


Together with our partners, we design out waste. We design to use again, and again.

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At Niaga®, we are future-proofing everyday products by making sure materials don't have to end up as waste. Ever. Together with our partners, we design out waste, completely. We design to use again. So far, we have developed mattresses, carpet, and furniture panels. They are healthier and fully recyclable, without compromising on performance. By scanning the Niaga® tag, you’ll see exactly what a product is made of and how it can be returned. More product redesigns are underway.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Material Science, Recycling, Design Principles, Niaga® Laminated Panels, Circular Product Design, Circular Carpet, Circular Mattresses en Closing the Loop


Medewerkers van Niaga®


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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor 3E, afbeelding

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    It's the final countdown: #Engage24 is just a few days away! We're looking forward to seeing everyone in Lisbon for three unforgettable days of interactive workshops, regulatory trends updates, user forums and peer-led networking discussions. If you haven't registered, now is the time! Lara E. Rob Lucas Dunja Drmac Joel Tickner Sascha Bloemhoff Joost Luhmann Ralf Coenning Colleen Woodworth #3E #ESG #sustainability #compliance Register now:

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Niaga®, afbeelding

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    🚀 “To boldly go where no man has gone before…”   🔄Moving to circular, means we need to re-evaluate the way we use and perceive materials. It also means searching for materials that are clean (and that we can keep clean), so that they can be reused or recycled at end of use.   🔎What we’ve also learned is that first we need to know what products and their materials are made of. We need to know down to the very last detail.   Why? Because even the tiniest traces of certain ingredients or additives can stand in the way of reuse or recycling.🚫   To know the exact composition of a product’s materials and ingredients requires a deep knowledge of the materials’ chemical composition and intrinsic properties and calls for thorough analysis and strong collaboration in the value chain to overcome limitations for reuse.   ✅ Step by step, this will enable us to turn ‘unknowns’ into ‘knowns’. So that nothing stands in the way of circularity and the ability to use materials again and again. Read the full story and the other lessons learned here: #designtouseagain #designoutwaste #circulareconomy #ingredienttransparency

    • 10 Years Niaga®
Key Lessons Learned for a Circular Economy
Lesson 4 - Protecting the value of materials requires insights into the unknown
  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Niaga®, afbeelding

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    Why is this crucial?   ❗Because if a product contains materials that are not reusable, renewable or recyclable, it is not fit for the circular economy. What’s more: most products are designed in such a way that materials are fixed together for eternity.   So, even if materials are reusable or recyclable, they will be trashed at end of a product’s use, simply because they can’t be separated one from the other.🚮   ♻️What’s needed is a radical change in product design. So that products become repairable, refurbishable and recyclable in an economically feasible manner. We learned that these 3 design principles are key to enabling such change:   1️⃣ Keep it simple – use as few materials as possible and avoid additives to keep materials pure 2️⃣ Prioritize clean and infinite materials – metal, glass, polyester and polyamide 6 can be fully reused or recycled multiple times (not downcycled) 3️⃣ Make reversible connections – materials must come apart easily at end of use. Our click-unclick adhesives ensured they do.   ✅Our radical approach to product design has also brought other sustainable benefits, such as energy-efficient manufacturing technologies and a uniquely healthy manufacturing environment.   Read the full story and the other lessons learned here: #designoutwaste #designtouseagain #circulareconomy #againandagain

    • 10 Years Niaga®
Key Lessons Learned
Lesson 3 - It starts with product design that's fit for a circular economy
  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Niaga®, afbeelding

