Showing posts with label open source. Show all posts
Showing posts with label open source. Show all posts

2023 Open Source Contributions: A Year in Review

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

At Alphabet, open source remains a critical component of our business and internal systems. We depend on thousands of upstream projects and communities to run our infrastructure, products, and services. Within the Open Source Programs Office (OSPO), we continue to focus on investing in the sustainability of open source communities and expanding access to open source opportunities for contributors around the world. As participants in this global ecosystem, our goal with this report is to provide transparency and to report our work within and around open source communities.

In 2023 roughly 10% of Alphabet’s full-time workforce actively contributed to open source projects. This percentage has remained roughly consistent over the last five years, indicating that our open source contribution has remained proportional to the size of Alphabet over time. Over the last 5 years, Google has released more than 7,000 open source elements, representing a mix of new projects, features, libraries, SDKs, datasets, sample code, and more.

Most open source projects we contribute to are outside of Alphabet

In 2023, employees from Alphabet interacted with more than 70,000 public repositories on GitHub. Over the last five years, more than 70% of the non-personal GitHub repositories receiving Alphabet contributions were outside of Google-managed organizations. Our top external projects (by number of unique contributors at Alphabet) include both Google-initiated projects such as Kubernetes, Apache Beam, and gRPC as well as community-led projects such as LLVM, Envoy, and web-platform-tests.

In addition to Alphabet employees supporting external projects, in 2023 Alphabet-led projects received contributions from more than 180,000 non-Alphabet employees (unique GitHub accounts not affiliated with Alphabet).

Open source remains vital to industry collaboration and innovation

As the technology industry turns to focus on novel AI and machine learning technologies, open source communities have continued to serve as a shared resource and avenue for collaboration on new frameworks and emerging standards. In addition to launching new projects such as Project Open Se Cura (an open-source framework to accelerate the development of secure, scalable, transparent and efficient AI systems), we also collaborated with AI/ML industry leaders including Alibaba, Amazon Web Services, AMD, Anyscale, Apple, Arm, Cerebras, Graphcore, Hugging Face, Intel, Meta, NVIDIA, and SiFive to release OpenXLA to the public for use and contribution. OpenXLA is an open source ML compiler enabling developers to train and serve highly-optimized models from all leading ML frameworks on all major ML hardware. In addition to technology development, Google’s OSPO has been supporting the OSI's Open Source AI definition initiative, which aims to clearly define 'Open Source AI' by the end of 2024.

Investing in the next generation of open source contributors

As a longstanding consumer and contributor to open source projects, we believe it is vital to continue funding both established communities as well as invest in the next generation of contributors to ensure the sustainability of open source ecosystems. In 2023, OSPO provided $2.4M in sponsorships and membership fees to more than 60 open source projects and organizations. Note that this value only represents OSPO's financial contribution; other teams across Alphabet also directly fund open source work. In addition, we continue to support our longstanding programs:

  • In its 19th year, Google Summer of Code (GSoC) enabled more than 900 individuals to contribute to 168 organizations. Over the lifetime of this program, more than 20,000 individuals from 116 countries have contributed to more than 1,000 open source organizations across the globe.
  • In its fifth year, Google Season of Docs provided direct grants to 13 open source projects to improve open source project documentation. Each organization also created a case study to help other open source projects learn from their experience.
A map of the world with highlighting every country that has had Google Summer of Code participants

Securing our shared supply chain remains a priority

We continue to invest in improving the security posture of open source projects and ecosystems. Since launching in 2016, Google's free OSS-Fuzz code testing service has helped discover and get over 10000 vulnerabilities and 34,000 bugs fixed across more than 1200 projects. In 2023, we added features, expanded our OSS-Fuzz Rewards Program, and continued our support for academic fuzzing research. In 2023, we also applied the generative power of LLMs to improve fuzz testing. In addition to this project we’ve been:

  • Helping more projects adopt security best practices as well as identify and remediate vulnerabilities: Over the last year, the upstream team has proposed security improvements to more than 181 critical open source projects including widely-used projects such as NumPy, etcd, XGBoost, Ruby, TypeScript, LLVM, curl, Docker, and more. In addition to this work, GOSST continues to support OSV-Scanner to help projects find existing vulnerabilities in their dependencies, and enable comprehensive detection and remediation by providing commit-level vulnerability detail for over 30,000 existing CVE records from the NVD.

