🌍 Syria Round table – strengthening local administration for a sustainable future “Not about us without us”: Given the rapid changes in Syria, VNG International organized a roundtable discussion on the future of local governance in Syria with the insightful contribution of Syrian experts on the role of local governance in the new future of Syria With ongoing political changes, this conversation was a crucial step toward understanding how local administration can contribute to stability, recovery, and long-term development. Bringing together Syrian experts, we explored key questions: 🔹 What are the most pressing needs of Syrian communities? • Economic recovery: job creation and income opportunities are critical. • Safety and security remain top priorities for daily life. • Ending economic sanctions and securing financial support for municipalities. • Strengthening local service provision and ensuring transparency. 🔹 How can local councils and administrations play a role in addressing these challenges? • Investing in capacity building to bridge gaps caused by years of isolation. • Encouraging governance tailored to regional differences. • Enhancing cooperation between local councils and NGOs to improve service delivery. • Developing leadership programs and citizen engagement initiatives. • Leveraging digitalization for governance and transparency. These insights will help shape strategic approaches and funding opportunities for meaningful impact. A sincere thank you to all participants for their valuable contributions. Your expertise and commitment are instrumental in shaping the future of inclusive and effective governance in Syria. We look forward to continuing these critical discussions! #LocalGovernance #BuildingBetterFutures #Syria #PostConflictRecovery #CommunityResilience #InternationalCooperation #CapacityBuilding #Decentralization Petra Stienen, Miriam Collaris, Floor Steenkamp
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"Committed to strengthening democratic local government worldwide" VNG International is the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities. We support decentralisation processes and facilitate decentralised cooperation. We strengthen local governments, their associations, training institutes and decentralisation task forces both in developing countries and in countries in transition. We have project offices in various countries and work with a large group of local government experts with broad international experience. Our three daughter companies, set up in close cooperation with the respective national associations of local authorities, are located in the Czech Republic, South Africa, and Mexico. In close cooperation with the city of The Hague and UCLG, VNG International established the “The Hague Academy for Local Governance”.
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Externe link voor VNG International
- Branche
- Internationale zaken
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 51 - 200 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- The Hague
- Type
- Naamloze vennootschap
- Opgericht
- 1993
- Specialismen
- Local Government, International Cooperation, Decentralisation, Association Capacity Building, International Municipal Cooperation, Project Management en Public Administration
Nassaulaan 12
The Hague, 2514 JS, NL
Medewerkers van VNG International
VNG International is looking for an external evaluator for its Libya project Mouwatinat. The evaluator should have an excellent command of written and spoken English and should be able to conduct data collection in Arabic. They should have a good understanding of European Union procedures and guidelines and the Libyan context. If you know a good candidate for this assignment, please share the Terms of Reference with them. If you are interested, please send your CV and a short methodological proposal for the evaluation as well as a detailed financial offer to Azza Derbali at azza.derbali@vng.nl by 22 March 2025 with the subject title External Evaluator for Mouwatinat Final Evaluation.
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Vanochtend was ambassadeur Walter Oostelbos aanwezig bij de opening van de slotconferentie Capaciteitsversterking van de Districten in Suriname. Deze conferentie was het slotstuk van de Makandra samenwerking tussen VNG International en het Ministerie van Regionale Ontwikkeling en Sport. Deze Makandra samenwerking richtte zich op het bevorderen van goed lokaal bestuur door middel van het verbeteren van het trainingsaanbod voor bestuursambtenaren, het versterken van burgerparticipatie op districtsniveau en het Instituut Bestuursambtenaren Suriname (IBAS) en het versterken van relaties tussen Nederland en Suriname. Tijdens de slotconferentie gingen de districtsambtenaren die de trainingen hadden gevolgd, in gesprek met de districtscommissarissen en vertegenwoordigers van Ministerie ROS en VNG International om gezamenlijk te reflecteren op de behaalde resultaten en hoe deze te behouden voor de toekomst.
