This is the task to cover the backend work needed for the new "Personalized Praise" Mentor dashboard module.
The task that covers the frontend work needed for the new module is: T322443
User Story:
As a mentor,
I want to offer feedback and encouragement to newcomers,
Because then they are more likely to continue contributing.
Research shows that praise and encouragement from other users increases newcomer retention.
Growth documentation:
Mediawiki overview of Positive Reinforcement project.
Logic for when to present mentees in this module:
Logic will be determined by the Community Configuration settings identified in this task: T322446
Mentors can then adjust their individual preferences that will alter how often they receive notifications and what they consider appropriate qualifications for surfacing praise-worthy mentees.
Data Needed:
- Username
- Last active
- Edit count
- Longest streak
- Thanks count
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I'm a Mentor and I visit my Mentor Dashboard,
When I have praise-worthy mentees,
Then I am presented with information that can help me determine if I should send them a message of encouragement