Department of Ecology

Department of Ecology

Hoger onderwijs

Nijmegen, Gelderland 646 volgers

Towards Healthy Ecosystems

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The department Ecology (part of Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences) comprises a team of ecologists dedicated to preserve and pursue ecosystem health. Our group unites aquatic and terrestrial ecologists focussing on plants, animals, microorganisms and their interactions in a changing world.

Hoger onderwijs
11 - 50 medewerkers
Nijmegen, Gelderland
Biogeochemistry, Conservation, Management of wetlands, Greenhouse gas emissions, Microbial ecology, Biodiversity, Paludiculture, Peatlands, Carbon cycle, Nutrient cycle, Freshwater ecosystems en Ecology


  • 🌍 Exciting new research! The team was led by our colleague Ralf Aben, and their research shows that subsurface water infiltration systems (WISs) can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions from drained coastal peatlands in the Netherlands. While not a complete solution, WISs can be used with other measures to constrain carbon dioxide emissions from drained peatlands 🌱💧 Check out the full study here: #peatlands #climatechange #emissionsreduction

    CO2 emissions of drained coastal peatlands in the Netherlands and potential emission reduction by water infiltration systems

    CO2 emissions of drained coastal peatlands in the Netherlands and potential emission reduction by water infiltration systems

  • 🌟 Big News! 🌟 In June, Vroege Vogels - BNNVARA visited one of our field sites, Witte Veen 🌿 Thomas Gremmen from B-WARE Research Centre represented the team, which includes Romee Groenbos from our department and Sarah Faye Harpenslager, also from B-WARE! #collaboration 💪 On September 22nd, the episode aired 🎬 and we would like to share a moment of fame of our colleagues 🎉 From minutes 18 to 23, Thomas gives an amazing tour of what they are up to in this special peatland area (the episode is in Dutch, but for English speakers, check the images, it is worth it ✨). 👉 Watch the episode here: Cheers to more peat adventures! 🚀

    Vroege Vogels TV | 22 september 2024 | Aamsveen en Witte Veen - Vroege Vogels - BNNVARA

    Vroege Vogels TV | 22 september 2024 | Aamsveen en Witte Veen - Vroege Vogels - BNNVARA

  • More exciting news from our department: A lot of the #peatlands in the Netherlands are currently drained for #agricultural use. Consequently, massive amounts of #carbon are released, while the combined effects of hydrology, mowing and grazing intensity, and fertilization leave only a fraction of the biodiversity that was once found in these areas. These areas also serve an important role in our food production however, resulting in local conflicting interests. In this study, three measures were evaluated which aimed to balance commercial and ecological interests, by increasing the water level to where farmers can continue their business while reducing emissions. As these measures are also called #rewetting, advantages (restoration of wetland biodiversity) and disadvantages (P mobilization) may also be expected. We found out, however, that the effect size of the measures was so small, that land-use effects override any effect on #biodiversity. In short: If we want to positively impact our peatlands, make sure that the measures actually make a difference! Congrats Heuts et al., 2024!

    Frontiers | Shallow drainage of agricultural peatlands without land-use change: have your peat and eat it too

    Frontiers | Shallow drainage of agricultural peatlands without land-use change: have your peat and eat it too

  • 🌍 Big news from the field of ecological research! Sarian Kosten has been awarded the Huibregtsen Prize 2024 for her groundbreaking research on the contribution of human-made water bodies (e.g., #fishponds and #ditches) to global #greenhousegas emissions. As a Professor of Ecology at Radboud Faculty of Science, she explores how these environments influence #carbon and #nitrogen cycles, stressing that it is not just #CO2 we need to focus on, but also more potent greenhouse gases like #N2O and #CH4. Her work highlights the urgent need to consider these overlooked systems and offers actionable solutions to climate adaptation and mitigate their impact. Huge congratulations to Sarian for this well-deserved recognition! 👏🏽 #ClimateAction

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor NTR Wetenschap, afbeelding

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    Sarian Kosten heeft de Huibregtsenprijs 2024 gewonnen met haar onderzoek waaruit blijkt dat door de mens aangelegde wateren zoals visvijvers en sloten flink bijdragen aan de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. De hoogleraar ecologie van de Radboud University benadrukt dat het hierbij niet alleen om koolstofdioxide gaat, maar ook om de veel sterkere broeikasgassen lachgas en methaan. Sloten zijn bijvoorbeeld naar schatting verantwoordelijk voor uitstoot zo’n 15 procent van de methaanuitstoot in Nederland. Kosten ontdekte door haar onderzoek hoe belangrijk het is om dit soort wateren aan te pakken en hoe we dit kunnen doen. Gefeliciteerd Sarian Kosten! 👏🏽    Meer lezen over haar onderzoek kan op: 

