Reflekt AS

Reflekt AS

Olje og gass

Stavanger, Rogaland 138 følgere

Om oss

Reflekt is a company focussing on Major Accident prevention and our services include; Investigations Reflekt has extensive experience with incident investigations and root cause analysis. Reflekt has developed methodology to determine why incidents occur and what can be done to prevent them. The methodology includes an assessment of the causes of incidents in relation to the typical causes of Major Accidents. Health Checks Reflekt has developed a methodology for assessing the vulnerability of organizations to Major Accident. The methodology is based on extensive studies of actual Major Accidents and theoretical and practical insights into organisational behaviours. Workshops / Seminars Reflekt can organise and facilitate seminars or workshops to improve knowledge and awareness of the failures in technical, operational and organizational barriers that have led to major accidents:

Olje og gass
2–10 ansatte
Stavanger, Rogaland
Privateid selskap


Ansatte i Reflekt AS


  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

    138 følgere

    The Weekly Reflektion 42/2024 Reflekt will organise a breakfast seminar Wednesday 27th November. In the seminar we will consider what the offshore petroleum industry can learn from the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. The seminar will be held at the Quality Hotel Pond in Forus from 0800 to 1000. A light breakfast will be served beforehand. There is plenty of free parking at and around the hotel. Please let us know if you would like to attend. Some managers have a ‘get it fixed’ attitude to solving problems and pride themselves on their action focus. Sometimes the desire to fix the problem gets in the way of finding out what the problem actually is, and consequently fails to find a practical solution. Some managers avoid discussing problems in order to avoid expensive modifications and also fail to find a practical solution. Irrespective of the management attitude, dialog and open discussion is important. What is the problem?

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

    138 følgere

    The Weekly Reflektion 41/2024 Reflekt will organise a breakfast seminar Wednesday 27th November. In the seminar we will consider what the offshore petroleum industry can learn from the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. The seminar will be held at the Quality Hotel Pond in Forus from 0800 to 1000. A light breakfast will be served beforehand. There is plenty of free parking at and around the hotel. Please let us know if you would like to attend. Inherently safer designs are based on four principles. Eliminate the potential for hazards, reduce the probability of a hazardous event, reduce the severity of the consequences, and separate or protect the people from the hazard. Elimination should be the first port of call in the journey to safe operation. It is however unlikely that all hazards can be eliminated so there will always be a residual risk with any operation. There are also uncertainties and limits to our knowledge that may lead us to believe we have never truly eliminated the hazard. Can you actually eliminate the hazard?

    The Weekly Reflektion 41/2024

    The Weekly Reflektion 41/2024

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

    138 følgere

    The Weekly Reflektion 40/2024 Welcome to Reflekt’s breakfast seminar Wednesday 27th November. In the seminar we will consider what the offshore petroleum industry can learn from the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. The seminar will be held at the Quality Hotel Pond in Forus from 0800 to 1000. A light breakfast will be served beforehand. There is plenty of free parking at and around the hotel. Please let us know if you would like to attend. Framing our language to influence how others will perceive us and the message that we are trying to convey is a key factor in communication. Calling the glass half full is positive and half empty negative because the listener hears the words ‘full’ and ‘empty’ and disregards the fact that the glasses are identical. Framing bias also has a signifcant effect on decision making as people are influenced by the way information is presented rather than the facts themselves. This can limit the context of a problem and lead people to ignore potential solutions. How to you frame your problems?

    The Weekly Reflektion 40/2024

    The Weekly Reflektion 40/2024

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

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    The Weekly Reflektion 39/2024 The culture at your facility may be the result of many years hard work to ensure people display the right behaviours and that safety standards are maintained. The culture may be the result of a passive approach where people themselves have had to find out how they can work safely. In some cases the culture reflects a total disregard for the hazards and a blind acceptance of the consequences of these hazards. Irrespective of where you are and what culture you have, you can make a difference. Your culture, it is what it is, or is it?

    The Weekly Reflektion 39/2024

    The Weekly Reflektion 39/2024

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

    138 følgere

    The Weekly Reflektion 37/2024 There are several methods advocated for investigations into incidents and accidents and there are no doubt advantages and disadvantages with each of these. They are all based on the scientific method that requires systematic observation, measurement, experiment and analysis, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses. The scientific method is arguably under pressure from postmodernism that questions the basic assumptions of Western philosophy, including the premises for the scientific method. When the motivation for bypassing the scientific method is not the search for truth but the furthering of a specific agenda then the seeds for disinformation are sown and unfortunately take root. Once conspiration theories grow out of this disinformation theyundermine the real story. Countering these theories becomes increasingly difficult especially when the media buys in, and social media accelerates the falsehoods. Never have the words ‘A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth gets its boots on’, been more relevant. Are you aware of the dangers of disinformation?

    The Weekly Reflektion 37/2024

    The Weekly Reflektion 37/2024

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

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    The Weekly Reflektion 35/2024 Reduction in risk requires a focus on reducing both the probability of an undesidered event and the consequences of the event once it has occurred. When assessing the consequences it is important not to just get hung up on the actual consequences from these events. It is important that the potential consequences are also considered. How do you assess the potential consequences of an incident?

    The Weekly Reflektion 35/2024

    The Weekly Reflektion 35/2024

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

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    The Weekly Reflektion 34/2024 Sometimes we are carrying out our work as normal, thensomething happens that makes us realise that we could be so much better. A colleague points out a potential improvement, a chance mistake reveals a previously unknown function, or we may even read the instructions and procedures. Once we are aware of the improvement we kick ourselves for not realising it earlier, especially when it seems so obvious. Hindsight is truly enlightening. Do you look but not see?

    The Weekly Reflektion 34/2024

    The Weekly Reflektion 34/2024

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

    138 følgere

    The Weekly Reflektion 33/2024 Getting the basics right in any activity or task is an all encompassing intention that is easy to state, important to implement, however often difficult to put into practice. Then a major accident occurs, the follies are exposed and the outrage drives change, despite some entrenched resistance. It is unfortunate that so many people need to suffer for us to see the light. Do you get the basics right?

    The Weekly Reflektion 33/2024

    The Weekly Reflektion 33/2024

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Reflekt AS, grafisk

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    The Weekly Reflektion 31/2024 Carrying out a risk assessment requires identification of likely hazards and threats and how these can be mitigated to ensure the future is safe. Some hazards and threats may be considered to be unlikely that the risks are not assessed. Some hazards and threats are not thought about at all. This is where our creativity becomes important. Do you consider the unthinkable in your risk assessements?

    The Weekly Reflektion 31/2024

    The Weekly Reflektion 31/2024

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