Sustainability at Fagskolen i Agder ♻️🌍 Sea1 Offshore was in action with our ESG team, represented by Jon August Houge and Stig Kristian Fjeldstad Marthinsen, at Fagskolen i Agder’s conference on Leadership, Sustainable Operations, Circular Economy, and Work-Related Crime on March 19th. Our ESG team explored key topics within CSRD and sustainability reporting, sharing insights from our global operations. We discussed how we implement operational and technical sustainability measures – and the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Thank you for allowing us to be part of this conference! Sustainability is a journey – we are measured not only by the goals we set but by the actions we take 💡 #FagskoleniAgder #Sustainability #CSRD #Sea1Offshore
Nok en spennende og interessant dag på Fagskolen i Agder med fokus på ledelse, bærekraftig drift, sirkulærøkonomi og arbeidslivskriminalitet. Takk til Jon August Houge og Stig Kristian Fjeldstad Marthinsen som gav studentene våre en innføring i Sea1 Offshore sitt arbeid med ESG og CSRD. Og takk til Nav Agder, Innovasjon Norge, Glencore Nikkelverk AS, UiA Nyskaping, Fair play Agder og A-krim for lærerike innlegg.