As part of the pre-biennial research, Manifesta 16 Ruhr organised the workshop “This is not a church” in collaboration with Technische Universität Dortmund, exploring the future of religious spaces in the Ruhr Area. With many churches closed, dismantled or transformed, can these places of worship sustainably develop neighbourhoods and connect communities in the Ruhr Area? Facilitated by the Manifesta 16 team, Manifesta 16’s First Creative Mediator Josep Bohigas, TU Dortmund Prof. Renée Tribble, Lisa Marie-Zander (Projektbüro Hamburg), and Sebastian Schlecht (, the workshop saw students from the region identifying local needs within the neighbourhoods and developing conceptual ideas and proposals for these places of worship in connection with their surroundings. Photos by Charlotte Ernst
Manifesta Biennial
Kunstenaars en schrijvers
Amsterdam, North Holland 6.189 volgers
European Nomadic Biennial. Next edition: Ruhr Area, Germany, 2026
Over ons
Manifesta is the European Nomadic Biennial, which originated in the early 1990s in response to the political, economic, and social change following the end of the Cold War and the subsequent steps towards European integration. Manifesta has developed into a platform for dialogue between art and society by inviting the cultural and artistic community to produce new creative experiences with, and for, the context in which it takes place. Manifesta rethinks the relations between culture and society investigating and catalysing positive social change in Europe through contemporary culture in a continuous dialogue with the social sphere of a specific place. Manifesta was founded by Dutch art historian, Hedwig Fijen. Each new edition is fundraised individually and managed by a permanent team of international specialists. Manifesta 15 is set to take place in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain in 2024.
- Website
Externe link voor Manifesta Biennial
- Branche
- Kunstenaars en schrijvers
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 11 - 50 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Amsterdam, North Holland
- Type
- Non-profit
- Opgericht
- 1993
- Specialismen
- Contemporary Art, Art Education, Art Mediation, Curating, Art Exhibitions, Art Management, Art Biennial, Art Publishing, urbanism en architecture
Sarphatistraat 470
Amsterdam, North Holland 1018 GW, NL
Medewerkers van Manifesta Biennial
As Manifesta researches candidate Host Cities for 2028, 2030, and 2032, we are currently exploring the vibrant city of Łódź, Poland. During this Reconnaissance Visit, we learned more about Łódź’s rich history as a textile hub, avant-garde heritage, and connections with local cultural institutions and stakeholders shaping the city’s future. Photo 1 -2: A guided tour by the management and curatorial team of the Textile Museum of Łódź, featuring the Arkaduis exhibition Photo 4 - 5: A visit to the world’s oldest public modern art museum, Museum Sztuki (MS1) Photo 6: Meeting the team of InŁódź 21 at the renovated Kamienica Hilarego Majewskiego house Photo 7: Meeting with the Vice-Mayor, Adam Pustelnik and the Councillor of Culture for the city of Łódź , Michal Biezynski Photo 8 - 9: A glimpse of the newly opened Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Which impulses can Manifesta bring to the Ruhr Area? At our inaugural Urban Vision Workshop, First Creative Mediator Josep Bohigas and Manifesta Director Hedwig Fijen provided insights into the urban research process on the way to Manifesta 16 Ruhr. We were joined by professionals from cultural institutions, social and urban initiatives, religious communities, and beyond to discuss how Manifesta 16 Ruhr can contribute to the social, cultural, and urban fabric of the Ruhr Area. A big thank you to everyone who shared their experiences and insights with us! We look forward to continuing the dialogue together. – Welche Impulse kann die Manifesta in das Ruhrgebiet bringen? Bei unserem ersten Workshop zur Urbanen Vision gaben Creative Mediator Josep Bohigas und Manifesta-Direktorin Hedwig Fijen erste Einblicke in den vorbiennalen Forschungsprozess auf dem Weg zur Manifesta 16 Ruhr. Gemeinsam mit Teilnehmer*innen aus Kultureinrichtungen, urbanen und sozialen Initiativen sowie Religionsgemeinschaften wurde diskutiert, welchen Beitrag die Manifesta 16 Ruhr zum sozialen, kulturellen und städtischen Gefüge des Ruhrgebiets leisten kann. Ein großes Dankeschön an alle, die ihre Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse mit uns geteilt haben! Wir freuen uns darauf, das Gespräch gemeinsam fortzusetzen. Photos: Charlotte Ernst
Manifesta is investigating candidate Host Cities for 2028, 2030 and 2032. Last week we were invited by the City of Coimbra and the directors of Anozero biennial (Anozero - Bienal de Coimbra) to research the cultural and historical infrastructure of Portugal’s oldest university city and UNESCO World Heritage site. The decision for the upcoming editions will be taken by the Supervisory Board of the International Foundation Manifesta in the spring of this year. Stay updated on future Manifesta editions by subscribing to our newsletter:
