Steamworks Documentation
Templates for In-Game Actions Files
Here are some example templates for IGA files that you can use as starting points for your games. None of these are for any specific game, and your game might have specific needs not covered by any of them, so feel free to experiment. This is just to give you a useful skeleton to build upon.


This is a completely minimal file -- one action set, one digital action, and one analog action. About as much functionality as an Atari joystick or single-button mouse.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "TheOneAndOnlySet" { "title" "#Set_Title" "Button" { "DoSomething" "#Action_DoSomething" } "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } } } "localization" { "english" { "set_title" "The One and Only Set" "Action_DoSomething" "Do Something" "Action_Move" "Move" } } }

First Person Shooter

This is for a first-person shooter where you can move around, jump, shoot things, and hold multiple items (presumably weapons) in your inventory that you can freely switch between at any time.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } "Look" { "title" "#Action_Look" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "Attack" "#Action_Attack" "AltAttack" "#Action_AltAttack" "Jump" "#Action_Jump" "Crouch" "#Action_Crouch" "Sprint" "#Action_Sprint" "StrafeLeft" "#Action_StrafeLeft" "StrafeRight" "#Action_StrafeRight" "Interact" "#Action_Interact" "Menu" "#Action_Menu" "Item1" "#Action_Item1" "Item2" "#Action_Item2" "Item3" "#Action_Item3" "Item4" "#Action_Item4" "Item5" "#Action_Item5" "PrevItem" "#Action_PrevItem" "NextItem" "#Action_NextItem" } } "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "Button" { "MenuUp" "#Menu_Up" "MenuDown" "#Menu_Down" "MenuLeft" "#Menu_Left" "MenuRight" "#Menu_Right" "Affirm" "#Menu_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" "Other" "#Menu_Other" "ScrollUp" "#Menu_ScrollUp" "ScrollDown" "#Menu_ScrollDown" "DismissMenu" "#Menu_DismissMenu" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "Game Controls" "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Action_Move" "Move" "Action_Look" "Look" "Action_Attack" "Attack" "Action_AltAttack" "Alternate Attack" "Action_Jump" "Jump" "Action_Crouch" "Crouch" "Action_Sprint" "Sprint" "Action_StrafeLeft" "Strafe Left" "Action_StrafeRight" "Strafe Right" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Action_Item1" "Item 1" "Action_Item2" "Item 2" "Action_Item3" "Item 3" "Action_Item4" "Item 4" "Action_Item5" "Item 5" "Action_PrevItem" "Previous Item" "Action_NextItem" "Next Item" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Affirm" "Affirm" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" "Menu_Other" "Other" "Menu_ScrollUp" "Scroll Up" "Menu_ScrollDown" "Scroll Down" "Menu_DismissMenu" "Dismiss Menu" } } }

Third Person Action / Adventure

This is for a third-person action / adventure game where you move a character around an environment, and can do basic things like jump, sneak, interact with things/people, and engage in simple combat.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } "Camera" { "title" "#Action_Camera" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } } "Button" { "attack" "#Action_Attack" "block" "#Action_Block" "jump" "#Action_Jump" "interact" "#Action_Interact" "sneak" "#Action_Sneak" "sidestep" "#Action_Sidestep" "map" "#Action_Map" "menu" "#Action_Menu" } } "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "Button" { "MenuUp" "#Menu_Up" "MenuDown" "#Menu_Down" "MenuLeft" "#Menu_Left" "MenuRight" "#Menu_Right" "Affirm" "#Menu_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" "Other" "#Menu_Other" "ScrollUp" "#Menu_ScrollUp" "ScrollDown" "#Menu_ScrollDown" "DismissMenu" "#Menu_DismissMenu" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "Game Controls" "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Action_Move" "Move" "Action_Camera" "Camera" "Action_Attack" "Attack" "Action_Block" "Block" "Action_Jump" "Jump" "Action_Sneak" "Sneak" "Action_Sidestep" "Sidestep" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Action_Map" "Map" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Affirm" "Affirm" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" "Menu_Other" "Other" "Menu_ScrollUp" "Scroll Up" "Menu_ScrollDown" "Scroll Down" "Menu_DismissMenu" "Dismiss Menu" } } }

