Norway can play a key role by developing a responsible seabed minerals sector. With the right conditions, research, and monitoring, regulations and market forces will ensure that only responsible, sustainable, and profitable solutions survive, whether they are on land or at sea. Dr. Lars-Kristian Trellevik, Anette Broch M. Tvedt, Hans Petter Klohs, Alden Denny, Werner Svellingen
Om oss
ADEPTH Minerals AS is a Norwegian based company with the aim to deliver sustainable exploration and extraction of marine minerals. ADEPTH Minerals are to find and produce commercial deep sea minerals through sustainable marine operations by integrating big data and artificial intelligence for prospect analysis and risk assessment. ADEPTH Minerals believe we can play an important and positive role in promoting broad-based structural transition to a more climate-neutral economy by performing sustainable exploration and extraction of deep sea minerals required in the production of renewable energy.
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- Bergen
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- Privateid selskap
Bergen, NO
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Copper – the real gold of this century Look look to the seabed for low impact ethical seabed minerals on the Norwegian shelf with high mineral gehalt and low capex. A big win for People, Planet and Profit. New onshore mines are not being developed to offset the increasing need for copper. It typically takes 15 - 20 years with one off tailored infrastructure Capex of USD 7 - 10 billion (sunk cost) to bring a project with a low Cu gehalt into production. Norway has significant seabed mineral resources on the Norwegian shelf including copper rich sulfides with high gehalt. The attractiveness’s of this large resource base has been validated by multiple discoveries announced by the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Norway also has a world leading subsea technology industry and a strong and transparent regulatory framework based on 50 years experience from oil & gas. We at Adepth Minerals have over the past five years together with our industry partners developed and matured low impact, low capex «recyclable» and generic technology for the exploration and production phase. Norways critical minerals have become even more critical based on recent developments. Adepth is thus preparing for the 1st licence round for seabed mineral extraction licences on the Norwegian Shelf, expected to be announced early 2026. ADEPTH Minerals DeepOcean Seabed Solutions Sokkeldirektoratet Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) International Energy Agency (IEA)
| LinkedIn Top Voice | 115.000+ | Energy - Economy - Sustainability - Climate | Works at IEA, the global leading energy authority | (Views here are personal)
UNFAIR…⚠⚠⚠ There is a big economy emerging and it is the one of clean technologies. It is a market worth hundreds of billions of dollars and growing very fast. In such new opportunities, emerging economies participate in a very limited way and mainly as the key supplier of raw materials – the very initial step of clean tech supply chains. Copper – what many calls the real gold of this century – is a clear example. Copper is essential in a world that electrifies: from grids infratructures to electric motors, charging stations and mainly other applications. Latin America provides nearly half of global copper mineral exports. Cobalt is another example with Democratic Republic of Congo accounting for the majority of global trade of a mineral so far key for batteries. Or bauxite, for which one single country in West Africa – Guinea – accounts for more than half of global exports, and it is key for aluminium elsewhere. It Is quite clear that such trend is not only unfair but quite a pity too. Those areas need to grasp more of the benefits associated with new markets emerging and enjoy the real value of their resources. The key job for policymakers is to valorise such resources and make sure to develop local industry able to turn the emergence of a new #economy into a concrete possibility. Chart from IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2024, made by IEA Technology Division. . #energy #data #future #technology #innovation.
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📢 Another batch of presentations and 9 posters for Deep Sea Minerals 2025 have been confirmed! Check out the latest program updates here 👉 Kicking off day 2 of the conference, Michael Arbuthnot from SEARCH will present a talk on "Navigating the “Hidden World” of cultural significance in the deep ocean" Norwegian Offshore Directorate Norwegian Ministry of Energy DHI atdepth NORCE Norwegian Research Centre ADEPTH Minerals Shearwater GeoServices Argeo Xylem Watson Farley & Williams Akvaplan-niva National Oceanography Centre University of Southampton Vinson & Elkins Geological Survey of Spain Process Flow Intelligence (PFI) NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences #deepseaminerals #deepseamining #greenminerals #criticalminerals
