Two times great news from Sondel Engineering! During the The Gasket & Seals Show we finallized the agreement to be the European distributor of NewtonWorks Corporation eSeal software! Mathieu Ancian is the latest member of the Sondel team and has proven to be a great addition with knowledge and enthusiasm during the past 2 days at the show. #fea #sealingsolutions #sealing Enrico Koggel Naomichi Taketa
Sondel Engineering
Setting up a Circular Economy for flexible materials | Codesign of components in biobased / recyclable flexible material
Over ons
We are innovative application engineers that codesign technical components from rubber, biobased and recycled materials with sustainable products as a goal. To make us able to engineer with circular rubber materials, we are setting up an innovation platform with partners from the industry, to accelerate development of sustainable materials and processes. With years of experience in product design (technical plastic and rubber products), material development and international production project management, we are a trusted partner for support in the design phase until serial production. Contact us for #productdesign, #materialadvice, #projectmanagement, #designforcircularity, support with #subsidies (NL+EU) and coordination of material research and #development.
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Pijnacker, NL
Medewerkers van Sondel Engineering
Sondel Engineering heeft dit gerepost
We hope you all had a fantastic first day in Amsterdam! Day 2 is packed with expert-led discussions, cutting-edge research, and regulatory insights shaping the sealing industry 💡 🟣 10:00 AM | 🎤 Andreas Wiegrefe | Head of Material R&D | HÜBNER Group "Silicone vs. Rubber Profiles and Gaskets in Public Passenger Transport" 🟣 10:40 AM | 🎤 Dr. Bihotz Pinedo Araukua | Researcher in Tribology & Materials | Tekniker "Specific Sealing System Design for H₂ Compressors" 🟣 11:20 AM | 🎤 Dirk Balkenende | Head of R&D | ERIKS "Pushing the Limits of PFAS-Free Rubber Cleanliness" 🟣 12:00 PM | 🎤 Sandy Van den Broeck (MSc.) | ESG Director | European Sealing Association (ESA) "PFAS Restriction Process & Its Impact on the Valve & Sealing Industry" 🟣 12:40 PM | 🎤 Harris Karim | CEO | Dilify "EUDR: Navigating the New Rules for Rubber Gaskets & Seals" 🟣 2:30 PM | 🎤 Berrin Degirmenci | EMEA Applications Engineer | ALPHA TECHNOLOGIES UK "Revolutionizing Seals & Gaskets Testing: Superior Rubber Process Analyzer Alternatives to DMA Analysis" 🟣 3:15 PM | 🎤 Jan Boomsma | Engineer Sealing Technologist | Sondel Engineering "Independent Sealing Design – For Brand Owners, Seal Producers & Engineering Companies" We hope this final day is just as good as yesterday! See you at the show soon... #GaskSealsShow
Sondel Engineering heeft dit gerepost
Will we see you at The Gasket & Seals Show? 🤝 🎉 Our team is thrilled to be arriving in Amsterdam soon to visit with our European partners. We will showcase NewtonSuite eSeal at our booth, an easy-to-use tool designed to revolutionise rubber seal and weather strip analysis. Stop by to hear about our recent partnership with the simulation team from Yazaki Parts, a division of the Yazaki Group, or sit down with us to see a real-world application viewing in eSeal. 🖥️ We’re presenting eSeal at booth 840! You can book a meeting or download information materials about eSeal with the links below in the comments 🔗 ↓ #FEA #Engineering #Automotive #GaskSealsShow
🧑🔧 Are you working with silicone rubber, or rubber seals in general? Let's meet next week in the RAI Amsterdam at the The Gasket & Seals Show and Silicone Expo. These shows are conveniently co-located and they present: 👉 35+ technical presentations during the conference programs, 👉 150+ exhibitors presenting new materials and technologies, 👉 Great networking possibilities with 3000+ professionals from the industry! 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 Circular Rubber Platform: Wednesday 11:40am Sondel Engineering: Thursday 3:15pm 𝗘𝘅𝗵𝗶𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 March 19th: 9am - 5pm 𝗧𝗵𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 March 20th: 9am - 4pm 𝗥𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲: Looking forward to meeting you there! #acceleratechange #circularrubbereconomy #circulareconomy #rubber Sondel Engineering Artech Rubber BV Biesterfeld Group Lynxter SAS Trelleborg Group Mathieu Ancian Consulting
Interesting #FEA simulations for #sealing technology, presented in Rubber World Magazine
We are looking forward to our meeting with NewtonWorks Corporation on the The Gasket & Seals Show in March, to see how their eSeal simulation software is working. 🔗 Read the full press release about eSeal:
Cut your engineering project fees by half with this one tool. ⤵ Traditionally, non-linear structural analysis comes with hefty fees. They’re outsourced, handled by specialised engineering firms, and require experts trained specifically for Finite Element Analysis (FEAs). Empower your designers to perform analysis in-house—and greatly reduce your overarching project costs. 🖥️ By removing technical barriers, NewtonSuite eSeal enables in-house designers to create simple simulations for non-linear structural analysis involving contact, large deformations, and rubber. This shift isn’t just about saving money—it’s about efficiency and control. By keeping processes within your team, you can shorten the development time and reduce the time to market. Invite your engineering team to view eSeal in simulation at The Gasket & Seals Show (19 - 20 March in Amsterdam). 🔗 to book a meeting below in the comments. ↓ #FEA #Engineering #Rubber #GaskSealsShow
Invite your engineering team to view eSeal in simulation at The Gasket & Seals Show
Sondel Engineering heeft dit gerepost
