Barel AS

Barel AS

Produksjon av elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr

Kirkenes, Finnmark 491 følgere

World's top electronics

Om oss

Barel AS develops and manufactures electronics for OEM customers within the markets for international lighting and heating industry. We have specialized in electronic ballasts, LED-drivers, LED lamps and emergency lights for use in hazardous areas (Ex), and emergency light units for use in non hazardous areas.

Produksjon av elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr
51–200 ansatte
Kirkenes, Finnmark
Privateid selskap
manufacturing, developement, Service, Research, Lights, Lamps, EX, Production, Quality, EX-production, Ballasts, LED, Lighting, Electronics


Ansatte i Barel AS


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    491 følgere

    Did you know that 20% of global electricity is used for lighting? 💡Let's make an impact together by choosing LED technology that reduces electricity consumption. 🌱 Did you also know that our products are made in Norway with 100% renewable energy? 😀💧 This is our improved LED drivers - HFX LED BG2 and HFXE LED BG2 ⬇ ✅ New rapid connection system for easy production (no screws - just plug and play). ✅ DALI-2 enables remote monitoring, reduced need for maintenance, dimming and more. ✅ EMC - Bridge and Open Deck. Read more about our products here:

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    We have spent the weekend digesting the biggest news in Barel's history. 💡😃 Barel's founder, Geir Torbjørnsen, has sold the company to Aluwave AB, a Gothenburg-based firm owned by Tången , an investment group focused on improving companies. Torbjørnsen emphasized the importance of a strategic match for Barel's future and the continuity of its Kirkenes operations, ensuring that the transition benefits both the business and its employees. CEO, Bård Gamnes expressed optimism about the acquisition, highlighting Aluwave's commitment to sustainability and local development, along with the promising growth opportunities that come from being part of a larger global network. We look forward to our cooperation and partnership for many years to come. 😊 😊

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Barel AS, grafisk

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    Celebration of Tor Arne's 30th anniversary at Barel! 🎉 Today we mark a special day here at Barel. Our dear colleague, Tor Arne, is celebrating 30 years of dedicated service in the company. We gathered in the canteen to honor him with cake and kind words during lunch. 🎂😋😋 Over the years, Tor Arne has shown himself to be a very capable employee. He is always in a good mood, which contributes to a positive working environment. Furthermore, he is professionally skilled and a great mentor to our new employees. We are incredibly grateful for everything Tor Arne has done, and we look forward to many more years of his valuable contribution. Many congratulations on the anniversary, Tor Arne! 🤗

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Barel AS, grafisk

    491 følgere

    Et bærekraftig bånd er knyttet! 🤝 🌱 I dag har våre sommerstudenter deres siste arbeidsdag på Barel. Vi vil gjerne få takke Jonas, Håkon og Rickard for deres innsats de siste seks ukene. Som vår daglige leder, Bård Gamnes, så fint siterer: " Å få unge, nysgjerrige hoder inn her på Barel, har vært et skikkelig friskt pust i sommervarmen!". ☀ Vi ønsker guttene en riktig god velfortjent sommerferie og masse lykke til med studiene til høsten! ☀ 😎

    Workation – et bærekraftig bånd er knyttet

    Workation – et bærekraftig bånd er knyttet

    Barel AS på LinkedIn

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    Did you know that at Barel we have employees from seven different nationalities? We have therefore started Norwegian courses for those who need it. 📚😊 In December 2023, we applied for funding from the The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. The application was approved and we have been assigned 200 teaching hours! 🤩 It is Anna Brækkan from the Kirkenes kompetansesenter who will teach us. -We are very happy we got Anna who has extensive experience in linguistics. We also appreciate the opportunity of getting these funds and we are so glad on behalf of our employees, says an eager and happy Maria Goman, who works in HR at Barel.

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