Our open source work will continue to grow and evolve to support the changing needs of our communities. Thank you to our colleagues and community members who continue to dedicate personal and professional time supporting the open source ecosystem. Follow our work at

Appendix: About this data

This report features metrics provided by many teams and programs across Alphabet. In regards to the code and code-adjacent activities data, we wanted to share more details about the derivation of those metrics.

  • Data sources: These data represent the activities of Alphabet employees on public repositories hosted on GitHub and our internal production Git service Git-on-Borg. These sources represent a subset of open source activity currently tracked by Google OSPO.
      • GitHub: We continue to use GitHub Archive as the primary source for GitHub data, which is available as a public dataset on BigQuery. Alphabet activity within GitHub is identified by self-registered accounts, which we estimate underreports actual activity.
      • Git-on-Borg: This is a Google managed git service which hosts some of our larger, long running open source projects such as Android and Chromium. While we continue to develop on this platform, most of our open source activity has moved to GitHub to increase exposure and encourage community growth.
  • Driven by humans: We have created many automated bots and systems that can propose changes on various hosting platforms. We have intentionally filtered these data to focus on human-initiated activities.
  • Business and personal: Activity on GitHub reflects a mixture of Alphabet projects, third-party projects, experimental efforts, and personal projects. Our metrics report on all of the above unless otherwise specified.
  • Alphabet contributors: Please note that unless additional detail is specified, activity counts attributed to Alphabet open source contributors will include our full-time employees as well as our extended Alphabet community (temps, vendors, contractors, and interns). In 2023, full time employees at Alphabet represented more than 95% of our open source contributors.
  • GitHub Accounts: For counts of GitHub accounts not affiliated with Alphabet, we cannot assume that one account is equivalent to one person, as multiple accounts could be tied to one individual or bot account.
  • *Active counts: Where possible, we will show ‘active users’ defined by logged activity (excluding ‘WatchEvent’) within a specified timeframe (a month, year, etc.) and ‘active repositories’ and ‘active projects’ as those that have enough activity to meet our internal active-project criteria and have not been archived.

By Sophia Vargas – Analyst and Researcher, OSPO

Common Expressions For Portable Policy and Beyond

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I am thrilled to introduce Common Expression Language, a simple expression language that's great for writing small snippets of logic which can be run anywhere with the same semantics in nanoseconds to microseconds evaluation speed. The launch of marks a major milestone in the growth and stability of the language.

It powers several well known products such as Kubernetes where it's used to protect against costly production misconfigurations:

    object.spec.replicas <= 5

Cloud IAM uses CEL to enable fine-grained authorization:



CEL is both open source and openly governed, making it well adopted both inside and outside Google. CEL is used by a number of large tech companies, either internally or as part of their public product offering. As a reflection of this open governance, has been launched to share more about the language and the community around it.

So, what makes CEL a good choice for these applications? Why is CEL unique or different from Amazon's Cedar Policy or Open Policy Agent's Rego? These are great questions, and common ones (no pun intended):

  • Highly optimized evaluation O(ns) - O(μs)
  • Portable with stacks supported in C++, Java, and Go
  • Thousands of conformance tests ensure consistent behavior across stacks
  • Supports extension and subsetting

Subsetting is crucial for preserving predictable compute / memory impacts, and it only exists in CEL. As any latency-critical service maintainer will tell you, it's vital to have a clear understanding of compute and memory implications of any new feature. Imagine you've chosen an expression language, validated its functionality meets your security, serving, and scaling goals, but after launching an update to the library introduces new functionality which can't be disabled and leaves your product vulnerable to attack. Your alternatives are to fork the library and accept the maintenance costs, introduce custom validation logic which is likely to be insufficient to prevent abuse, or to redesign your service. CEL supported subsetting allows you to ensure that what was true at the initial product launch will remain true until you decide when to expose more of its functionality to customers.

Cedar Policy language was developed by Amazon. It is open source, implemented in Rust, and offers formal verification. Formal verification allows Cedar to validate policy correctness at authoring time. CEL is not just a policy language, but a broader expression language. It is used within larger policy projects in a way that allows users to augment their existing systems rather than adopt an entirely new one.

