Forsidebilde av NorDan Gruppens
NorDan Gruppen

NorDan Gruppen

Bygg og anlegg

Moi, Rogaland 2 206 følgere

Vinduer, dører og smarte tilbehør for en bærekraftig og digitalisert fremtid

Om oss

NorDan Gruppen er en av Europas ledende produsenter av vinduer, dører og smart tilbehør. Fra etableringen i 1926 til i dag har både virksomheten og samfunnet gått gjennom enorme forandringer, men en ting forblir det samme: NorDan Gruppen er et familieeid selskap, og styres etter de samme grunnleggende verdiene som ved etableringen. Konsernet har hovedkontor på Moi i Rogaland – samme sted som virksomheten ble grunnlagt for snart 100 år siden. NorDans unike posisjon har i stor grad kommet fra lokal tilstedeværelse. Gjennom produksjon, produktutvikling og salgskontor har NorDan knyttet sterke bånd til omgivelsene. På tvers av konsernet er NorDan i dag representert i Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Storbritannia, Irland, Polen og Litauen. Gjennom 30 salgskontor betjenes en dynamisk byggebransje primært i Skandinavia og Storbritannia, hver med sine egne tilpasninger til lokale forhold og krav.

Bygg og anlegg
1 001-5 000 ansatte
Moi, Rogaland
Privateid selskap
vinduer, dører, smarte tilbehør


Ansatte i NorDan Gruppen


  • NorDan Vinduer gathers their troops and pace at #Byggeri25 💛 This week the large fair, Byggeri 25, has been hosted in Denmark. Entering 2025, NorDan decided to merge the Danish companies and the expo represented an ideal opportunity for the merged NorDan Vinduer to exhibit all they can offer. With arguably the markets most comprehensive product offering at their disposal, strong differentials such as ATech and Screens, and Northern-Europe’s leading brand within windows- and doors all opportunities are present when we gather our troops. Through Perfekt Samspill, the expo has been used as a «window-of-opportunity» towards existing- and new customers. Furthermore, it has also served as a centerpiece in the cultural onboarding to NorDan internally in the company. On Thursday, all employees at the Rudkøbing factory was invited to take part in the expo. This serves as one of many highlights and a great opportunity to feel the positivity this gives to «new» NorDan Vinduer. Thank you to everyone that has been involved in making this an event to remember. We look forward to the results that will come from this both internally- and externally. Good luck to all 😊 #PerfektSamspill #Windows #Doors #Byggeri25

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  • We are proud to inform that NorDan sales of the Nordic Swan label and international Eco label increased with a remarkable 78% in 2024. This was the second consecutive year with strong growth. In the demanding Scandinavia building sector this is great news to all stakeholders and the environment. Of course, this is also a significant achievement worth celebrating in the entire NorDan Group. Nothing happens by coincident. It has been part of our strategy for decades. As many know, the Swan labelled criterias are very demanding both in terms of product performance as well as in documentation. NorDan has been Miljømerking Norge - Svanemerket labelled since 2007 when NTech Passiv 0,7 was launched at the largest building fair in Scandinavia, Bygg Reis Deg near Oslo. Since then, NorDan has continued focusing heavily on sustainable windows and doors with premium quality and long lifetime expectancy dealing with extreme weather and being energy efficient. Innovation and action oriented are two of our important values. Through our own Competence Center of environment and documentation, we strive for constant improvements. This is why NorDan again became “first mover” launching a dynamic EPD in 2023. This was a significant achievement working only with bespoke, configurated windows and doors. The Swan label is a strong consumer brand. NorDan is in fact the strongest window brand internationally within our product group. The Nordic Ecolabel is an important tool for streamlining green procurement. NorDan recently participated at “Green Label Day” in Bergen under hosted by the Nordic Ecolabel. Here, we shared our experiences and perspectives regarding, among other things, smart green procurement. When important messages are sent from leading brands it truly makes a difference.   #PerfektSamspill #NorDan #Windows #Doors #Quality