Turn Based Tactics

This is for a turn-based tactics game where you move units around a grid and issue commands. Also includes actions for controlling a 3D camera and basic navigation.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "StickPadGyro" { "MenuCursor" { "title" "#Action_MenuCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "Up" "#Action_Up" "Down" "#Action_Down" "Left" "#Action_Left" "Right" "#Action_Right" "QuickSave" "#Action_QuickSave" "QuickLoad" "#Action_QuickLoad" "Affirm" "#Action_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Action_Cancel" } } "BattleControls" { "title" "#Set_BattleControls" "StickPadGyro" { "BattleCamera" { "title" "#Action_BattleCamera" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "BattleCursor" { "title" "#Action_BattleCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "Up" "#Action_Up" "Down" "#Action_Down" "Left" "#Action_Left" "Right" "#Action_Right" "QuickSave" "#Action_QuickSave" "QuickLoad" "#Action_QuickLoad" "ConfirmCommand" "#Action_ConfirmCommand" "Pause" "#Action_Pause" "Cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "Interact" "#Action_Interact" "EndTurn" "#Action_EndTurn" "Waypoint" "#Action_Waypoint" "NextUnit" "#Action_NextUnit" "PrevUnit" "#Action_PrevUnit" "Ability1" "#Action_Ability1" "Ability2" "#Action_Ability2" "Ability3" "#Action_Ability3" "Ability4" "#Action_Ability4" "Ability5" "#Action_Ability5" "Ability6" "#Action_Ability6" "Ability7" "#Action_Ability7" "Ability8" "#Action_Ability8" "Ability9" "#Action_Ability9" "Ability0" "#Action_Ability0" "CameraRotateLeft" "#Action_CameraRotateLeft" "CameraRotateRight" "#Action_CameraRotateRight" "CameraZoomIn" "#Action_CameraZoomIn" "CameraZoomOut" "#Action_CameraZoomOut" "CameraCenterOnSelection" "#Action_CameraCenterOnSelection" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Action_MenuCursor" "Menu Cursor" "Action_Up" "Up" "Action_Down" "Down" "Action_Left" "Left" "Action_Right" "Right" "Action_QuickSave" "Quick Save" "Action_QuickLoad" "Quick Load" "Action_Affirm" "Affirm" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel" "Set_BattleControls" "Battle Controls" "Action_BattleCamera" "Battle Camera" "Action_BattleCursor" "Battle Cursor" "Action_ConfirmCommand" "Confirm Command" "Action_Pause" "Pause" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_EndTurn" "End Turn" "Action_Waypoint" "Place / Remove Waypoint" "Action_NextUnit" "Next Unit" "Action_PrevUnit" "Previous Unit" "Action_Ability1" "Ability 1" "Action_Ability2" "Ability 2" "Action_Ability3" "Ability 3" "Action_Ability4" "Ability 4" "Action_Ability5" "Ability 5" "Action_Ability6" "Ability 6" "Action_Ability7" "Ability 7" "Action_Ability8" "Ability 8" "Action_Ability9" "Ability 9" "Action_Ability0" "Ability 0" "Action_CameraRotateLeft" "Rotate Camera Left" "Action_CameraRotateRight" "Rotate Camera Right" "Action_CameraZoomIn" "Zoom Camera In" "Action_CameraZoomOut" "Zoom Camera Out" "Action_CameraCenterOnSelection" "Center Camera on Selected Object" } } }

Real Time Strategy

This is for a Real Time Strategy game where you build units & buildings and command units individually or in groups. A few special things are going on here -- first of all, there's two action layers for the Unit and Build menus, but it's also set up to use actions in chords.

