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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor ThesisMaster, afbeelding

    231 volgers

    THESIS_FINDINGS#4 Behind the numbers... 📊💡 An analysis of 182,173 E.U. firm-year observations (6,171 public & 176,002 private) between 2014-2019 showed that public firms manage their earnings* ~€5m (1/3 standard deviation) less than private ones. Additionally, the effect increased to ~€17m (85% of a s.d.) in countries with stricter law enforcement mechanisms. The evidence underlines the effect of market scrutiny and the importance of the legal enforcement. * E.M. is proxied by the modified Jones model. #MarketScrutiny #LegalEnforcement #CorporateTransparency

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor ThesisMaster, afbeelding

    231 volgers


    Profiel weergeven voor Linas Beliūnas, afbeelding

    Reinventing Finance 1% at a Time 💸 | Scaling Digital Asset Infrastructure 🚀 | The only newsletter you need for Finance & Tech at 🔔🔔 | Financial Technology | FinTech | Artificial Intelligence | AI

    "You can't use ChatGPT at schools or universities - it's cheating!" Meanwhile, professors are using AI to write published research papers 👇😳 The crazy part? This is a peer-reviewed research paper and yet none of the coauthors, Editor-in-Chief, reviewers, or typesetters noticed this 🫠 Incredible. P.S. for more great stuff, check out 🔔🔔, it's the only newsletter you need for all things when Finance meets Technology. For founders, builders, and leaders.

    • "You can't use ChatGPT at schools or universities - it's cheating!"  Meanwhile, professors are using AI to write published research papers 👇😳  The crazy part?  This is a peer-reviewed research paper and yet none of the coauthors, Editor-in-Chief, reviewers, or typesetters noticed this 🫠  Incredible.
  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor ThesisMaster, afbeelding

    231 volgers

    THESIS_FINDINGS#3 Examining a sample of 192 firms matched 1-to-1 over a 2-year period before and after CEO turnover, findings suggest that forced CEO turnover influences BUY and HOLD recommendations. BUY recommendations decrease slightly by 3.6 percentage points (7.4% of the average treated firm’s BUY value), whereas SELL recommendations increase significantly by 1.95 percentage points (32.1% of the average treated firm’s SELL value) post-turnover. HOLD recommendations remain unchanged by forced CEO turnover. #CEO #turnover #analysts #buy #hold #sell

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor ThesisMaster, afbeelding

    231 volgers

    THESIS_FINDINGS#1 Mirror, mirror, on the wall...🪞 No direct influence has been identified on the empire-building propensity from individual CEOs' narcissism. However, a significant joint effect emerges: when highly narcissistic CEOs collaborate with less narcissistic C-suite officers, empire-building tendencies increase, while an above-average aggregate narcissism level in the C-suite reduces the tendency. #masterthesis #ceo #csuite #narcissism #empirebuilding #corporations

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor ThesisMaster, afbeelding

    231 volgers

    Due to high demand of our services and the lack of a social media admin, we were absent from LinkedIn feeds for almost 3 months. However, we are back with weekly posts on findings we came across in studies we conducted for graduates. 💡Hey! This initiative might serve as your inspiration regarding your master thesis. Stay tuned...!

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor ThesisMaster, afbeelding

    231 volgers

    WEEKLY TIP Keep the non-economic remarks for the initial and concluding sections. For instance, if your findings hold noteworthy political or social significance, you can introduce them in the introduction and revisit them in the conclusion. However, refrain from including them in the main body of the paper unless they are integral to the model itself.

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