Master of Sales

Master of Sales

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services

Our passion is to support organizations to improve their strategy, sales and negotiation results

Over ons

We help people and organizations to achieve commercial goals and strive to exceed them. We do this through the development of sales and negotiation skills based on the world's most effective methods, management coaching, Go-to-Market strategy development, commercial tool box development and specific workshop. The foundation is understanding the business (company and industry) and the obstacles that hinder the route to success. Realizing measurable growth and strong results improvement for our partners are central to everything we do in order to get the most out of their commercial organizations. The sky's the limit! Our approach: Diagnose: First of all, a diagnosis process takes place to gain insight into which obstacles stand in the way of achieving the organization and personal goals. What is the obstacle behind the obstacle? This mainly concerns commercial sales and negotiation skills, coaching skills, commercial processes and/or tools. Develop: Together we develop the program that develops skills and removes obstacles on the road to commercial success. It's crucial that company language, specific examples and chosen method are in line with the desired development, but also with the organization and industry so that quick acceptance and understanding is guaranteed. Learn: Get started using the world's most effective methods, practical models and commercial experience with an understanding of industry, organization and culture. We provide training and coaching based on Kolb's four learning styles: Doing (Active learning), Feeling (Concrete learning), Watching (Reflective learning), Thinking (Abstract learning). An environment where mistakes are allowed and in which people are comfortable being vulnerable is essential for the learning process. Secure Planning sufficient time between modules to put learnings into practice. Even after completion of the training program, the consultant remains closely involved.

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services
2-10 medewerkers
Sales Consultancy, New Business Sales, Account Management - 100% retention, Go-to-Market Sales strategy, Management Coaching, Virtual Selling, Sales Tool Box, Account Planning, Change Management en Negotiation


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    58 volgers

    By finding the real cause of the problem you can provide lasting, valuable solutions that not only relieve pain, but truly solve problems!

    Profiel weergeven voor Jordi van Berkum, afbeelding

    Owner @ Master of Sales and Partner @ Hovingh & Partners - Sales Consultancy | Sales Training | Negotiation Training | Influencing Training | Management Coaching | Change Management | Go-to-Market Strategies

    SOLVING SYMPTOMS VS. CORE PROBLEMS   In the sales world, you often encounter customers who feel the pain of a problem, but don't always understand its true cause. A good example of this is the current discussion surrounding Fatbikes. Instead of addressing the root cause of the problem, such as infrastructure, safety of the bike, experience of the driver and riding behavior, the focus is on mandating helmets - a measure that mitigates the consequence of accidents but does not solve the root cause.   We often see this principle reflected in sales. Too often, companies offer solutions to symptoms without examining the root of the problem. Our job as salespeople is to dig deeper and find out what the real cause is. Only by doing this do we provide lasting, valuable solutions that not only relieve pain, but truly solve problems.   When we take responsibility for finding the problem behind the problem, we create added value for the customer. Not only are we seen as experts, but we eliminate pricing pressures and build long-term relationships. Ultimately, that's how we really make an impact and add value.   Here are 2 essential tips for salespeople to find the problem behind the problem with customers to provide the right solution:   1. Use the “What is hindering you or what is going to hinder you?”-technique. This technique helps you to get to the root of the problem. 👉 First ask "If there are a few things you really would like to achieve: what are they?" 👉 After you know what they want to achieve ask “what is hindering you or what is going to hinder you from achieving these goals?”. 👉 After the client has given an obstacle, you ask again “what is hindering you or what will hinder you from removing this obstacle” You do this until you have discovered the root cause. This can help you see beyond the first layer of the problem.   2. Work on solutions together Instead of immediately selling a solution, invite the customer to brainstorm options together. This not only creates trust, but also helps to uncover deeper problems together. For example, ask: 👉 “What do you think would be the ideal solution?” 👉 "Can you think of a way to further improve this solution?" 👉 "On a scale from 1 to 10, how do you feel about this solution?". If the rating is below 9 you ask, "What can we do to improve this to at least a 9 or even a 10?"   By applying these techniques, you not only build better relationships with your clients, but you also ensure that the solutions you offer truly contribute to their success and not just fix superficial problems. #Salestraining #Salesconsultancy, #Negotiation #Influencing #Managementcoaching #Changemanagement

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    Profiel weergeven voor Jordi van Berkum, afbeelding

    Owner @ Master of Sales and Partner @ Hovingh & Partners - Sales Consultancy | Sales Training | Negotiation Training | Influencing Training | Management Coaching | Change Management | Go-to-Market Strategies