    2.729 volgers

    Why the long haul? Till the time that the circular economy becomes the norm, and for as long as products are still ending up as waste, materials and their value are lost. To ensure materials retain their value and can be reused and recycled, high upfront investments are needed🔄💲. It’s a hurdle that only companies with a long-term view – with a willingness to redesign products and production processes, and organize take back and recycling – can overcome. Because to take the steps towards circular requires systemic change and intrinsic motivation to swim in against the tide🌊. Early adopters like Royal AupingOBJECT CARPET GmbH and Vepa the furniture factory have been willing to look beyond the short term and their own industries. Why? Because they are convinced that, to ensure a sustainable future, circularity and a collaborative approach within the value chain are the only way to go. 📣The great news is that they have successfully proven the power and potential of circular products. As the circular economy gains traction, they’re going beyond competition and sharing their know-how, experience and technology by way of collaborative growth. Read the full story here: #lessonslearned #designoutwaste #designtouseagain #circulareconomy #againandagain

    • 10 years Niaga 
Key lessons learned in transitioning to a circular economy
Lesson 2 You need early adopters who are in it for the long haul
  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Niaga®, afbeelding

    2.729 volgers

    Royal Auping nailed it! 🏆 Not only are they scaling circular mattress production with an automated line, they are also sharing their knowledge and technology with others. As Jan-Joost Bosman, CEO of Auping explains: "We have been frontrunners in the circular mattress industry for years. The opening of our new factory - making the production of circular mattresses significantly more efficient - is a first in our industry worldwide and a true milestone. We choose ambitious targets because we believe that organizations share the responsibility for safeguarding our planet for future generations. This has now resulted in this innovative production line, which makes us ready for a sustainable future. At Auping we are also making circular technology available to other mattress manufacturers as a profitable business model, so that we can jointly work towards a waste-free and sustainable mattress industry." Auping has been one of our early adopters who has been in it for the long haul as you can read in our 2nd lesson learned in 10 years transitioning to a circular economy:

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Koninklijke Auping, afbeelding

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    Vandaag is een bijzondere dag voor Auping! We vieren een wereldprimeur in de matrassenindustrie:   Onze gloednieuwe fabriek is officieel geopend door burgemeester Ron König, samen met het oudste en een van de jongste leden van de familie Auping. In aanwezigheid van retailers, partners en pers vierden we dit bijzondere moment. Voorafgaand gaf Diederik Samsom een inspirerende speech over het Europese perspectief op circulariteit. Al jaren is Auping koploper en aanjager in de circulaire transitie. Sinds 2020 maken wij – als eerste ter wereld – volledig circulaire matrassen met een hoogwaardig slaapcomfort. De opening van de fabriek is een volgende belangrijke mijlpaal. Met de nieuw ontwikkelde, geautomatiseerde en grotendeels gerobotiseerde productielijn kan de productie van circulaire matrassen flink worden opgeschaald. We hopen, nu de productie van circulaire matrassen een rendabel businessmodel vormt, meer producenten mee te krijgen in de circulaire transitie, om zo toe te werken naar een duurzame, afvalvrije matrassenindustrie.    Jan-Joost Bosman, CEO Koninklijke Auping: “De opening van deze fabriek – waarmee het hele proces een stuk efficiënter gaat – is in onze industrie een wereldprimeur en echt een doorbraak. Onze doelstellingen zijn soms zeer ambitieus. We kiezen daarvoor, omdat we geloven dat organisaties medeverantwoordelijk zijn voor de leefbaarheid van de aarde voor toekomstige generaties. Dit heeft nu geresulteerd in deze innovatieve productielijn, waarmee we klaar zijn voor een duurzame toekomst.”   Met dank aan: Gemeente Deventer, EBIA European bedding industries association, RetourMatras 100% matrasrecycling, Machinefabriek Geurtsen, Hollander TechniekMatras Recycling Nederland en EFRO Oost 2021-2027   #Auping #nieuwefabriek #duurzaamheid #circulairetoekomst