𝗘𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲: 𝗡𝗼𝗿𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗱 Norway’s failure to execute the parliamentary decision on seabed mining is not just a delay in industrial policy—it is an active contribution to the global conflict minerals crisis. By refusing to extract and process its own critical minerals, Norway remains dependent on resources from conflict zones like the DRC, where minerals are mined under horrific conditions. The ethical responsibility is clear: For ethical minerals we must start with our own supply chains. Instead of turning a blind eye to blood minerals, Norway can and must lead in developing responsible seabed minerals that adhere to strict environmental and human rights standards. Otherwise, we continue to fuel exploitation, war, and suffering—while claiming to uphold humanitarian values. VG - Verdens Gang AS ( 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗰𝘁 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹𝘀: The ongoing war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is primarily driven by the fight to control valuable minerals, which are essential for modern technology, including mobile phones and batteries. 𝗦𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗩𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲: Denis Mukwege points to sexual violence as a weapon of war. Over 123,000 victims of brutal sexual violence in 2023. 𝗠𝟮𝟯 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝘄𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮: The armed group M23, backed by Rwanda, controls key mining areas, generating millions in illicit mineral exports. UN confirm Rwanda’s involvement. 𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗶𝘁𝘆: Western countries, including the EU, benefit from these minerals but fail to take strong action against Rwanda’s role in the conflict. Instead, Rwanda has signed trade agreements with the EU for these minerals, despite clear evidence of illegal sourcing. 𝗗𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀: Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation criticizes the West's hypocrisy, comparing Rwanda's invasion of DRC to Russia’s war in Ukraine—yet, while Russia faces sanctions, Rwanda is rewarded with trade deals. 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗮: While the West continues its exploitative trade, China has increased its influence in Congolese mineral extraction. The DRC government has also warned that the West’s actions are pushing them towards Russia. 𝗘𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆: Mukwege calls for a global movement to stop the exploitation of “blood minerals”, urging consumers and corporations to demand ethical sourcing instead of ignoring the atrocities in DRC. 𝗪𝗵𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹𝘀? Arbeiderpartiet, Høyre, Fremskrittspartiet/Progress Party, Rødt, Sosialistisk Venstreparti, Venstre, Norges Liberale Parti, Green Party Norway, Kristelig Folkeparti, Senterpartiet, NHO, The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), NATO, United Nations, Jonas, Terje, Guri, Sylvi, Erna, Dag, Kari, Sissel, Nicolai, Marius, Ove, Bård, Nikolai, Sveinung, Alfred, Une, Ola, Terje, Lars, Mani, Gro-Anita?
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De neste 30 årene vil vi bruke mer metaller enn vi har gjort i hele historien frem til i dag. Grønne teknologier er en viktig årsak til den enorme økningen. Derfor er det viktig å finne og utvinne nye ressurser for å dekke behovet for kritiske mineraler og redusere avhengigheten av blant andre Kina.
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DEEP SEA MINERAL EXPLORATION This month the participants of the EMINENT project met for 2 days at Akvaplan-niva offices in Tromsø to discuss the project progress. As part of the meeting, Akvaplan-niva organized a demonstration on the use and benefits of offshore autonomous vehicles with advanced sensors for ocean data collection. All photos: Lionel Camus/Akvaplan-niva About the EMINENT project: Full title: Energy Minerals for the Net Zero Transition (Havbunnsmineraler - akselererer energiomstillingen) Project management: ADEPTH Minerals Project partners: University of Bergen (UiB)/Universitetet i Bergen Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) UiT- The Arctic University of Norway NORCE Norwegian Research Centre Future Materials - Norwegian Catapult Centre Akvaplan-niva AS NOV Aanderaa - a Xylem brand DeepOcean Shearwater Research Aker BP ASA Seabed Solutions Geoprovider GCE Ocean Technology Funding: The Research Council of Norway/ Norges forskningsråd, Innovation Norway/ Innovasjon Norge, @Siva SF
Exciting news from Sokkeldirektoratet! Congratulations to the team from Center for Deep Sea Research at Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) on the discovery! We look forward to learn more 🌍
Senter for dyphavsforskning ved Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) har påvist en ny inaktiv sulfidforekomst, og det ved hjelp av våre data fra tidligere undersøkelser. Toktet ble gjennomført i Norskehavet og Grønlandshavet med forskningsskipet G.O. Sars i sommer, på vitenskapelig undersøkelsestillatelse 900/2024. Formålet med undersøkelsene var å øke kunnskapen om dyphavet, og det ble samlet inn både geologi- og miljødata. Den nye forekomsten ligger på 1175 meters vanndyp, har en diameter på 150 meter og strekker seg 60 meter over havbunnen. Det innsamlede materialet er ikke analysert ennå, men foreløpige observasjoner basert på tilstedeværelse av mineralet atacamitt indikerer at denne kan ha et høyt innhold av kobber. Les mer om funnet på våre nettsider :-)
