☀️ 💙 Thanks to everyone who joined our Demo Day at our warehouse in #Rotterdam yesterday to take a look "inside our kitchen"! This special event was to showcase Value Carbon's & Value Maritime's performance to date, highlight our strategic direction, feature live demonstrations of our unique technology, and present future developments. Guests saw our EGCS (SOx Scrubber) components, CO₂ Catch & Release system, and Value Lab in action, as well as an intro to Proman's methanol fuelled generator set. Special thanks to Marcel Boere, Head of Sustainability at Gemeente Rotterdam for joining and officially opening our Demo Day! The day was followed by drinks & bites at our neighbours Stadshaven Brouwerij . If you missed our demo day and want to know more about our carbon handling and logistics services just let us know 👉 info@valuecarbon.com #CO2 #greenhouses #ValueMaritime #ValueCarbon