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Niaga®, afbeelding

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    Lesson 1 - Persist and play to fulfill your dream 💪Here goes with the very first lesson learned for designing out waste! 💡Founder of Niaga®, Chris Reutelingsperger, had a dream: to kill out waste and design for reuse. Working for the carpet industry–- producers of one of the biggest bulk-waste products – his dream was to give all materials used in carpets back to mother earth as traceable and healthy materials at the end of a products’ use. Not trash them. ⏩Chris: “It started with dreaming about retaining the value of materials used in carpets. Through learning by playing we found a way to keep materials alive again and again. ‘Please keep buggering on’ is what I like to call this process. It’s all about playing, with persistence!” Read more about fulfilling your dream here: #10years #lessonslearned #circulareconomy #designoutwaste #designtouseagain

  • Niaga® heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Elin Bergman, afbeelding
    Elin Bergman Elin Bergman is een influencer

    ”Circular Economy Queen of Sweden” LinkedIn Top Voice. Keynote speaker. CIO of circular economy network Cradlenet, Co-founder & Managing Partner of Nordic Circular Hotspot. Fights for a circular and sustainable future!

    Today we will know how circular the world is - or rather how non-circular it is. The Global Circularity Gap Report of 2024 is released at 1430 CET! In the previous report some of the sectors with the largest waste problems are construction, food, mobility and mining/resource extraction. We will see if this have changed or not in the new report. Sign up here for the release event: If you miss the event you get a new chance on Friday when we at Cradlenet have Matthew Fraser from Circle Economy Foundation coming and presenting the report at our Circular Friday meeting. Welcome! Sign up here: Vojtech Vosecky Martijn Lopes Cardozo Helena Nordström

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Niaga®, afbeelding

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    We very much recognise these 10 lessons! Like Vojtech Vosecky we are celebrating 10 years of designing out waste and transitioning to a circular economy. In the coming weeks we’ll be sharing the lessons we’ve learned and the hurdles we had to overcome while we were putting the below in practice. We hope it will help the community and ecosystem. #lessonslearned #circulareconomy

    Profiel weergeven voor Vojtech Vosecky, afbeelding
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky is een influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    I've been in circular economy for 10 years. Here are my top 10 lessons: 1. Forget recycling. - The best waste is no waste. 2. Procurement is the king tool. - Circular purchases create demand for circular business models. 3. The "greenest" countries are often the least circular. - If everyone lived like the Danes, we'd need 5 planets to exist. 4. Everyone talks about circularity. Few are doing it. - Cut through the noise, walk the talk. Avoid greenwashing. 5. It's all about mass and material flows. - Forget the plastic straws. Focus on the elephants in the room. 6. It won't matter if we consume more than we should. - If we "need" 30 pairs of sustainable shoes, we are still going nowhere. 7. Circularity is now a global movement. - But our world is less and less circular every year. 8. It all starts with the design. - 80% of the product's environmental impact is locked there. 9. It's a niche full of amazing and brilliant people. - Lots of support, friendships, inspiration, and fun. Join us! 10. Actions speak louder than words. - What we need are results and solutions. Go and build some today! Thanks for being with me on this journey. What's your best circular economy lesson? PS: Repost to inspire someone today ♻️ #circulareconomy #wastemanagement #sustainability

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Niaga®, afbeelding

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    Celebrating 10 years of designing out waste! 💥 We’re off to a special start of 2024, as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the brand Niaga®. A name that comes from spelling ‘again’ backwards. It reflects our ambition to design out waste by redesigning products for reuse, refurbishment and recycling. Over the next weeks, we’ll be sharing our most important lessons learned for designing out waste. So that products – and their materials – can be used again and again. #10years #lessonslearned #circulareconomy #designoutwaste #designtouseagain #materialvalue

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Niaga®, afbeelding

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    We’ve loved clicking with you this past year! But, in the knowledge that everything we do and breathe at Niaga® revolves around the ability to click and unclick materials - so that they can be reused, refurbished or recycled - that probably won’t come as much of a surprise. Above all, it’s been a year in which the power of strong partnerships has been underlined in creating products that are ready to ‘click’ with the requirements of a circular economy. That are designed to use again. Wishing you happy holidays from the whole Niaga® team! 🎄🍾 

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