Trading Interview

Trading Interview


Whether you want to become a trader or a quant, this is the place to prepare yourself.

Over ons

Trading Interview is an innovative, comprehensive platform specifically designed to prepare students for trading interviews. We offer a tailored suite of courses that cover the topics commonly encountered during such interviews, ensuring our students are fully equipped to succeed. Each course comes with in-depth lectures and practice exercises, further enhancing our users' preparation. Beyond this, we offer a range of brainteasers, all of which are calibrated at the interview level, ensuring our users are adeptly challenged and equipped for their forthcoming interviews. One of the courses is the intensive course on mental arithmetic, a key skill often evaluated during trading interviews. This course provides all necessary tools to help you ace the mental math tests, including 'company tests' that mirror those used by real companies. But what truly sets us apart are our unique market-making games. We've replicated the popular 'make me a market' games frequently used in interviews, enabling students to practice in a realistic environment. We've crafted our platform to be a central hub for both students and companies within the trading industry. Companies can maintain their profiles and post vacancies, providing students with access to potential career opportunities. Students can orientate on the different opportunities, ultimately resulting in finding their ideal match. Trading Interview isn't just a platform; it's a comprehensive ecosystem for trading industry professionals. With our unique blend of learning tools, real-world simulations, and connection opportunities, we're transforming the way future traders prepare and companies find the best talent.

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