In this game, you can assign units, buildings, or groups of units to ten groups bound to ten hotkeys (implemented here as actions "Group 0" through "Group 9"). After you activate an action such as "assign_group" or "add_remove_group", the game's programming will wait until an action such as "group_0" or "group_3" is pressed. "assign_group" + "group_2" means, "assign the current selection to group 2," whereas "select_group" + "group_5" means, "select everything currently assigned to group 5." This sort of thing has to be implemented by the game's own logic, but it's much simpler than creating individual action permutations for each slot, ie "add_remove_group_2", "assign_group_2", "select_group_2", etc...

Additionally, the Unit commands have the special action "queue." When an order action is received, if the game detects that the "queue" action is also currently being fired, it will not immediately execute the original order, but instead stick it on queue for that unit. When done with a "move" order this could be used to set waypoints, for instance. Again, this sort of logic would need to be implemented by the game itself.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "StickPadGyro" { "MoveCursor" { "title" "#Action_MoveCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "CameraPan" { "title" "#Action_CameraPan" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "CameraZoom" { "title" "#Action_CameraZoom" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "click" "#Action_Click" "cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "select" "#Action_Select" "select_add_remove" "#Action_AddRemove" "select_type" "#Action_SelectType" "select_idle" "#Action_SelectIdle" "move_attack" "#Action_MoveAttack" "move_no_attack" "#Action_Move" "attack_target" "#Action_Attack" "assign_group" "#Action_AssignGroup" "add_remove_group" "#Action_AddRemoveGroup" "select_group" "#Action_SelectGroup" "group_0" "#Action_Group0" "group_1" "#Action_Group1" "group_2" "#Action_Group2" "group_3" "#Action_Group3" "group_4" "#Action_Group4" "group_5" "#Action_Group5" "group_6" "#Action_Group6" "group_7" "#Action_Group7" "group_8" "#Action_Group8" "group_9" "#Action_Group9" } } "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "Button" { "MenuUp" "#Menu_Up" "MenuDown" "#Menu_Down" "MenuLeft" "#Menu_Left" "MenuRight" "#Menu_Right" "Affirm" "#Menu_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" "Other" "#Menu_Other" "ScrollUp" "#Menu_ScrollUp" "ScrollDown" "#Menu_ScrollDown" "DismissMenu" "#Menu_DismissMenu" } } } "action_layers" { "title" "#Layer_UnitMenu" "Button" { "stop" "#Unit_Stop" "hold" "#Unit_Hold" "patrol" "#Unit_Patrol" "follow" "#Unit_Follow" "queue" "#Unit_Queue" "unit_ability_1" "#Unit_Ability1" "unit_ability_2" "#Unit_Ability2" } "title" "#Layer_BuildMenu" "Button" { "build_0" "#Build_0" "build_1" "#Build_1" "build_2" "#Build_2" "build_3" "#Build_3" "build_4" "#Build_4" "build_5" "#Build_5" "build_6" "#Build_6" "build_7" "#Build_7" "build_8" "#Build_8" "build_9" "#Build_9" } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "Game Controls" "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Layer_UnitMenu" "Unit Menu" "Layer_BuildMenu" "Build Menu" "Action_MoveCursor" "Move Cursor" "Action_CameraPan" "Pan camera" "Action_CameraZoom" "Zoom camera" "Action_Click" "Click mouse" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel" "Action_Select" "Select" "Action_AddRemove" "Add/remove from selection" "Action_SelectType" "Select all units of type" "Action_SelectIdle" "Select idle worker" "Action_MoveAttack" "Attack-Move" "Action_Move" "Move (no attack)" "Action_Attack" "Attack target" "Action_AssignGroup" "Assign group" "Action_AddRemoveGroup" "Add/remove from group" "Action_SelectGroup" "Select group" "Action_Group0" "Group 0" "Action_Group1" "Group 1" "Action_Group2" "Group 2" "Action_Group3" "Group 3" "Action_Group4" "Group 4" "Action_Group5" "Group 5" "Action_Group6" "Group 6" "Action_Group7" "Group 7" "Action_Group8" "Group 8" "Action_Group9" "Group 9" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Affirm" "Affirm" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" "Menu_Other" "Other" "Menu_ScrollUp" "Scroll Up" "Menu_ScrollDown" "Scroll Down" "Menu_DismissMenu" "Dismiss Menu" "Unit_Stop" "Stop" "Unit_Hold" "Hold ground" "Unit_Patrol" "Patrol" "Unit_Follow" "Follow" "Unit_Queue" "Queue action/waypoint" "Unit_Ability1" "Ability 1" "Unit_Ability2" "Ability 2" "Build_0" "Build option 0" "Build_1" "Build option 1" "Build_2" "Build option 2" "Build_3" "Build option 3" "Build_4" "Build option 4" "Build_5" "Build option 5" "Build_6" "Build option 6" "Build_7" "Build option 7" "Build_8" "Build option 8" "Build_9" "Build option 9" } } }

