversity in agriculture and nature in the context of the COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Colombia. Agricultural Counselors from over 18 countries share their involvement in initiatives that foster the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, highlighting the complex interdependence between biodiversity, water and soil management. In these efforts, cooperation, innovation and knowledge exchange are key, and LAN plays a crucial role in mainstreaming this global commitment. #biodiversity | #agrospecial | #COP16 | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur |
The hidden value of nature: how ASN Bank precedes in pricing ecosystem services
On Tuesday, news outlets in #Hungary reported that the dangerous #livestock plague #PPR or peste des petits ruminants (plague of small ruminants) entered Hungary, and was identified at an animal farm in Szentgyörgyvölgy, Western Hungary. The infected animals arrived from Romania on January 15. Koen van Ginneken | Harangozó Tamás | Zoltán Szászi | #LivestockPlague | #AnimalHealth
Dangerous livestock plague enters Hungary
#Argentina's economy is closely tied to biodiversity. But it also needs to protect its #ecosystems. The Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) team Cono Sur at the Dutch Embassy in Buenos Aires is involved in several ongoing projects aimed at connecting agricultural productivity with environmental conservation. Such as #INBIOAGRO which creates field management strategies and solid indicators to assess the state of biodiversity in farming and livestock systems. And a forestation project with Solidaridad Network and the Tropical Forest Alliance restoring 120,000 hectares of native forests in the Gran Chaco. Read the complete article in the link below. This article is part of the 13th edition of the e-magazine Agrospecial, titled "Peace with Nature: Global Biodiversity Commitment" (originally published on October 9, 2024). In this edition, the Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) explores the crucial role of biodiversity in agriculture and nature in the context of the COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Colombia. Agricultural Counselors from over 18 countries share their involvement in initiatives that foster the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, highlighting the complex interdependence between biodiversity, water and soil management. In these efforts, cooperation, innovation and knowledge exchange are key, and LAN plays a crucial role in mainstreaming this global commitment. #biodiversity | #agrospecial | #COP16 | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur | Inge Horstmeier | Ignacio Elena
Connecting agriculture and conservation: Argentina’s vision of preserving and using biodiversity
Meet our agricultural advisor in Algeria, Hakim B. 🇩🇿 Being the only member of the LAN team in Algiers, Hakim’s role is multi-faceted. ‘Every day brings new challenges, but also opportunities to foster change’. As the agricultural landscape in Algeria changes, the Netherlands plays a crucial role as a major supplier of agricultural technology and expertise. Furthermore, sustainability plays a central theme in Hakim's work. For example, he works with Algerian stakeholders to modernize dairy and poultry production systems by introducing energy-efficient technologies and better waste management practices. Hakim is optimistic about Algeria's agricultural future. ‘The country is at an inflection point. With the right investments and partnerships, Algeria can become a leader in sustainable agriculture. And I am proud to be part of this journey.’ Interested in reading the full interview? Check out the article below: 🔗 Gabrielle Nuijtens-Vaarkamp | Ralf Van De Beek | Martijn Homan | Maaike Fischer | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur
What Algeria can teach us about agricultural innovation and sustainability
Op 23 januari was er een seminar over #biologische #kansen voor Nederlandse producenten in #Frankrijk, #Duitsland, het #Verenigd #Koninkrijk en #Zweden. Het LVVN Attaché Netwerk (LAN) teams in deze landen hebben presentaties gegeven over de markt in hun landen en vragen beantwoord uit het publiek: Annelies DIJKEMA, landbouwadviseur in Parijs, Jack Vera, LVVN-raad in Berlijn, Jojanne van Andel, LVVN-attaché in Londen, en Renske Nijland, landbouwadviseur in Kopenhagen. Bent u geïnteresseerd in hoe deze markten eruitzien en wilt u graag meer informatie lezen over welke producten kansrijk zijn én wat wel en niet kan in deze landen? Vraag de marktstudies op bij de LAN-teams. U vindt meer informatie via de link hieronder ⬇️ 🔗 #biologischeproducten | #bioconsumptie | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur | Daphne ter Braak | Philip de Jong | Kirsten Peeters | Martijn Weijtens
Drukbezocht kansenseminar toont interesse bio-ondernemers in nabije markten
Het was een mooie online nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst met SG Jan-Kees Goet en DG Marten Van den Berg samen met al onze collega’s die wereldwijd op Nederlandse ambassades en consulaten werken voor het LVVN Attaché Netwerk. We kijken uit naar een nieuw jaar waarin we ons gezamenlijk blijven inzetten op de internationale thema’s van landbouw en natuur. 🌎
Vorige week was ik samen met DG Marten Van den Berg online aanwezig bij het nieuwjaarsevent met onze collega’s van het LVVN Attaché Netwerk wereldwijd. Een belangrijk moment om stil te staan bij het belang en de kracht van internationale samenwerking voor Nederland, in het bijzonder op het gebied van landbouw en natuur. Mijn waardering gaat uit naar alle collega’s van ons attachénetwerk die zich inzetten voor politiek, beleid, kennisinstellingen en bedrijven. Dit werk is van onschatbare waarde. Tijdens het event hebben we ook kort stilgestaan bij allerlei zaken rond de organisatie. Wat deze bijeenkomst vooral bijzonder maakte, was het informele en persoonlijke karakter – het voelde als een familie. Met verdriet hebben we het recente verlies herdacht van een oud-collega, en benadrukt hoe belangrijk het is om over mentale gezondheid te blijven praten en elkaar te steunen. Laten we samen blijven werken aan een sterke internationale positie van Nederland en oog houden voor elkaar. 🌍💚
Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het LVVN Attaché Netwerk (LAN). U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie op het internationale domein van landbouw, visserij, voedsel en natuur van 62 LAN teams die werkzaam op Nederlandse ambassades en consulaten-generaal en actief zijn in 77 landen. Abonneer via onderstaande link en blijf automatisch op de hoogte van de voornaamste publicaties op deze website.