    HOW PROUD CAN YOU BE AS A FATHER?   For a soccer player, it is a dream to once be able to play in the same team with their son. Romário de Souza Faria, to the surprise of everyone, announced his comeback at the age of 58 so that he could have the opportunity to play in the same team as his 30-year-old son. This makes it easy considering the team his son plays for is in the club Romario owns.   My son is in international school in Amsterdam and is taking his exams this year to study International Business in Utrecht next year. He had to do an internship at a company for a week for his exam. How cool is it that he wanted to do that with his father. A dream come true for me as a father. Last week was the start and he got to go along to facilitate a training for a great large Dutch company. It was super cool to have done this with my son and to be able to hang out with him the whole week. I hope it has inspired him to make even better choices now for his career so that he will really do something that suits him and especially what he likes. Enjoying what you do and having/developing a passion for it is, I think, the basis of any success, both private and business. If you like what you do, then you also learn and develop yourself much easier. And you are willing to go that extra mile to be successful. By the way, the definition of success is different from person to person!   So, a great internship period will be concluded on Friday with a graduation ceremony at a beautiful location in Amsterdam.   I HOPE YOU CAN BE PROUD OF YOURSELF IN WHAT YOU HAVE DONE AND/OR WILL ACHIEVE.   I am already proud of my son on the person he has become and to see his attitude, eagerness to learn, commitment, thoughtfulness and personal ambition. I wish everybody a successful career within your personal definition of succes and that you can be proud of your personal achievements in your business and especially private life. #personaldevelopment #coaching

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    58 volgers

    Profiel weergeven voor Jordi van Berkum, afbeelding

    Owner @ Master of Sales and Partner @ Hovingh & Partners - Sales Consultancy | Sales Training | Negotiation Training | Influencing Training | Management Coaching | Change Management | Go-to-Market Strategies

    LOOKING THROUGH YOUR CLIENT'S EYES AT THE THINGS YOU DO   In training sessions, I often hear the comment, “If I do that, the other person will think it's weird.” Learning new things often feels uncomfortable, but that doesn't automatically mean that others experience it that way. What you think others think of you is often not the reality. It is often what you think yourself.   I recently trained an organization on presenting solutions to their customers. They usually present 60 PowerPoint slides with a lot of content. I emphasized that the purpose of a presentation is not to show slides, but rather the slides are supportive of your story to clarify, explain or emphasize things. Too much information in slides distracts from creating personal contact, impact on the value of your solution.   Some said, “A presentation with only a few slides does not come across as professional. Clients expect a lot of slides and information since we've always done it that way.”   In our training we practice a lot applying new techniques and let participants experience the customer role so they can experience and therefore understand the impact of these new techniques. This time was no exception.   Conclusion: fewer slides increase the impact of the presentation, and the message came across more clear and much stronger.   Try to put yourself in the customer's shoes and see the situation through their eyes. Practicing conversations with colleagues who play the customer is very effective. Have them tell you what impact your techniques and tactics had on them as a customer. Adjust the content of your presentation and the way you give it to the feedback you receive. You'll be surprised how things that are perceived by yourself as odd are the very things that make the most impact.   “INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECT A DIFFERENT RESULTS.” ( EINSTEIN)   If you want to improve your results, dare to experiment and set yourself apart, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. What you think others think doesn't have to be reality.   Nice additional fact: Doing something new keeps your brain active. It requires mental effort, making new connections and making your brain produce dopamine. As a result, you feel happier and more energetic. In addition, new experiences contribute to your self-confidence. #salestraining #negotiationtraining #changemanagement #managementcoaching #salesconsultancy