Formal verification often has challenges scaling to large amounts of data and is based on the belief that a formal proof of behavior is sufficient evidence of compliance. However, regulations and policies in natural language are often ambiguous. This means that logical translations of these policies are inherently ambiguous as well. CEL's approach to this challenge of compliance and reasoning about potentially ambiguous behaviors is to support evaluation over partial data at a very high speed and with minimal resources.

CEL is fast enough to be used in networking policies and expressive enough to be used in detailed application policies. Having a greater coverage of use cases improves your ability to reason about behavior holistically. But, what if you don't have all the data yet to know exactly how the policy will behave? CEL supports partial evaluation using four-valued logic which makes it possible to determine cases which are definitely allowed, denied, or where policy behavior is conditional on additional inputs. This allows for what-if analysis against historical data as well as against speculative data from new use cases or proposed policy changes.

Open Policy Agent's Rego is also open source, implemented in Golang and based on Datalog, which makes it possible to offer similar proofs as Cedar. However, the language is much more powerful than Cedar, and more powerful than CEL. This expressiveness means that OPA Rego is fantastic for non-latency critical, single-tenant solutions, but difficult to safely embed in existing offerings.

Four-valued Logic

CEL uses commutative logical operators that can render a true, false, error, or unknown status. This is a scalable alternative to formal verification and the expressiveness of Datalog. Four-valued logic allows CEL to evaluate over a partial set of inputs to deliver either a definitive result or communicate that more information is necessary to complete the evaluation.

What is four-valued logic?

True, false, and error outcomes are considered definitive: no additional information will change the outcome of the expression. Consider the following case:

    1/0 != 0 && false

In traditional programming languages, this expression would be an error; however, in CEL the outcome is false.

Now consider the following case where an input variable, called unknown_var is marked as unknown:

    unknown_var && true

The outcome of this expression is UNKNOWN{unknown_var} indicating that once the variable is known, the evaluation can be safely completed. An unknown indicates what was missing, and alerts the user to fix the outcome with more information. This technique both borrows from and extends SQL three-valued predicate logic which uses TRUE, FALSE, and NULL with commutative logical operators. From a CEL perspective, the error state is akin to SQL NULL that arises when there is an absence of information.

CEL compatibility with SQL

CEL leverages SQL semantics to ensure that it can be seamlessly translated to SQL. SQL optimizers perform significantly better over large data sets, making it possible to evaluate over data at rest. Imagine trying to scale a single expression evaluation over tens of millions of records. Even if the expression evaluates within a single microsecond, the evaluation would still take tens of seconds. The more complex the expression, the greater the latency. SQL excels at this use case, so translation from CEL to SQL was an important factor in the design in order to unlock the possibility of performant policy checks both online with CEL and offline with SQL.

Thank you CEL Community!

We’re proud to announce as a major milestone in the maturity and adoption of the language, and we look forward to working with you to make CEL the best building block for writing latency-critical, portable logic. Feel free to contact us at

By Tristan Swadell – Senior Staff Software Engineer

Google Summer of Code 2024 accepted contributors announced!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

We are celebrating our 20th anniversary of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and we are thrilled to announce the new 1,220 Contributors that will be writing code for 195 open source mentoring organizations starting May 27. Over the last few weeks, our mentoring organizations have read through applications, had discussions with applicants, and made the difficult decision of selecting the GSoC Contributors they will be mentoring this summer.

Highlighting significant results from this year’s application period:

    • 43,984 applicants from 172 countries
    • 9,107 proposals submitted by 6,518 applicants
    • 1,220 GSoC contributors accepted from 73 countries
    • Over 2,800 mentors and organization administrators
    • 34 mentoring organizations are participating in their 16th-20th GSoC!

Starting today, our GSoC 2024 Contributors will actively engage with their new open source community and become familiar with their organizations during the Community Bonding period. Mentors will guide the GSoC Contributors through documentation and introduce them to community norms and processes while helping plan their milestones and projects for the summer. Coding begins May 27th and while most folks will wrap up September 2nd, GSoC Contributors have the opportunity to request a longer coding period and wrap up their projects between early September and early November based on their schedules and availability.