4X Strategy

This is a simple 4X strategy game, where you move units on a main map, colonize territory (whether that's planets or islands or cities), and engage in combat with other empires. Base actions such as "click", "cancel", "select", and "inspect" are always available in the base action set, whereas other actions come in via action set layers depending on context. For instance, in the main map you have additional actions such as ending the turn, or cycling between your colonies. In battle, you can cycle between units, and tell them to move, attack, or retreat.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "StickPadGyro" { "MoveCursor" { "title" "#Action_MoveCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "CameraPan" { "title" "#Action_CameraPan" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "CameraZoom" { "title" "#Action_CameraZoom" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "click" "#Action_Click" "cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "select" "#Action_Select" "inspect" "#Action_Inspect" "menu" "#Action_Menu" } } "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "Button" { "MenuUp" "#Menu_Up" "MenuDown" "#Menu_Down" "MenuLeft" "#Menu_Left" "MenuRight" "#Menu_Right" "Affirm" "#Menu_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" "Other" "#Menu_Other" "ScrollUp" "#Menu_ScrollUp" "ScrollDown" "#Menu_ScrollDown" "DismissMenu" "#Menu_DismissMenu" } } } "action_layers" { "title" "#Layer_Map" "Button" { "turn" "#Map_Turn" "next_colony" "#Map_NextColony" "prev_colony" "#Map_PreviousColony" } "title" "#Layer_Combat" "Button" { "next_unit" "#Battle_NextUnit" "prev_unit" "#Battle_PrevUnit" "retreat" "#Battle_Retreat" "attack" "#Battle_Attack" "move_unit" "#Battle_MoveUnit" } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "Game Controls" "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Layer_Map" "Map Controls" "Layer_Combat" "Combat Controls" "Action_MoveCursor" "Move Cursor" "Action_CameraPan" "Pan camera" "Action_CameraZoom" "Zoom camera" "Action_Click" "Click" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel" "Action_Select" "Select" "Action_Inspect" "Inspect" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Map_Turn" "End turn" "Map_NextColony" "Next Colony" "Map_PrevColony" "Previous Colony" "Battle_NextUnit" "Next Unit" "Battle_PrevUnit" "Previous Unit" "Battle_Retreat" "Retreat" "Battle_Attack" "Attack" "Battle_MoveUnit" "Move Unit" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Affirm" "Affirm" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" "Menu_Other" "Other" "Menu_ScrollUp" "Scroll Up" "Menu_ScrollDown" "Scroll Down" "Menu_DismissMenu" "Dismiss Menu" } } }