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  • Safety First! Safety is a key priority across the NorDan Group. In our factories, in sales & administration, in logistics, on the construction sites and for products in use. Safety is all about high standards and continuous improvement to develop further. Factory Tanum in Sweden has now passed more than 750 days without lost time accidents.   Factory Manager Tanum, Ulf Rickardsson said: "The fact that we have had 750 days without lost time accidents shows that we are really focused on NorDan's highest priority, safety first. We focus on safety every day, all together, through perfect samspill with other NorDan colleagues, making me proud of our work. It was very nice to celebrate our 750 days with all employees on 4th March with our traditional Swedish cream buns."   NorDan Sverige - Fönster & dörrar Managing Director, Andreas Långström states: "Our high focus on safety and our vision of perfect samspill between our customers, suppliers and colleagues has made a difference in our daily work and the work environment. It is fantastic to have passed 750 days without lost time accidents in our factory in Tanum."   NorDan Gruppen CEO, Dag Kroslid states: "In our safety work, marking our progress and achievements is important. At the recent board meeting in NorDan AB, the board was very pleased to learn more about the impressive safety performance of our Tanum factory. Congratulations and thumbs up for the excellent safety work. I also included information about this achievement in my recent CEO status update to the whole NorDan organization."

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  • Today, we mark the International Women’s Day. While this is a day of celebration, it is also a reminder of the challenges that remain.   Save the Children has been working for over 100 years to protect the rights of children, and their message today is more important than ever: "Over the past decades, we have seen tremendous progress for women and girls worldwide – more access to education, improved healthcare, and a decline in child marriages in some regions.   But today, these hard-won gains are at risk. War, climate change, and economic crises are reversing progress, particularly in conflict zones. The impact of aid cuts on women’s and girls’ health means that millions are losing access to contraception, healthcare, and essential information. As a result, more girls will be forced into child marriages, face unwanted pregnancies, and suffer the consequences of unsafe abortions.   This is not just a health crisis – it is a fundamental human rights crisis."   At NorDan, we are proud to support Save the Children’s work. Their fight for children's rights and gender equality is more crucial than ever. We stand with them in ensuring that every girl, regardless of where she is born, has the right to a safe and bright future.   💜 Happy International Women’s Day! Let’s keep pushing for a world where every child has the opportunity to survive, learn, and be safe.   #IWD #SaveTheChildren #GirlsRights #Equality #WomensDay #NorDan

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  • Meet our best factories of 2024! The annual NorDan Factory of the Year award has been decided. For 2024, the winners are VIKING INDUSTRIER in Lithuania and Factory Wolsztyn in NorDan Polska. Congratulations!   Being awarded Factory of the Year in the NorDan Group is a prestigious award, where all 12 factories are assessed across criteria such as safety, quality and delivery precision.      NorDan Gruppen CEO, Dag Kroslid, states: “My very best congratulations to all employees at Factory Wolsztyn and Factory Viking employees. Both factories show very high levels of operational performance. It is especially satisfactory that Factory Wolsztyn, the largest factory in the NorDan Group, being so successful.”   Factory Manager Wolsztyn, Michał Makowski said: “Several factors contributed to our success last year, the most important of which include a committed team focused on achieving goals and systematic work. We believe that ongoing market observation and analysis of new opportunities are also necessary, which helps us respond quickly to the changing environment and needs.”   VIKING INDUSTRIER Managing Director, Sigitas Šakys stated: “This result is the outcome of successfully completing numerous small, daily tasks with attention to detail. Each team member contributed their expertise and dedication, and it is through our combined efforts that we were able to reach this achievement.”   Øyvind Litlehei, COO of NorDan Gruppen, sums up: "The Factory of the Year award in 2024 is the result of high performance in all areas for the factories Wolsztyn and Viking. This shows that factories with employees that are committed and have high focus on the goals, work safely and systematically on daily task, will succeed. Congratulations to Wolsztyn and Viking!”