We’d like to express our gratitude to the thousands of applicants who took the time and effort to reach out to our mentoring organizations and submit proposals this year. The experience of researching, asking questions and becoming more familiar with open source communities has hopefully helped you feel excited about open source and maybe you found a great community that you want to contribute to outside of Google Summer of Code! Communication is key to GSoC and open source, and staying connected with the community or reaching out to other organizations is an exceptional way to set the stage for future opportunities. Open source communities are always looking for new and eager collaborators to join their projects.

A huge thank you to all of our mentors and organization administrators who make this program so special and impactful for thousands of developers each year. Google Summer of Code continues because of the dedication of mentors to keep the open source ecosystem thriving by supporting new developers and their exciting perspectives and ideas. Google is honored to support the open source ecosystem (and 1,000+ open source projects and 20,000+ developers) over these past 20 years.

GSoC Contributors — have fun this summer, keep learning and enjoy becoming part of the open source community! Your mentors and community members have dozens, and in some cases hundreds, of years of combined experience so let them share their knowledge with you to help you become phenomenal open source contributors.

By Stephanie Taylor – Program Lead and Lucila Ortiz – Program Administrator

Google Summer of Code 2024 contributor applications are open!

Monday, March 18, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the Contributor applications for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024 are now open! If you are a Student or a beginner in open source software development and 18+ years old, we hope you will apply. The application period opened March 18th at 18:00 UTC and closes April 2nd at 18:00 UTC.

This year we are celebrating the 20th year of Google Summer of Code! During GSoC, contributors will spend 12+ weeks writing code and learning more about open source software development under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Since 2005, GSoC has welcomed thousands of new developers into the open source community every year. The GSoC program has brought together over 20,000 contributors from 116 countries and 19,000 mentors from 850+ open source organizations.

This year we have added more projects focused on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Security than ever before; keep in mind the following points before applying:

  • Consider the three project sizes: ~90 hours, ~175 hours, and ~350 hours and choose which time commitment is best for you.
  • Contributors can submit a maximum of 3 project proposals (to different orgs or even multiple proposals to the same org).

With GSoC contributor applications now open, please review these helpful tips to guide your application:

  • Read the program rules, FAQ, contributor guide, and advice for applying and join us in our Discord chat Channel to connect with the community.
  • Review the list of 195 mentoring organizations and use filters to sort by your interests including programming language (python, Rust, etc.) and category (data, development tools, artificial intelligence, infrastructure and cloud, security, etc.).
  • Narrow down your list to 2-4 organizations and review their ideas list.
  • Reach out to the organizations via their contact methods listed on the GSoC site immediately.
  • Engage with the organization early and often, good communication is key! You must talk to the organization about your proposal before the application period ends if you want to be accepted into the program.
  • Watch our Intro to GSoC video, as well as the GSoC Org Highlight videos and Community Talks series, to get inspired about projects that contributors have worked on in the past.

Interested contributors may register and submit project proposals on the GSoC site from now until Tuesday, April 2nd at 18:00 UTC.

Best of luck to all our applicants!

By Stephanie Taylor – Program Manager, and Lucila Ortiz – Associate Program Manager for the Google Open Source Programs Office

Mentor organizations announced for Google Summer of Code 2024

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

We are thrilled to share that we have 195 open source projects that have been selected for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024! This year we are excited to welcome 30 new organizations for their first year as part of the program.

Check out our program site to view the complete list of GSoC 2024 accepted mentoring organizations. Get to know more about each organization on their GSoC program page, which includes reading through the project ideas that they are looking for GSoC contributors to work on this year.

Are you interested in being a GSoC Contributor?

The 2024 GSoC program is open to students and to beginners in open source software development. Contributor applications will open on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 18:00 UTC with a deadline of Tuesday, April 2, 2024 18:00 UTC to submit your application (including your project proposal).