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    646 volgers

    🚨 Hey, You! Stop Right There! You must check this out!🚨 Our colleagues Jose Reinaldo Paranaíba and Sarian Kosten published an article on mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from inland waters. Imagine standing by a serene lake or flowing river. It’s beautiful, right? But did you know they play a significant role in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? 🌊🌍 The authors dive deep into inland waters—both natural and constructed—to uncover how they contribute to GHG emissions and how climate-smart water management can reduce these emissions. It’s surprising to learn that while managing these water bodies is crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, there’s still so much we have yet to explore in climate-smart water management. Join us on this journey as we examine physical, chemical, and biological strategies that can transform how we approach our water ecosystems. So, whether you’re a researcher, a policy maker, or just someone who loves our planet, this article has something for you. 🌱 As we move forward, it is crucial to continue exploring these strategies not only to mitigate GHG emissions but also to enhance the ecological health of aquatic environments. Read the full article here: #ClimateChange #GreenhouseGases #WaterManagement #SustainableDevelopment #Research

    Mitigating inland waters’ greenhouse gas emissions: current insights and prospects

    Mitigating inland waters’ greenhouse gas emissions: current insights and prospects

  • Department of Ecology heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Casper van Leeuwen, afbeelding

    Assistant Professor Wetland Conservation Ecology at Radboud University

    New publication online: “Restoring land–water transition areas to stimulate food web development is mediated by the hydrological connectivity” in Ecological Indicators.   Gradual land-water transition areas are disappearing worldwide and especially quickly in the Netherlands, which creates unnatural separations between species on land and species in the water. However, many species need both land and water, and depend on the “land-water transition area” between these habitats. As many of our wetlands are degrading, restoring transition areas is an important way forward. But how to construct new areas? We discovered that if land-water transition areas are restored while they are connected to the deeper open water of a lake, they increase food availability and local densities of fish (and thereby fish-eating bird species). However, if new transition areas are created in basins that are isolated from the open water, fish cannot access, and locally high productivity leads to higher food availability for waterbirds. Our study, carried out at the #Marker #Wadden in lake Markermeer, shows that choices about the type of habitat restoration regulate the potential value for higher trophic levels in a degrading food web. Creating both connected and disconnected land-water transition areas at landscape scales can benefit both fish and birds of multiple feeding guilds. Thanks to Natuurmonumenten, the Science Foundation of China, NIOO-KNAW, Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences (RIBES), the Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds and many others for making this possible! More #open #access information in the paper here    

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  • 🌿 Hortuscafé: Trouble in Insect Land 🐞 Join us for an insightful evening at the Hortuscafé on Thursday, September 26, at Hortus Nijmegen. Insects worldwide face serious challenges due to habitat loss, pollution, poor water quality, and climate change. But just how bad is the situation, and what can we do to help? Our colleague Robin Lexmond will talk at the event about "Comfortable Landscapes" and insect recovery efforts in the Ooijpolder area, sharing insights from the Living Lab Ooijpolder-Groesbeek project on biodiversity restoration. 🎟️ Reserve your tickets now:

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    🎉 Congratulations to Dr. Renske Vroom on a successful PhD defense! 🎉 We are thrilled to announce that our colleague from the Ecology department, Renske Vroom, has successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "From meadows to marshes: cultivating plants to revive degraded wetlands." Wetlands play a critical role in our environment, providing numerous ecosystem services such as water purification, flood protection, carbon sequestration, and serving as vital habitats for countless species. Renske’s groundbreaking work on cultivating plants to restore these degraded ecosystems is a significant contribution to preserving these invaluable natural resources. Remarkable achievement. Congratulations, Dr. Renske Vroom! 🎓🌿 #PhDDefense #Ecology #Wetlands #EcosystemServices

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Department of Ecology, afbeelding

    646 volgers

    🌍 Methane in Surface Waters: A Key Player in Climate Change Our surface waters, like lakes and rivers, release methane—a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Understanding how and why these emissions occur is crucial in mitigating climate change 🧪 At Radboud University, Professor Sarian Kosten and her team are leading research to uncover the mechanisms behind methane release from natural and human-made water systems. They made pivotal discoveries on how disturbances, higher temperatures, and pollution affect methane emissions. Importantly, they had also identified natural solutions that can help reduce methane release 🌿 Get to know more here: With her research, Sarian Kosten has been nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize 2024! 🎉 This award celebrates innovative research with significant societal impact. The findings of her team are already being applied to improve emission models, create climate-resistant water management strategies, and develop more sustainable practices in industries like fish farming. Read more about the nomination and prize here: #ClimateScience #Methane #AquaticEcology #SustainableSolutions #RadboudUniversity

  • Department of Ecology heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Renske Vroom, afbeelding

    Peatland Researcher at Greifswald University

    I am very happy to share that this Friday, 13 September at 12:30, I will publicly defend my PhD thesis “From Meadows to Marshes: Cultivating Plants to Revive Degraded Wetlands” at Radboud University. Wetlands are the beautiful and invaluable places where land meets water. Wetlands provide us with clean water and protect us against floods and droughts. They are hotspots for biodiversity and store substantial amounts of carbon, regulating the global climate. 💧 Global wetland degradation by drainage and conversion to agricultural land has inevitably damaged these functions, with devastating effects on the landscape, water quality, and global climate. 🌊 In my thesis I investigated how returning the water and cultivating wetland plants can ‘revive’ degraded wetlands. I show that wetland plants can facilitate and accelerate the recovery of healthy wetland functions on formerly drained agricultural land. This offers hopeful perspectives for global climate change regulation, clean water provision, and biodiversity. 🌾 A digital version of the dissertation can be found here:

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