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    HOW TO CREATE AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS AND DRIVE SALES: THE POWER OF PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS We are more likely to like others who are like us! In a world where everything seems digital and remote, one truth remains unshakable: people buy from people they like. Did you know that we subconsciously choose people who reflect something of ourselves? But why is that so? The answer lies in how our brain works. We tend to like people who are similar to us, with our emotional brain acting as a filter looking for affirmation in those, we find likable. It looks for signals of equality and trust in people we like, and it is surprisingly demanding when it comes to people, we don't particularly like. Intriguingly, research by KPMG reveals that with a strong personal connection, the probability of a successful sale is as high as 70%, while with a weak connection it drops to 30%. The secret? Our emotional brain, which works five times faster than our rational brain, plays a crucial role in this by allowing our emotions to seep into our rational thinking - often without us being aware of it. So, how do you shape strong personal connections early in your sales process? It's all about authenticity and connection. Here are some tried-and-true strategies: 1. Look for SIMILARITIES. People are naturally attracted to others with whom they share similarities, no matter how small or insignificant. This can range from small things like a common name or hobby to larger things like similar life and work experiences or perspective on life. Are you aware of the common ground you share with your clients before you enter a meeting? 2. Give Sincere COMPLIMENTS A heartfelt compliment can work wonders. Focus on acknowledging desired behavior or accomplishments; this creates a positive atmosphere and strengthens the bond. 3. Show GENUINE INTEREST Ask questions that demonstrate a deep interest in the other person. By tailoring your questions to the other person's personality and interests, you show that you are genuinely interested. This genuine curiosity is crucial to building a strong, personal connection. Authenticity, similarity, and genuine interest are key to building valuable relationships - not just in sales, but in all aspects of life. Add mutual understanding and respect, and you have a powerful formula for successful connections. Ask questions more often, really listen and learn to understand the motivations of others, even if you don't always agree. Our diverse backgrounds and experiences form the basis of who we are and deserve respect. We don’t have to agree, but at least respect that we are different, and we think different. Besides, people who WHO SMILE ARE MORE LIKABLE. I hope it works 😉 Please share a smile, a similarity or a sincere compliment with me. I'll do the same to you. Worse thing that can happen is that we develop a personal connection. 😀

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Master of Sales, afbeelding

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    PEOPLE WILL DO THINGS FOR THEIR REASONS, NOT YOURS! I came across this video which gives us in an entertaining way one of the main essence of sales and negotiation. People will do things for their reasons, not yours. This is one of the main essences of sales and negotiation. Presenting your solution based on its value for the company is not enough. Uncovering the personal and emotional motivation of decision influencers during the sales process is crucial. What is your sales team doing to uncover and understand the personal emotional reasons to buy of each decision influencer before presenting the solution? Are you still selling or are you helping each decision influencer at your customer to buy your solution based on what your solution could mean to them personally? Here are some strategies that successful sales teams often employ during the sales and negotiation process to uncover the emotional and personal reasons to buy: 1. Individual Research Phase conversations with main stakeholders Conduct interviews or surveys with key decision influencers to directly gather insights into their personal motivations, challenges, and preferences. 2. Social Media and Online Presence Examining the social media profiles and online activities of decision influencers can offer glimpses into their personal interests, values, and priorities. 3. Building Relationships Establishing strong relationships with decision influencers allows sales professionals to gain a deeper understanding of their personal motivations over time. 4. Analyzing Past Interactions Reviewing past interactions and transactions with the customer can provide insights into the factors that have influenced their decisions. 5. Collaborating with Stakeholders Engaging in open communication with various stakeholders within the customer's organization can provide diverse perspectives. 6. Training and Skill Development Providing training to sales teams on emotional intelligence, effective communication, and relationship-building skills enhances their ability to uncover and address the personal emotional reasons behind a purchasing decision. Ultimately, the goal is to transition from traditional selling to a consultative approach that focuses on helping decision influencers meet their personal and emotional needs through the proposed solution. By presenting your solution based on the personal and emotional motivation of each decision influencer, your sales and negotiation success will increase considerably.

    Profiel weergeven voor Jordi van Berkum, afbeelding

    Owner @ Master of Sales and Partner @ Hovingh & Partners - Sales Consultancy | Sales Training | Negotiation Training | Influencing Training | Management Coaching | Change Management | Go-to-Market Strategies

    PEOPLE WILL DO THINGS FOR THEIR REASONS, NOT YOURS! I came across this video which gives us in an entertaining way one of the main essence of sales and negotiation. People will do things for their reasons, not yours. Presenting your solution based on its value for the company (ROI)is not enough. Uncovering the personal and emotional motivation of decision influencers during the sales process is crucial. What is your sales team doing to uncover and understand the personal emotional reasons to buy of each decision influencer before presenting the solution? Are you still selling or are you helping each decision influencer at your customer to buy your solution based on what your solution could mean to them personally? Here are some strategies that successful sales teams often employ during the sales and negotiation process to uncover the emotional and personal reasons to buy: 1. Individual Research Phase conversations with main stakeholders Conduct interviews or surveys with key decision influencers to directly gather insights into their personal motivations, challenges, and preferences. 2. Social Media and Online Presence Examining the social media profiles and online activities of decision influencers can offer glimpses into their personal interests, values, and priorities. 3. Building Relationships Establishing strong relationships with decision influencers allows sales professionals to gain a deeper understanding of their personal motivations over time. 4. Analyzing Past Interactions Reviewing past interactions and transactions with the customer can provide insights into the factors that have influenced their decisions. 5. Collaborating with Stakeholders Engaging in open communication with various stakeholders within the customer's organization can provide diverse perspectives. 6. Training and Skill Development Providing training to sales teams on emotional intelligence, effective communication, and relationship-building skills enhances their ability to uncover and address the personal emotional reasons behind a purchasing decision. Ultimately, the goal is to transition from traditional selling to a consultative approach that focuses on helping decision influencers meet their personal and emotional needs through the proposed solution. By presenting your solution based on the personal and emotional motivation of each decision influencer, your sales and negotiation success will increase considerably.