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Havbunnsmineraler ➡ En del av løsningen For tre år siden deltok jeg på Arendalsuka for første gang - med tema havbunnmineraler. Jeg la frem Adepth's planer for kunnskapsbygging og teknologiutvikling og det ble diskutert kunnskapsbehov, miljøutfordringer og moratorium. Geopolitikk ble knapt nevnt med ett ord. 🌐 Verden har endret seg dramatisk siden det, i tillegg til klima- og naturkrisen, har vi nå også en geopolitisk krise. Og heldigvis en tematikk høyt på agendaen i Arendal i år. 🔥 Klimakrisen skjer nå og naturtapet er ubestridelig. De "grønne" teknologiene vi har er metallintensive. Bare utbygging av kraftnettet krever mer kobber innen 2050 enn vi har produsert de siste 7000 år. 🌱 Vi må begrense vårt naturinngrep. Vi må sørge for at vårt avtrykk blir minst mulig når det gjelder mineraler. Resirkulering skal og må være en del av regnestykket, men som Eirik Melle (Danske Bank) påpeker, så er mange energiomstillingsteknologier førstegenerasjon, og en stund til de må resirkuleres. ⚠ Det geopolitiske frikvarteret er over. Verden blir mer polarisert, og forsyningskjeder blir brutt. EU og USA har satt seg høye mål for å sikre råvaretilgang, og transparente og forutsigbare forsyningskjeder. En gruve på land tar i dag 15-25 år å utvikle, så det haster å finne gode, ansvarlige løsninger. Havbunnsmineraler kan være en viktig grunnpilar i omstillingen vi nå står ovenfor, samtidig møtes havbunnsmineraler med moratorium. Vi er vel alle enige om at noe må gjøres, men har ulik tilnærming til hvordan det skal løses mest forsvarlig, Terje Aasland, Une Bastholm, Jan Erik Saugestad, Lise Øvreås, Karoline Andaur, Hildegunn T. Blindheim og Veslemøy Hedvig Østrem? For ADEPTH Minerals del, siden vår første tur til Arendal, har vi levert på vår plan: - Vi bygger sammen med et konsortium av 15 ledende forsknings og industrimiljøer unik kunnskap om hele verdikjeden for havbunnmineraler #EMINENT - Utviklet leteteknologi - Vi har sammen med University of Bergen (UiB) i spissen, samlet inn store mengder miljødata og ressursdata, og bidratt til det største funnet av havbunnsmineraler på norsk sokkel som bl.a. inneholder kobber. Mye kobber – med høyere konsentrasjon enn på land. Dette er store fremskritt på kun tre år! Mye av dette er finansiert med privat risikokapital – over 100 millioner kroner. Derfor blir jeg veldig oppgitt når det fortsatt blir snakket om hvor lite kunnskap vi har, om hvor umoden teknologien er og at det ikke er lønnsomt. Vi forteller gjerne om kunnskapsnivået eller spør de enda mer dyptdykkende i dette området; Center for Deep Sea Research, og Norwegian Offshore Directorate. Skal vi redusere våre karbonutslipp og levere på Net Zero må vi slutte å snakke - Vi må handle! For havbunnsmineraler er det å utrede om ressursene i dyphavet kan være en mer ansvarlig løsning, enn å stole på at vi skal få råvarene fra gruver vi ikke vet noe som helst av konsekvensene av.
Vi ser frem til å diskutere geopolitikk, hvilket potensiale vi ser på havbunnen og hvordan vi ansvarlig kan få mest ut av de ressursene vi har under #Arendalsuka2024: I dag klokken 13:00 på Galeasen Loyal vil det bli ett innblikk i EMINENT prosjektet: Havbunnsmineraler - bærekraftig energiomstilling? Sammen med Erik Haavind fra NOV og Thore Jarle Sørensen fra ReSiTec AS & Anette Broch M. Tvedt fra ADEPTH Minerals. Onsdag klokken 13 i Arendal Kultur- og Rådhus: Havmineraler – Redning eller ødeleggesle? ( med Terje Aasland (Energidepartementet (Norge)), Une Bastholm (Miljøpartiet De Grønne), Hildegunn T. Blindheim (Offshore Norge), Karoline Andaur (WWF), Lise Øvreås (Universitetet i Bergen (UiB), Jan Erik Saugestad (Storebrand) og Anette Broch M. Tvedt (ADEPTH Minerals). Samtalen ledes av Veslemøy Hedvig Østrem ( Vi ser også frem til gode diskusjoner på en rekke andre arrangement: - Hvordan kan vi lykkes med mineralutvinning som Norges neste industrieventyr? ( - Havbunnsmineraler – Hva skal til for å lykkes? ( +++ Sees vi?
As an exploration team in Adepth, we are committed to be always curious about new knowledge, especially when it’s backed by solid data that can help us make informed decisions. Recently, Sweetman et al. published an intriguing article titled "Evidence of Dark Oxygen Production at the Abyssal Seafloor" in Nature Geoscience (2024) ( The title alone sparked excitement within the deep-sea community, hinting at a fascinating phenomenon! Eager to learn more, we delved into the study with great interest. However, after a thorough read, we found ourselves with more questions than answers. Inspired by this, we decided to summarize our thoughts in a short document ( Here is the abstract: This review examines the findings and methodologies presented in Sweetman et al. (2024) (hereafter referred to as ‘the paper’). The paper presents findings contrasting those of all previous comparable work and has stirred international debate pertaining to deep-sea minerals. We identify significant issues in data collection, validation, and interpretation including unvalidated data collection methods, the omission of crucial observations relevant for electrolysis processes, and unsupported voltage measurements which undermine the study’s conclusions. These issues, coupled with unfounded hypotheses about early Earth oxygen production, call into question the authors’ interpretation of the observations and warrant re-examining the validity of this work. Our analysis is driven by scientific curiosity of mineral related processes, as our company has no vested interests in nodule production. Alden Denny, Dr. Lars-Kristian Trellevik, Werner Svellingen #deepseaminerals #marineminerals #deepsea #darkoxygen #articlereview