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT ⚡ Introducing KUORI! KUORI Materials is a Swiss cleantech company transforming food byproducts like olive pits and banana peels into biodegradable, high-performance materials that replace consumer plastics. KUORI develops innovative materials that break down naturally and integrate seamlessly into existing manufacturing processes. 🤝 Happy to have to have you as member and let’s make rubber circularity the norm! 🔄 Read more about our member here: #acceleratechange #circularrubbereconomy #circulareconomy #rubber
Sondel Engineering heeft dit gerepost
So cool to see an FEA software specifically designed for sealing technology. I am looking forward to the The Gasket & Seals Show show in March in Amsterdam to see this software live. NewtonWorks Corporation has build this tool for application engineers and OEM that need to reduce development times and costs. #FEA #sealing #rubber #sealingtechnology
Did I just design that? Learn how NewtonSuite eSeal moves non-linear structural analysis back into your hands .🔧⤵ Putting the time spent in pre-post analysis back into the workflow of Material or Application Engineers, we’re placing advanced simulation capabilities directly where they belong—in your hands. NewtonSuite eSeal removes technical barriers allowing material and application engineers more freedom. Tasks that used hours (sometimes days) are completed within minutes and in-house. Just what can you do with a self-enabling pre-post software like eSeal? 🖥️ Take a look ⤵ View eSeal in simulation at The Gasket & Seals Show (19 - 20 March in Amsterdam). 🔗 to book a meeting below ↓ We hope to see you there! #FEA #Engineering #Rubber #GaskSealsShow
Sondel Engineering heeft dit gerepost
🏆 We are nominated for the Recircle Awards twice, so... please support with your vote now! With great honor we are nominated within categories Business Breakthrough and Circular Economy. These nominations reflect our commitment to driving innovation and circularity in the rubber industry. 💪 We compete with strong contestants in both categories, so we will need your support. To cast your vote, please register here: Your vote will help us with global visibility and thus making rubber circularity a subject of matter within the tire industry. 🤩 We thank you in advance for your support! #acceleratechange #circularrubbereconomy #circulareconomy #rubber #award
Sondel Engineering heeft dit gerepost
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻! - and (Dutch) budget cuts will effect the industry. We fully agree that the industry could take its responsibility to keep on motivating the youth to study. Circular Rubber Platform looks forward to shape learning programs for younger generations, to inspire but also to motivate them to work in technical fields, or even rubber, as we need technical people so badly. We shared our enthusiasm for education and technology with students from Techlab Zwolle, University of Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Windesheim, University of Groningen, Stedelijk Gymnasium Breda, University of Antwerp, University of Kassel, University of Bristol, Fachhochschule Dortmund and had discussions with students and academia from many more places all around the world. EKI, Chantal Peters and Bart van der Tol, lets work on a programs together to cover for budget cuts from governments, and to motivate students to work in technology!
🔮 𝗗𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗲𝗸𝗼𝗺𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗱𝗲 𝗷𝗲𝘂𝗴𝗱! In Den Haag bakkeleien ze over nationale onderwijsbudgetten, in onze regio weten we het zeker: op onderwijs bezuinig je niet. Want als er iets fundamenteel onderdeel is van een positieve toekomst voor mens & planeet, dan is het wel goed onderwijs voor de volgende generatie. We lazen vanochtend enig positief nieuws: de verregaande bezuinigingen op het onderwijs worden door de regering ietwat ingeperkt. En dat is nodig ook. Zo zagen we bij onder andere de HAN al wat de gevolgen van minder budget voor bijvoorbeeld docenten kunnen zijn. Maar ondanks dat er 750 miljoen minder wordt bezuinigd, gaat het nog steeds om een totale bezuiniging van 1,25 miljard (!) euro. Gelukkig zien we dat veel bedrijven en ondernemers het heft in eigen handen nemen. Ook bij EKI genieten we ervan om de jeugd verder te helpen; om ze in een informele setting kennis te laten maken met het bedrijfsleven. Dat doen we de laatste jaren dan ook zeer regelmatig. Zo werken we, bijvoorbeeld vanuit Lifeport@, samen met een hele rits instanties in Nijmegen en omstreken: de HAN University of Applied Sciences, Radboud University, ROC Nijmegen, Citadel College, JINC, Procollege en meer. We laten deze scholieren & studenten zien wat we bij EKI & de Papierfabriek doen én hoe we dat op een zo duurzaam en innovatief mogelijke manier doen. Lars deelt regelmatig zijn verhaal m.b.t. restafval en het CSRD rapport, Pim vertelt zo nu en dan over hoe het er op onze productieafdeling aan toe gaat en Thomas en Bart nemen de jongeren mee in de klantreis en HR-zaken bij EKI. Ook de Papierfabriek Nijmegen introduceren we: zo mochten studenten van mediadesign opleidingen van het ROC onder begeleiding van Chantal en Tijn op zoek naar het perfecte plaatje bij hun zelf opgerichte kledingmerk. We merken dat dit in de eerste plaats vaak leuke en leerzame uitstapjes zijn voor de jongeren. Een mooie, praktijkgerichte aanvulling op de schoolbanken. Extra pluspunt: het geeft ons zelf ook erg veel voldoening om de jongeren op deze manier te kunnen helpen. Twee vliegen in één klap dus. Den Haag - lezen jullie mee? Die 1,25 miljard in de min mag wat ons betreft gewoon weer naar een positief getal namelijk ;-) #dejeugdheeftdetoekomst #onderwijs #bedrijfsleven #EKI