Forsidebilde av Techouse AS’
Techouse AS

Techouse AS

Olje og gass

Sandnes, Rogaland 3 343 følgere

Offshore combined cycles Water Treatment Energy Solutions

Om oss

Techouse is a leader in the provision of offshore platform processing equipment and services to the international oil & gas industry. We specialize in water treatment and chemical injection systems, energy recovery units (HRSGs, OTSGs, WHRUs), gas turbine technology, pressure and temperature technology, energy-efficiency systems and engineering services. The company is a pre-qualified, multi-discipline provider of process equipment to major oil companies, upstream equipment businesses and EPCIC contractors on a global basis. Techouse employs approximately 206 people and is headquartered in Stavanger, Norway, with offices also in Oslo, Glasgow, Paris, Vietnam and China. Techouse’s products and services portfolio includes: • Water Treatment Packages - Sulphate Removal Units (SRU) - Membrane Deaeration (MDA) - Electro chlorination - Chemical Injection Systems - Produced Water Treatment (PWT) - Sea water filtration - Water for utilities - Water for injection - Fresh water systems / Demin water system • Exhaust Heat Recovery Packages - WHRU – Waste heat recovery systems, and energy distribution processes - HRSG – Heat Recovery Steam Generator modules for offshore applications - OTSG - Once Through Steam Generators • Gas turbine auxiliaries - Air Oil Separators - Air Inlet Systems • Physical Safety Barriers - ALUBAR™ - Flood doors • Consultancy services and engineering studies • Expertise in troubleshooting and debottlenecking of process systems Techouse is registered in the ACHILLES Joint Qualification System, ID No 25037. Company has established Quality Management System according to ISO 9001. Certificate number is: ISO 9001:2008 : Certificate No. 105494-2011-AQ-NOR-NA FPAL : Registration No. 100 51 876 EPIM/Magnet : Customer ID 1321 Avetta : Registration No. 250065633 Ariba : ANID: AN01457129520 Requis : DM-004292

Olje og gass
51–200 ansatte
Sandnes, Rogaland
Åpent aksjeselskap
Thermal Energy Equipment, Systems and Studies, Waste Heat Recovery Units (WHRU), Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG), Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG), Water Treatment, Sulphate Removal Units, Membrane Deaeration, Water Injection Systems, Chemical Injection, MEG Injection, Chemical Compatibility


Ansatte i Techouse AS


  • EXCITING MONDAY NEWS: 🙂 ⬇️ ⬇️ 🙂 Techouse and Ocean-Power AS have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to jointly study the potential development of a floating gas power plant with CO2-capture capabilities for use on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).   “A floating power hub with carbon capture capabilities can be a much more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to supplying offshore oil and gas platforms with electrical power from land. This MoU will look at the viability of developing such a solution with our energy recovery solution at the core,” says Svein Helge Pettersen, CEO of Techouse.   Ocean-Power’s power hub concept is based on floating units with 200 - 250MW power pack installed. Power is supplied to nearby offshore platforms and to the grid inshore. The electricity production is based on Techouse’s combined cycle power plants, while CO2 is captured from the system’s exhaust and injected directly into a nearby geological formation, into a pipeline or liquefied and transported by vessel for usage or permanent storage   The purpose of the collaboration is to first conduct study work on relevant locations on the Norwegian continental shelf. The end-target is to get a contract to build one or several power hubs for installation on the NCS.   As part of the MoU, Ocean-Power has developed, will build, own and operate a concept using externally sourced natural gas volumes to produce electricity with carbon capture at a fit-for-purpose installation.   “Our collaboration with Techouse represents an opportunity to deliver a sustainable and highly efficient power solution. By integrating our expertise with Techouse’s energy recovery technology, we aim to demonstrate a floating power hub that not only meets the energy demands of offshore platforms but also substantially reduces their carbon footprint,” says Erling Ronglan, CEO of Ocean-Power AS.   Techouse’s contribution to the partnership is its competence and technology within energy recovery based on combined cycle power plants. The combined cycle is a heat and power solution where heat from the exhaust of gas turbines is used to generate superheated steam. The steam is then used to produce additional power in a steam turbine, generating electricity for the offshore platform. The result is that the required power is produced with 22-25 percent less fuel consumption compared to the conventional solution where only gas turbines are used for power and heating purposes on board an offshore installation.   “Carbon capture and storage solutions require energy. Our energy recovery technology is therefore a perfect match for CCS,” adds Svein Helge Pettersen.   Ocean-Power has previously entered into similar MoUs with several strategic partners with the common intention of contributing towards developing a floating power generation hub with CO2 capture and storage capabilities. #offshorepower #CCS #energyrecovery