Console-style JRPG

A simple console-style JRPG where you move a character avatar around a map environment such as an overworld, dungeon, or town, and can interact with things. The game features a modal battle system that mostly uses the same basic menu-driven actions (up/down/left/right/select/cancel), but has some special commands like toggling a special power between targetting an individual and a group of enemies, skipping a character's turn, and pausing the game.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "Button" { "Action_Select" "#Action_Select" "Action_Up" "#Action_Up" "Action_Down" "#Action_Down" "Action_Left" "#Action_Left" "Action_Right" "#Action_Right" "Action_Cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "Action_Menu" "#Action_Menu" } "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } } } } "action_layers" { "BattleControls" { "title" "#Layer_Battle" "Button" { "Battle_ToggleMulti" "#Battle_ToggleMulti" "Battle_Pause" "#Battle_Pause" "Battle_Skip" "#Battle_Skip" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "General Controls" "Layer_Battle" "Battle Controls" "Action_Move" "Move" "Action_Select" "Select/Interact" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel/Back" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Action_Up" "Up" "Action_Down" "Down" "Action_Left" "Left" "Action_Right" "Right" "Battle_ToggleMulti" "Toggle multiple targets" "Battle_Pause" "Pause" "Battle_Skip" "Skip Character" } } }

Point-and-click Adventure

A simple point-and click adventure game where you point to a location on the screen and tell your character to move there, examine something, or interact with it. Inventory management is done by bringing up a menu, where you can point to an object (or use up/down/left/right actions to navigate) to select it.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "Button" { "Action_Interact" "#Action_Interact" "Action_MoveTo" "#Action_MoveTo" "Action_Examine" "#Action_Examine" "Action_Cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "Action_Menu" "#Action_Menu" "Action_Item" "#Action_Item" } "StickPadGyro" { "MoveCursor" { "title" "#Action_MoveCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } } } "action_layers" { "MenuControls" { "title" "#Layer_MenuControls" "Button" { "Menu_Up" "#Menu_Up" "Menu_Down" "#Menu_Down" "Menu_Left" "#Menu_Left" "Menu_Right" "#Menu_Right" "Menu_Select" "#Menu_Select" "Menu_Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "General Controls" "Layer_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Action_MoveCursor" "Move cursor" "Action_MoveTo" "Move to location" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_Examine" "Examine" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel/Back" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Action_Item" "Use Item" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Select" "Select" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" } } }


A simple racing game where you race manual transmission ("stick shift") cars.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "Button" { "Action_Gas" "#Action_Gas" "Action_Brake" "#Action_Brake" "Action_Clutch" "#Action_Clutch" "Action_ShiftUp" "#Action_ShiftUp" "Action_ShiftDown" "#Action_ShiftDown" "Action_Handbrake" "#Action_Handbrake" "Action_Pause" "#Action_Pause" } "StickPadGyro" { "Steer" { "title" "#Action_Steer" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } "Look" { "title" "#Action_Look" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "General Controls" "Action_Gas" "Gas" "Action_Brake" "Brake" "Action_Clutch" "Clutch" "Action_ShiftUp" "Shift Gear Up" "Action_ShiftDown" "Shift Gear Down" "Action_Handbrake" "Handbrake" "Action_Pause" "Pause" "Action_Steer" "Steer" "Action_Look" "Free look" } } }


A very simple platform game where you can move around, jump, hold down a button to run, and interact with environmental objects (e.g. pick up / throw).

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "Button" { "Action_Jump" "#Action_Jump" "Action_Run" "#Action_Run" "Action_Interact" "#Action_Interact" "Action_Up" "#Action_Up" "Action_Down" "#Action_Down" "Action_Left" "#Action_Left" "Action_Right" "#Action_Right" "Action_Pause" "#Action_Pause" } "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "General Controls" "Action_Move" "Move" "Action_Jump" "Jump" "Action_Run" "Run" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_Up" "Up" "Action_Down" "Down" "Action_Left" "Left" "Action_Right" "Right" "Action_Pause" "Pause" } } }