Publications Office of the EU
Exchange of data - EU Vocabularies
Exchange of data (1)

Exchange of data  (1)


This document will describe the exchange of Formex data between the producer of the data and the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

Exchange mode

The exchange of data between the contractor and the Publications Office (or its representative) is normally executed by using the network. The contractor has to take into account all costs which he considers necessary, while the Publications Office offers the entry point. From a technical point of view, the Publications Office uses a native TCP/IP network which is connected to the public networks by means of ISDN. The transfer protocol for files is FTP (File Transfer Protocol), the transfer mode is binary.

If the contractor chooses the network for the transfer of files, a confirmation message can be sent by the Publications Office. These messages will normally be transmitted by e-mail, but other ways are possible as well.

The initiator of the exchange has to ask the Publications Office, Control and Security Section (INFRA/CS), for an adequate access authorisation. He also has to inform about the network address which will be used as well as about the users who will be implied in these procedures (address, telephone number, telefax, e-mail, etc.).

The Publications Office uses a firewall system to protect its installations. If the contractor considers it necessary and useful, he may install a similar protection procedure on his own costs. The Publications Office will not be responsible for any attack via IT installations that might be registered.

If the request for access authorisation sent by the contractor is accepted, he will receive, by confidential mail, a user account, a password and the name of the directory where the files have to be transferred to.


The contractor transfers the data concerning the language version of each Official Journal issue in a single transmission. The name of the transmission is constructed as follows:




series of the Official Journal: C or L



extension of the series of the Official Journal: A for annexed issue, E for electronic issue (OJ CE only), _ (underscore) for normal issues.



the year of the publication



current number of the Official Journal, always three digits



language version: one of the following codes has to be used: CS DA DE EL EN ES ET FI FR GA HU IT LT LV MT NL PL PT SK SL SV



composition of the string OJ and the contents of the S field



extension according to mode used for the creation: zip or tar.gz.

Structure of transmission

The transmission consists of only one complete language version of an Official Journal issue. The archive has to respect the following tree structure:


For the single components see above.

Format for exchange on CDROM

The standard for the exchange on CDROM is based on ISO 9660, level 2, with a maximum length of filenames up to 31 characters.

The production of the CDROM has to respect the following extensions to the standard ISO 9660 in dependence on the platform for the generation:

  1. the option 'Rock Ridge' for UNIX based systems (long file names, conservation of permissions, ...)
  2. the option 'Joliet'for Windows™ based systems (long file names, depth of directories, ...).


The specifications for the exchange of data may be modified according to the production environment of the Publications Office. In cooperation with its partners the Publications Office may adapt the procedure to technological evolution.