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    Profiel weergeven voor Jordi van Berkum, afbeelding

    Owner @ Master of Sales and Partner @ Hovingh & Partners - Sales Consultancy | Sales Training | Negotiation Training | Influencing Training | Management Coaching | Change Management | Go-to-Market Strategies

    During the holidays season, I hope you will enjoy a peaceful and cozy time with loved ones, and have the opportunity to unwind and recharge for the new year ahead.   Christmas brings not only warmth and coziness, but also a valuable time of reflection. Let's reflect on the beautiful and successful moments of the past year and look ahead with gratitude to a new year, full of new opportunities and challenges.   In today's dynamic world, it is not always easy to set a course, especially if you are responsible for your company's commercial results. In the midst of turbulent times and rapidly changing circumstances, it can feel like finding your way in the dark.   Sometimes all you need is a light in the dark, a clear insight to set the right direction. In 2024, we aim for good health, fun and success for you and your company.   Is your team ready to peak in the coming year? Are they capable of not just selling, but actually getting the customer to buy?   We of Master of Sales and Hovingh & Partners believe in the power of collaboration and creating value for both you and your customers. In 2024, we are once again ready to work with you to shine that light on your challenges and opportunities. We are here to support you and provide greater visibility and insight into your commercial strategy.   May the coming days be filled with peace and serenity so that we can embrace the new year refreshed and energized. Let us strive together for a year full of growth, success and connection.   Happy holidays and a wonderful 2024! 🎄✨ Jordi van Berkum - Master of Sales Partner Consultant at Hovingh & Partners #salesconsulting #changemanagement #managementcoaching #salestraining #negotiationtraining #influencing

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    Which steps do you take during customer conversations when it comes to securing qualitative appointments with high-potential customers during expos ?

    Profiel weergeven voor Jordi van Berkum, afbeelding

    Owner @ Master of Sales and Partner @ Hovingh & Partners - Sales Consultancy | Sales Training | Negotiation Training | Influencing Training | Management Coaching | Change Management | Go-to-Market Strategies

    Which steps do you take during customer conversations when it comes to securing qualitative appointments with high-potential customers during expos ? I had the opportunity to explore the Cloud Expo in Houten The Netherlands today, where vendors provided insights into the advantages and disadvantages of Cloud services. Understanding the impact of Cloud technology and capitalizing on the latest developments. At such expos, exhibitors are keen on networking and generating leads, often aiming to secure follow-up appointments after the event. The challenge lies in balancing the high quantity of conversations with maintaining quality interactions. The objective is to establish a personal connection, build credibility for your organization, and create urgency for a follow-up meeting where in-depth discussions can occur. Executing this successfully requires a strategic approach: 1. Build Rapport: Establish a personal connection with your conversation partner directly at the start of your conversation. Adapt your nonverbal communication, word choices, and conversation topics to align with their personal drivers. 2. Credibility Pitch: Develop a concise and engaging pitch that highlights your organization's unique value. Tailor it to address your interviewer's specific interests. Demonstrate your deep understanding of industry challenges and showcase successful solutions to build trust and emphasize your expertise. 3. Evoke Pain: Ask questions about critical topics for their business success, especially those they may not have considered. Intensify the importance of these issues by posing consequence questions if they neglect them. Hint at your organization's expertise without revealing too much specificity. The greater the perceived pain, the higher the likelihood of securing a post-expo appointment. Schedule the appointment immediately to solidify the commitment. Wishing you all success on the second day of the expo on Thursday December 7th 2023. I hope these tips contribute to closing the event with a substantial number of hot leads and concrete appointments. Best of luck!

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