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  • ENERGY MAJORS TEAM UP WITH TECHOUSE TO CUT EMISSIONS FROM OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS Fantastic news today 😀 We at Techouse AS have teamed up with several energy companies, including TotalEnergies and Equinor, plus SINTEF Energy Research, to develop and test a compact, lightweight once-through steam generator (OTSG) that can enable substantial reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from power and heat production at offshore installations. “Previous research and development has proved that implementing gas turbine combined cycle solutions on floating and fixed offshore installations results in 22-25 percent reduction in CO2 emissions compared to conventional gas turbine solutions. This joint industry project will make our OTSG even lighter and smaller so that it can be installed on even more offshore installations,” says Svein Helge Pettersen, CEO of Techouse. The joint industry project (JIP) has been awarded NOK 12 million in funding from Norwegian Research Council. The project’s total budget is more than NOK 60 million. The JIP aims to develop and test the new, compact once-through steam generator (OTSG) as a core component of offshore combined cycle power plants (CCPP). The combined cycle is a heat and power solution where heat from the exhaust of the gas turbines is used to generate superheated steam. The steam is then used to produce additional power in a steam turbine. The result is that power output increases with 30-33 percent, or the required power is produced with 22-25 percent less fuel consumption, compared to the conventional solution where only gas turbines are used for power and heating purposes on board an offshore installation. The system also provides heat to process heat. The challenge with today’s OTSG solutions is the weight and size of the heat recovery equipment that generates steam from the gas turbine exhaust. In this JIP, a lightweight OTSG will be developed and tested to prove the feasibility of building a robust lightweight OTSG. Important tests will be performed with respect to performance, vibrations and fatigue. The JIP target is to achieve a 40-50 percent reduction of weight and a 10-15 percent reduction in footprint. “Most oil and gas offshore installations lacks available deck space and weight capacity. This is the challenge we are trying to solve. A smaller lightweight solution will increase the likelihood of adaptation of CCPP on offshore installations, also for fixed installations where weight is more critical than on floating installation,” says Pål Kloster at Techouse. Reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by 25 percent is the equivalent of cutting emissions between 50,000 and 150,000-tons annually per combined cycle power plant installation. The JIP aims to complete the test project by the end of 2025. The objective is that the compact OTSG will be available as a commercial product in 2026. #oilandgas #combinedcycle #OTSG #offshore

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  • Exciting cooperation with Miles AS working on a chatbot that makes use of artificial intelligence!

    Viser organisasjonsside for Miles AS

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    Vi i Miles er stolte over å dele nyheten om vårt nylige samarbeid med Techouse AS 🤝 Sammen har vi jobbet med en chatbot som henter data fra sentrale dokumenter og som benytter seg av kunstig intelligens, ved hjelp av verktøyet Microsoft Copilot Studio. Dette er et verktøy som ligger i Microsoft 365, slik at det er lett tilgjengelig på de vanlige arbeidsflatene, samtidig som sikkerheten ivaretas. Prosjektet er starten for å se på muligheten videre rundt bruk av KI. Her ser vi på utvidelse av Copilot studio, men også utvidelse ved å bruke Azure AI og RAG ved behov. Vi takker Techouse AS for tilliten og ser frem til flere spennende prosjekter sammen i fremtiden. Dette samarbeidet er et bevis på hva som kan oppnås når to selskap samarbeider for å skape verdi. ✨ Olve Janson Ivar Windjusveen Rune Gåre

  • Exciting news from our owner Triton Partners about Techouse Group AS! Triton portfolio company Techouse Group AS, a leading technology provider within the water treatment and energy recovery markets has signed an agreement to acquire pump and genset supplier Eureka Group AS from Remold Invest AS (a company owned by funds managed by HitecVision), and Aker Capital AS. Please read the full press release:

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  • Techouse AS la ut dette på nytt

    FAST-TRACK SRU DELIVERY Techouse has successfully delivered the new sulphate removal unit (SRU) that will be installed on board the Voyageur Spirit FPSO, which is destined for Africa’s Ivory Coast.   Since being awarded the contract on May 10, 2023, Techouse engineered, constructed and delivered the SRU in less than 12 months.   Techouse delivered the SRU as a subcontractor to FPSO owner and operator, Altera Infrastructure.   Further details in the excellent write-up in World Oil magazine: Check out link in comments ↓↓↓

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  • FAST-TRACK SRU DELIVERY Techouse has successfully delivered the new sulphate removal unit (SRU) that will be installed on board the Voyageur Spirit FPSO, which is destined for Africa’s Ivory Coast.   Since being awarded the contract on May 10, 2023, Techouse engineered, constructed and delivered the SRU in less than 12 months.   Techouse delivered the SRU as a subcontractor to FPSO owner and operator, Altera Infrastructure.   Further details in the excellent write-up in World Oil magazine: Check out link in comments ↓↓↓

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