For the longest time, we often hear that knowledge, ability and skills are the major requirements for performing a job. These core competencies allow one to meet the standards of the specific field and some are well-equipped to even exceed expectations. However, competence alone is not the only factor that sets one person apart from another; it is the human element with us that truly makes a difference.
Reflecting on our organization, we can see diverse individuals. There are those who possess exceptional skills and knowledge yet easily affected by situations they were not able to foresee. Others may have top-notch skills in every detail of their tasks but struggle to collaborate effectively with their team. Conversely, some individuals might not always be the most technically skilled but consistently exceed expectations. The difference lies not only on the level of skills they have but, on the commitment, and willingness to learn and grow. Their inner drive sets them apart from the others.
Unfortunately, the human element is often overlooked in professional settings. At times, we are too focused on individual’s proficiency that we failed to consider the twin element of competence – the essentials skills. Essential skills are fundamental skills that makes us human. This goes beyond the technical know-how of a tasks. It is more of the “human element” in us – our ability to connect, adapt and withstand through everyday challenges. So, if you ever find yourself feeling less skilled than your peers, remember not to lose motivation. You have your unique sets of talents and strengths that you can contribute in ways others might not. Success does not rely solely about what you know – it is about your drive to improve, connect and keep moving forward. Let your WILL be your strongest asset!
#introspect #willpower #determination #commitment #selfimprovement #quotes