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  • We won! What a fantastic day we experienced Tuesday during the Vestlandskonferansen conference in Bergen. A great event made even better by being awarded “Handlekraftprisen 2025” for NorDan's proactive approach to increased energy efficiency, improved sustainability and international success. NorDan Group CEO Dag Kroslid accepted the award together with Chaiman of the Board Tore Rasmussen. In his speech, Kroslid emphasised the great recognition such an award represents for NorDan as a company and for all employees and shareholders. “It's fantastic to receive ‘Handlekraftprisen 2025’ as a clear confirmation of NorDan's development in Norway and internationally. It is also a recognition of our energy-efficient windows and doors, of which we deliver more than 600,000 to buildings in Scandinavia, the UK and Ireland every year”, said Kroslid. “Being action-orientated has been one of the company's stated values for more than 15 years, and NorDan has shown great drive in its daily work and strategic development. We will celebrate the Award across the group and take it with us into NorDan's 100th anniversary in 2026.“ Many thanks to Agenda Vestlandet, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, Næringsforeningen i Stavanger-regionen and everyone who voted for us!

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  • At NorDan we embrace innovation, which is at the heart of everything we do. Our dedication to innovation ensures that we consistently deliver our clients high-quality, sustainable, and energy-efficient solutions. 🤝 Customer-Centric Approach: Innovation is driven by our customers' needs. We listen to feedback and continuously improve our products to meet and exceed expectations. 📈 Continuous Improvement: We foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement among our team members. By encouraging creativity and experimentation, we stay ahead of industry trends and set new standards. 🔍 Research & Development: Our dedicated R&D teams are constantly exploring materials, techniques, and technologies to enhance our product offerings and keep us at the forefront of the industry. We believe that innovation is not just about creating something new but about making a meaningful impact. #innovation #PerfektSamspill #quality

  • Education matters even more than you think! Today marks the International Day of Education, which is essential in reminding us how important education is, both in conflict areas and closer to home. Education is a road to improved self-worth and realising one's potential, and we are proud to be partners with Redd Barna and support their work to improve education for millions of children across the world. #education #sustainability #PerfektSamspill

    Viser organisasjonsside for Redd Barna

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    I dag er det den internasjonale dagen for #utdanning! 🎒   💡 Visste du at nesten 400 millioner barn i grunnskolealder ikke kan lese eller skrive?   Skolegang og utdanning har en fantastisk kraft til å forandre et barns framtid. Men millioner av barn i dag blir frarøvet dette bare på grunn av hvem de er eller hvor de bor. De fratas muligheten til læring fordi de er fanget i nødsituasjoner, lever i ekstrem fattigdom, eller blir diskriminert på grunn av kjønn, funksjonshemming eller etnisitet. 💔   Her er noen av grunnene til at utdanning er så viktig: ✊ Bekjempe fattigdom: Utdanning gir barn kunnskap og ferdigheter som kan hjelpe dem å bryte ut av fattigdom 🩺 Helse og utvikling: Utdanning fører til bedre helse, bærekraftig utvikling og reduserer sosial ulikhet 🍀 Utvikling og håp: Utdanning gir barn mulighet til å utvikle seg, få kunnskap og gir dem håp for fremtiden 🛑 Beskyttelse: Utdanning beskytter barn mot barnearbeid og tidlig ekteskap, spesielt i konfliktområder ⚖️ Rettigheter: Alle barn har rett til å gå på skole og få en utdanning, noe som er avgjørende for deres fremtidige muligheter Utdanning er altså både viktig for individets utvikling, og for å bygge sterkere og mer rettferdige samfunn. 🏗️   Som verdens største barnerettighetsorganisasjon, har Redd Barna solid erfaring med å etablere og styrke utdanningstilbudet til barn over hele verden. 🌏   Vi jobber med barn, familier, skoler og lokalsamfunn, samt støttespillere, partnere og ledere, for å hjelpe barn med å bli klare for og lykkes på skolen – slik at de kan lykkes i livet. 🙌   🚸 Vi jobber for at skolen skal være et trygt sted for barn å lære – og leke, også for de som ofte blir oversett: Jenter, barn som lever i fattigdom, barn på flukt og barn som er fanget i konflikt eller krise. Over hele verden jobber Redd Barna for at barn skal få oppfylt sin rett til utdanning. For alle barn har rett til å overleve, lære og være trygge - uansett hvor de vokser opp. 🤝

  • Er du vår nye CFO og kollega? Kjenner du noen som kan være aktuelle? Som CFO i NorDan Gruppen vil du ha en sentral nøkkelrolle, være med å sikre videre utvikling og vekst i virksomheten, og inngå i et dynamisk lederteam. Interessert? Søk da vel!

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