As the end of our Makandra project in Suriname comes in sight, one of the last activities organised by VNG International under this project is the the closing conference. In collaboration with Government of the Republic of Suriname ’s Ministry of Regional Development and Sports (ROS), the conference aimed to show the culmination of our efforts to strengthen capacities of Surinamese districts. The conference was opened by the Dutch Ambassador Walter Oostelbos, and continued in the form of panel discussions between our trainers Hein Albeda, Prakaash Rostam, Frans Spekreijse, 5 of their respective trained trainers Astrid Wengo, Chermine wirtoejj, Simone Sakia, Shaties Soedamah BBA, Burnithia Apai Prijor, as well as with the audience, which was comprised of the District Commissioners, and of civil servants from various districts and ministries. This setting allowed for interesting discussions on topics related to decentralisation. Additionally, there was a component where Rolf Hunink could present and formally hand over the strategy for the training institute of civil servants IBAS to be prepared to further roll out the developed training material under this project. VNG International looks back to an amazing collaboration with such an important purpose, and we look forward to future collaborations with Suriname. This project was made possible by the Makandra Fund of Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, which was managed by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO). Marciano Johns Claudia de Laaf Anouk Lodder
At VNG International we aim to achieve our core mission “Building better futures” by strengthening democratic and inclusive local governance. We take this mission seriously and intend to take everyone on board: “better futures” includes perspectives in which all people, regardless of gender, have equal opportunities to participate, lead, and thrive. Gender equity can only be achieved when local governments and its representatives provide the space for all and in every aspect of local governance - from policy and decision-making to service delivery and community engagement. We are proud to support local governments and civil society organisations in fostering inclusive, participatory spaces for all. On this International Women’s Day, we would like to highlight all our remarkable work by our VNG International colleagues and network whose dedication and leadership contribute greatly to advancing gender equality and inclusive governance worldwide. Let’s continue to work together towards a future where everyone, regardless of gender, can reach their full potential! #BuildingBetterFutures #LocalGovernance #IWD2025 #AccelerateAction #InternationaleVrouwendag #InternationalWomensDay
International Women’s Day is coming up, which means there’s no better time to share the inspiring stories of women within our organization. Right now, as part of the EU-funded Mouwatinat Programme, implemented by VNG International and CILG VNG International - Libya , the Young Women’s Training Center in Yafren is open. This is more than just a physical space, it is the result of months of collaboration, co-creation, and commitment from young women, and national and international partners. 🎓 The center will provide practical training, mentorship, and entrepreneurship opportunities, equipping young women with the skills to build sustainable careers and take charge of their futures. But this is not just about training, it’s about creating a dynamic and supportive space where young women can learn, connect, and innovate: 🏡 A space for knowledge-sharing and peer-to-peer learning, where young women can exchange ideas, build networks, and collaborate on projects. 🍽️ A fully equipped kitchen, not only to teach traditional pastries and local dishes but also to benefit from marketing and business skills to help young women start their own food-related ventures. 🧶 A traditional handicrafts atelier, designed to revive Yafren’s cultural heritage by fostering intergenerational knowledge transfer in local wool weaving, a skill that connects women to sustainable and climate-resilient practices. 💻 An IT room, equipping young women with digital skills essential for modern careers, helping them navigate the professional world and seize new opportunities. We were honored to celebrate this inauguration with: ✅ Dr. Houria Tarmal, Minister of State for Women’s Affairs ✅ Mr. Ismail Tleish, Advisor to the Minister of Youth ✅ Mr. Hussein Kafo, Mayor of Yafren ✅ Mr Sanad al Hmeisi Director of youth empowerment programs local youth councils, and many other dedicated partners Their presence reaffirmed a shared commitment to ensuring this center thrives and continues to empower young women in the long run. Soon, we’ll be sharing more inspiring stories of women within our organization! #BuildingBetterFutures #LocalGovernance #IWD2025 #AccelerateAction #InternationaleVrouwendag #InternationalWomensDay #Mouwatinat #YouthTraining #Libya #EU Azza Derbali Gijs Van Kessel
🌿💧 Participation to Aquatic Ecosystems Day in Ganvié, Benin Sustainable management of water resources is important and can’t be done without the support of local communities and young people. That’s why VNG International Benin, through its SDLG Water and DURAGIRE projects, took part in the “Journée des Écosystèmes Aquatiques” organised by the Youth Movement for the Preservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (MJPEA). This initiative, which received financial support from the SDLG Water Benin project, mobilised local communities and young people to: ✅ Raise awareness of the importance of preserving aquatic ecosystems ✅ Collect the water hyacinth that threatens navigation and biodiversity in Ganvié ✅ Encourage the recovery of this resource by transforming it into compost and craft objects Thanks to everyone's commitment, this day marked an important step towards sustainable management of water resources and an economy that benefits local communities. Together, we can preserve our ecosystems for future generations #BuildingBetterFutures #LocalGovernment #SDLGEauBenin #DURAGIRE #AquaticEcosystems #Ganvie #IWRM #SustainableDevelopment
VNG International recherche un.e Chef.fe d’équipe informatique francophone pour rejoindre l’équipe du Projet de Préparation de la Mise à l'Echelle du Cadastre National (PPMEC) au Bénin. Si ce poste vous intéresse, merci d’envoyer votre CV à M. Rik WOUTERS (woute212@planet.nl) ou M. Joop VAN STAALDUINEN (joop.staalduinen@kadaster.nl) avant le 16 mars 2025.
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L’ambassadeur des Pays-Bas au Bénin, S.E.M Joris Jurriens, a procédé au lancement de la phase d’extension du Projet de Préparation de la Mise à l’Echelle du Cadastre national. Ce fut avec le Directeur Général de l’Agence Nationale du Domaine et du Foncier et le consortium de mise en œuvre du projet comprenant MDF, Kadaster et VNG. Cette extension va permettre d’assurer entre autres la couverture complète des municipalités de Porto-Novo et de Parakou en cadastre, de poursuivre l’amélioration des fonctionnalités du système d’information foncière, le e-foncier Benin, ainsi que les renforcements de capacités des institutions nationales et décentralisées. Tout ceci est pour garantir un accès inclusif et sécurisé au foncier pour les populations béninoises dont les jeunes et les femmes. #NL #Extensioncadastre #Foncier sécurisé #Benin Clément Edah Sigrid Meijer Sandra Dossa Hugo Verkuijl Jaap Frederiks