

Fornybar energi-tjenester

Frogner, Oslo 50 følgere

Rexonomy - EU Taxonomy alignment made easy

Om oss

Rexonomy simplifies the EU Taxonomy alignment process: Use our EU Taxonomy reporting solution to assess yourself against criteria, collect and structure data based on expert advice. The Rexonomy solution saves you 60-80 % of the time typically spent on the alignment process due to pre-filled data and asset spesific templates.

Fornybar energi-tjenester
2–10 ansatte
Frogner, Oslo
ESG, EU Taxonomy, Renewable energy, Hydropower, Solar PV, Wind Turbine Generators


  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Rexonomy, grafisk

    50 følgere

    🌿 Did you know that power generation is not automatically classified as a green activity under the EU Taxonomy? Defining what truly qualifies as green energy in alignment with the Taxonomy is a complex process. It's not just about generating power; it's about doing it sustainably. At Rexonomy, we understand the importance of clarity in the ever-evolving landscape of sustainable finance. We're here to help you navigate the requierments, ensuring your activities align with the Taxonomy's green criteria. #Sustainability #GreenEnergy #Rexonomy #TaxonomyCompliance

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