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The Test Chat

The Test Chat


A group for the testers, of the testers and by the testers.

Over ons

Inspired by Dr. Steven Covey's book "The 8th habit" which is the sequel of the book "7 Habits Of Highly Effective People ", the idea of The Test Chat (TTC) was born. The ethos behind TTC is Find your voice and help others find theirs The idea of The Test Chat is based on the fact that testers do not have an opportunity or platform to talk, to discuss our problems and the ideas to overcome those challenges, practical situations, misconceptions about testing and most importantly have fun. We are all just the same as you all looking forward to learn together and grow. We started our own YouTube channel soully with the intention of taking your voice to the world. We have series on our channel The Test Chat Episodes featuring our group calls and the TesterSpeak series featuring 1 hour interviews with me hosting 1 tester in an interview covering the journey and anything that he/she may want to speak about. The TesterSpeak series will feature an interview with each one of you because we all want to know your story and learn from your journey as a tester. And there will be some surprise too. We have the WIT(Women In Testing)series focused at women testers showcasing experiences/thoughts/ideas on different aspects of testing. We will soon be launching 2 new series for increased interaction and participation. Be prepared. Some of the group members have not subscribed to the YouTube channel yet and will miss out on being notified exciting videos in future so its my request to subscribe to the channel We are setting ourselves up on other social media and you'll soon hear more details about them. We urge the group members to participate more and more and engage within the group in a meaningful way so that all of us can learn from each other and grow. Remember that even if you are someone who has begun his/her career just yesterday, you have a story to tell and an experience to share so speak up and speak out.

2-10 medewerkers
Den Haag


Medewerkers van The Test Chat


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