If you are eager to enhance your chances of becoming a successful contributor this year, we highly recommend beginning your preparations and initiating communication with the organizations that interest you right away. Below are some tips for prospective GSoC contributors to accomplish before the application period begins March 18th:

  • Watch our ‘Introduction to GSoC’ video to see a quick overview of the program, and view our Community Talks or Org Highlight Videos to get inspired and learn more about some projects that contributors have worked on in the past.
  • Check out the Contributor Guide (so much great info in here!) and Advice for Applying to GSoC doc.
  • Review the list of accepted organizations here. We recommend finding two to four that interest you and reading through their project ideas lists. Use the filters on the site to help you narrow down based on the programming languages you are familiar with and the categories that interest you (cloud, AI, security, science, etc.).
  • As soon as you see an idea that sparks your interest, reach out to the organization via their preferred communication methods (listed on their org page on the GSoC program site). The earlier you start the conversation, the better your chances of being accepted as a GSoC contributor.
  • Talk with the mentors and community to determine if this project idea is something you would enjoy working on during the program. Find a project that excites you, otherwise it may be a challenging summer for you and your mentor.
  • Use the information you received during your communications with the mentors and other org community members to write up your proposal.

You can find more information about the program on our website which includes a full timeline of important dates. We also urge anyone interested in applying to read the FAQ and Program Rules and watch some of our other videos with more details about GSoC for contributors and mentors.

A hearty welcome—and thank you—to all of our mentor organizations. We look forward to working with all of you during this 20th year of Google Summer of Code!

By Stephanie Taylor – Google Open Source

Google Summer of Code 2024 Mentor Organization Applications Now Open

Monday, January 22, 2024

We are excited to announce that open source projects and organizations can now apply to participate as mentor organizations in the 2024 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. Applications for organizations will close on February 6, 2024 at 18:00 UTC.

We are celebrating a big milestone as we head into our 20th year of Google Summer of Code this year! In 2024 we are adding a third project size option which you can read more about in our announcement blog post.

Does your open source project want to learn more about becoming a mentor organization? Visit the program site and read the mentor guide to learn what it means to be a mentor organization and how to prepare your community (hint: have plenty of excited, dedicated mentors and well thought out project ideas!).

We welcome all types of organizations and are very eager to involve first-time mentor orgs in GSoC. We encourage new organizations to get a referral from experienced organizations that think they would be a good fit to participate in GSoC.

The open source projects that participate in GSoC as mentor organizations span many fields including those doing interesting work in AI/ML, security, cloud, development tools, science, medicine, data, media, and more! Projects can range from being relatively new (about 2 years old) to well established projects that started over 20 years ago. We welcome open source projects big, small, and everything in between.

This year we are looking to bring more open source projects in the AI/ML field into GSoC 2024. If your project is in the artificial intelligence or machine learning fields please chat with your community and see if you would be interested in applying to GSoC 2024.

One thing to remember is that open source projects wishing to apply need to have a solid community; the goal of GSoC is to bring new contributors into established and welcoming communities. While you don’t have to have 50+ community members, the project also can’t have as few as three people.

You can apply to be a mentor organization for GSoC starting today on the program site. The deadline to apply is February 6, 2024 at 18:00 UTC. We will publicly announce the organizations chosen for GSoC 2024 on February 21st.

Please visit the program site for more information on how to apply and review the detailed timeline for important deadlines. We also encourage you to check out the Mentor Guide, our ‘Intro to Google Summer of Code’ video, and our short video on why open source projects are excited to be a part of the GSoC program.

Good luck to all open source mentor organization applicants!

By Stephanie Taylor, Program Manager – Google Open Source Programs Office

Google Open Source Peer Bonus program announces second group of 2023 winners

Thursday, December 14, 2023

We are excited to announce the second group of winners for the 2023 Google Open Source Peer Bonus Program! This program recognizes external open source contributors who have been nominated by Googlers for their exceptional contributions to open source projects.

The Google Open Source Peer Bonus Program is a key part of Google's ongoing commitment to open source software. By supporting the development and growth of open source projects, Google is fostering a more collaborative and innovative software ecosystem that benefits everyone.

This cycle's Open Source Peer Bonus Program received 163 nominations and winners come from 35 different countries around the world, reflecting the program's global reach and the immense impact of open source software. Community collaboration is a key driver of innovation and progress, and we are honored to be able to support and celebrate the contributions of these talented individuals from around the world through this program.

We would like to extend our congratulations to the winners! Included below are those who have agreed to be named publicly.