On the 23rd of November 2024, a closing debate titled "Imagining Futures: What's next?" took place in the framework of Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana and its legacy, at the historic Gustavo Gili building in Eixample. Culture experts, political stakeholders, opinion makers and architects gathered to discuss the future of three key venues: The Three Chimneys, Casa Gomis and the former Gustavo Gili headquarters. These spaces, rich in history and cultural significance, sparked a conversation about preservation, participation and eco-social transition. Since the debate, Casa Gomis has been acquired by the Spanish Ministry of Culture—a step towards securing its future as a cultural centre and highlighting the transformative legacy of Manifesta. A big thank you to the following participants and everyone involved! Daniel Granados Miquel Molina Angela Molina Hedwig Fijen Tatiana Tarrago Gemma Segarra Fernando Paniagua de Paz Elvira Dyangani Ose Carme Ribas Eva Sòria Puig Jose Luis de Vicente Eva Franch i Gilabert Pau Gonzàlez Val Alba Bou Anna Maria Guasch justo barranco martín Oscar Abril Ascaso Alfredo Sarrias de Ros Maria Lladó Beartriz and Elena Gomis Oriol Fontdevila Tania Adam Mònica Mateos Guerrero Andres Antevi Roger Hoyos Laila Beltran Pilar Conesa Albert Ribas Jose A. Gras Patricia Sorroche Montserrat Moliner Gemma Ferré Ramón Faura and the Manifesta 15 Team
Exciting news to kick off the new year: Casa Gomis, one of Manifesta 15’s leading venues, has been acquired by the Spanish Ministry of Culture. (Ministerio de Cultura) This acquisition secures the preservation and maintenance of the historic house, which was once a meeting point for the cultural avant-garde and was the key venue of the cluster Balancing Conficts during Manifesta 15. Building on Manifesta’s legacy of transforming spaces through artistic engagement, Casa Gomis will now become a dynamic cultural centre. It will continue its rich tradition of creativity and exchange while exploring the relationship between art and the environment.
Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana is mentioned in the Dutch newspaper NRC as one of the top 20 best exhibitions of 2024! We want to thank everyone who participated in Manifesta 15, making this remarkable edition of the European Nomadic Biennial come to life. Read the full article (in Dutch) here: Meanwhile, stay updated on the next edition of Manifesta 16 in 2026 in the Ruhr Area, Germany, by signing up for our newsletter here: Speak to the earth and it will tell you, 2024 © Jeremy Deller. Photo © Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana / Lluis Tudela
On Saturday, 24th of November, the official handover from Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana to Manifesta 16 Ruhrgebiet 2026 took place. Pau González from La Diputació, along with Eva Sòria and Maria Elena Amat from the Ajuntament de Barcelona, formally presented the key to Dr. Frank Dudda, President of the Supervisory Board of Manifesta 16, in the presence of the Director of Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana, Hedwig Fijen. This symbolic moment marks the continuation of Manifesta’s work across Europe and the networks that Manifesta builds and fosters across our continent. - Photo: Helena Roig
Don’t miss the opportunity to cycle from river to river this Saturday the 9th of November! Starting at 10.30 at ZAL Riu Vell, there are 4 additional possible points of incorporation: Zona Franca, Drassanes, Nova Icària and Mar Bella. The route ends at the Three Chimneys at 12.30. Upon arrival, you will enjoy a drink and a DJ set by DJ Que Baila until 16.00. Supported by Biciclot and the Bicicleta Club de Catalunya (BACC). Please register by the 8th of November on via our website!
Volem donar les gràcies a tots els nostres partners de mobilitat Renfe, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), TRAM Barcelona, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Moventis A-Bike, Cooltra i SMOU per haver fet la mobilitat a Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana, amb 15 seus situades a 12 ciutats, possible. Un dels reptes principals que aquesta edició ha volgut abordar ha estat el futur del transport dins la regió metropolitana de Barcelona. Gràcies a l’experiència i dedicació dels nostres partners de mobilitat local, amb un coneixement inigualable del territori, els nostres visitants han pogut explorar i gaudir de Manifesta 15 plenament, desplaçant-se per les seves diverses seus i espais. El vostre compromís amb un servei eficient i accessible ha estat essencial per fer realitat la nostra visió. Gràcies! - We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our mobility partners – Renfe, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), TRAM Barcelona, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), Moventis A-Bike, Cooltra and SMOU – for making mobility across Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana, spread over 12 cities and 15 venues, a reality. One of the key challenges this edition aimed to address was the future of transport in the metropolitan region of Barcelona. Thanks to the expertise and dedication of our local mobility partners, with an unmatched knowledge of the territory, our visitors have been able to fully explore and experience Manifesta 15, moving through its diverse sites and spaces. Your commitment to efficient and accessible service has been invaluable in bringing our vision to life. Thank you!