Open Source Project

Tim Dettmers

8-bit CUDA functions for PyTorch

Odin Asbjørnsen


Lazarus Akelo

Android FHIR

Khyati Vyas

Android FHIR

Fikri Milano

Android FHIR

Veyndan Stuart


Alex Van Boxel

Apache Beam

Dezső Biczó

Apigee Edge Drupal module

Felix Yan

Arch Linux

Gerlof Langeveld


Fabian Meumertzheim


Keith Smiley


Andre Brisco

Bazel Build Rules for Rust

Cecil Curry


Paul Marcombes


Lucas Yuji Yoshimine


Anita Ihuman


Jesper van den Ende

Chrome DevTools

Aboobacker MK

Aaron Ballman


Alejandra González


Catherine Flores


Rajasekhar Kategaru

Compose Actors

Olivier Charrez


John O'Reilly


James DeFelice


Akihiro Suda

containerd, runc, OCI specs, Docker, Kubernetes

Neil Bowers


Aleksandr Mikhalitsyn


Daniel Stenberg




Salvatore Bonaccorso


Moritz Muehlenhoff


Sylvestre Ledru


Andreas Deininger


Róbert Fekete


David Sherret


Justin Grant

ECMAScript Time Zone Canonicalization Proposal

Chris White


Charles Schlosser


Daniel Roe

Elk - Mastodon Client

Christopher Quadflieg


Ostap Taran

Firebase Apple SDK

Frederik Seiffert

Firebase C++ SDK

Juraj Čarnogurský


Callum Moffat


Anton Borries


Tomasz Gucio


Chinmoy Chakraborty


Daniil Lipatkin


Tobias Löfstrand

Flutter go_router package

Ole André Vadla Ravnås


Jaeyoon Choi


Jeuk Kim


Dongjin Kim


Seokhwan Kim


Marcel Böhme


Md Awsafur Rahman

GCViT-tf, TransUNet-tf,Kaggle

Qiusheng Wu


Karsten Ohme


Sacha Chua

GNU Emacs

Austen Novis


Tiago Temporin


Josh van Leeuwen

Google Certificate Authority Service Issuer for cert-manager

Dustin Walker


Parth Patel


Kevin Conner


Dejan Bosanac


Jendrik Johannes


Chao Sun

Hive, Spark

Sean Eddy


Paulus Schoutsen

Home Assistant

Timo Lassmann


Stephen Augustus


Vyom Yadav


Meha Bhalodiya


Madhav Jivrajani


Priyanka Saggu




Junfeng Li


Andrea Fioraldi


Dongjia Zhang


Addison Crump


Yuan Tong


Gustavo A. R. Silva

Linux kernel

Mathieu Desnoyers

Linux kernel

Nathan Chancellor

Linux Kernel, LLVM

Gábor Horváth

LLVM / Clang

Martin Donath

Material for MkDocs

Jussi Pakkanen

Meson Build System

Amos Wenger


Anders F Björklund


Maksim Levental


Andrzej Warzynski


Arnaud Ferraris


Rui Ueyama


Ryan Lahfa


Simon Marquis

Now in Android

William Cheng

OpenAPI Generator

Kim O'Sullivan


Yigakpoa Laura Ikpae


Aanuoluwapo Adeoti


Philippe Antoine


Tornike Kurdadze


Andrey Sitnik

Postcss (and others: Autoprefixer, postcss, browserslist, logux)

Marc Gravell


Jean Abou Samra


Qiming Sun


Trey Hunner


Will Constable


Jay Berkenbilt


Ahmed El-Helw

Quran App for Android

Jan Gorecki

Reproducible benchmark of database-like ops

Ralf Jung


Frank Steffahn

Rust, ICU4X

Bhaarat Krishnan

Serverless Web APIs Workshop

Maximilian Keppeler


Cory LaViska


Carlos Panato


Keith Zantow


Hayley Patton

Steel Bank Common Lisp

Qamar Safadi


Victor Julien


Eyoel Defare


Giedrius Statkevičius


Michael Park

The Good Docs Project

Douglas Theobald


David Blevins


Anthony Fu


Ryuta Mizuno


Nicolò Ribaudo

WHATWG HTML Living Standard; ECMAScript Language Specification

Antoine Martin


Toru Komatsu


We are incredibly proud of all of the nominees for their outstanding contributions to open source, and we look forward to seeing even more amazing contributions in the years to come. An additional thanks to Maria Tabak who has helped to lay the groundwork and management of this program for the past 5 years!

By Mike Bufano, Google Open Source Peer Bonus Program Lead
