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Landowners Virtual Meeting: Tallgrass Gas-to-CO2 Pipeline Conversion

Mark Hefflinger, Bold Alliance (Photo: Bryon Houlgrave/Des Moines Register

By Mark Hefflinger

Videos February 4, 2024

Tallgrass Energy recently received permission from the federal government to convert its existing Trailblazer pipeline, which currently carries methane gas across Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming, into a carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline. The scheme aims to take advantage of new federal tax credits and connect with ethanol plants to capture their carbon emissions, and pump the hazardous gas via interstate pipeline to be sequestered in underground wells.

Unlike new CO2 projects proposed by Summit, Navigator and Wolf, Tallgrass is unique because it is seeking to convert its existing already-built pipeline to carry CO2. Therefore, the company faces no state regulatory or public hearings. Additionally, in the state of Nebraska, the state legislature and the Public Service Commission have refused to update regulations, meaning carbon pipelines face zero permitting process, review, or oversight at the state level.

Join fellow impacted landowners and community members for a Nebraska Easement Action Team and Pipeline Fighters Hub virtual meeting (via computer or telephone) on Thursday, Feb. 1 at 7pm Central Time (6pm Mountain Time) to learn what rights you have as an impacted landowner, and discuss what actions you and your neighbors can take to get informed and protect your property and your local communities at the county level. The program will feature Bold Alliance attorney and pipeline expert Paul Blackburn, landowners’ attorney Brian Jorde, and Bold Alliance’s Jane Kleeb and Emma Schmit.

WHAT: Virtual Landowner & Community Meeting on the Tallgrass Trailblazer CO2 Pipeline Conversion
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 1, 7:00 p.m. Central Time (6:00 p.m. Mountain Time)
WHO: Brian Jorde (Landowners’ attorney, Domina Law Group); Bold Alliance: Paul Blackburn (attorney), Emma Schmit, Jane Kleeb


Tallgrass Pipeline Webinar


18:09:08 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Information on Tallgrass Trailblazer:
18:11:09 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Paul Blackburn: Risks of Converting Natural Gas Pipelines to CO2 Service:
18:14:33 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
If you have a question, you can type it here in the chat at any time, or else use the Q&A button at the bottom of the Zoom window to type your question and we will either type an answer or take your question live
18:15:23 From rcalvert to Host and Panelists:
Major work was done on Trailblazer on our property in December
18:16:57 From Jane Fleming Kleeb to Everyone:
Did they say if it was for adding a new pipe to carry co2 or a new pipeline to connect up to natural gas or did they just do work on existing pipeline?
18:17:24 From Kay Kottas to Host and Panelists:
The pipe proposed on my land is new pipe so it could be regulated by setbacks, correct?
18:17:46 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
The Gassing of Satartia:
18:18:26 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Does Federal Law Prohibit Counties From Imposing Setbacks on Pipelines? by Paul Blackburn:
18:18:33 From rcalvert to Host and Panelists:
They said it was routine maintenance BUT we’ve never had maintenance that extensive AND the pipe looked just like the CO2 pipeline pictures (covered in silver). They will lie to your face.
18:19:11 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Sample county resolutions:
18:19:14 From C Cronin to Host and Panelists:
Is there a zoning distance regulation from the pipeline to a dwelling?
18:20:18 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Landowner & County Leader Resource Guide for CO2 Pipelines:
18:21:52 From Jane Fleming Kleeb to Everyone:
In Nebraska, there is no state level zoning set back. There are a few counties (Holt, York) that have considered anywhere from 200-350 set back (compared to wind and solar which are often 1,000-2500 set back)
18:22:13 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
How to Contact Your County Board About the Pipeline:
18:22:44 From Jane Fleming Kleeb to Everyone:
Counties CAN put setbacks in place for new pipelines. Many do not because they get scared about lawsuits. It is 100% legal for them to put setbacks in place (as well as emergency response plans and other items)
18:23:28 From Paul Blackburn, Bold Alliance to Everyone:
A new pipeline could be subject to a county setback, but the county would need to have an ordinance granting it the authority to do so.
18:31:07 From Kay Kottas to Host and Panelists:
What recourse do neighbors have across the road from the pipelines who would be affected by the risk of a leak, but are getting no compensation from the pipeline
18:33:36 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Nebraska Easement Action Team legal co-op info:
18:33:44 From Maple O NC to Host and Panelists:
The 8″ > 1K ft was that explosion / blast zone? then 24″ ___
18:35:17 From Paul Blackburn, Bold Alliance to Everyone:
The blast zone (physical impact) would be much less. The CO2 plume is also dangerous due to suffocation and intoxication risks.
18:44:50 From Paul Blackburn, Bold Alliance to Everyone:
When a CO2 pipeline ruptures, the sudden release in pressure creates a shock wave that can blast a crater in the ground and blast debris into the surrounding area. This physical blast can be very dangerous to those relatively close to a pipeline. We know the scientific methodology to determine this blast zone, but have not yet found an expert to calculate this for different size pipelines.
18:47:33 From Tami F to Host and Panelists:
Can you tell us how many people are on this webinar? Would like to know how much interest there is in this. I understand if you cannot disclose this.
18:47:43 From Maple O NC to Host and Panelists:
Solidarity!! how dare they make ppl sign NDA grrr
18:48:03 From Jane Fleming Kleeb to Everyone:
Yes about 70 folks on the webinar!
18:48:14 From Jane Fleming Kleeb to Everyone:
More on the phone
18:48:45 From Maple O NC to Host and Panelists:
YES!! we fight the methane ones here in NC-VA-WV & New England. etc,
18:49:09 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Also, we will make a recording of this program available tomorrow on
18:49:16 From Paul Blackburn, Bold Alliance to Everyone:
After a pipeline ruptures, it will continue to spew CO2, potentially for hours. This CO2 will disperse to surrounding areas and it can asphyxiate people and animals that are too close. At greater distances it can intoxicate people and put them at risk, for example if they are driving or using machinery. We have an expert that can determine the distance that the CO2 would travel for different diameter pipelines and still be dangerous, but the modeling effort takes time. The pipeline company should tell landowners if they are at risk.
18:49:52 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Nebraska landowners – submit a comment by 8am CT tomorrow (Friday, Feb. 2) in support of LB 1366:
18:52:16 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
The webinar recording will also be made available on the Bold Nebraska YouTube channel, if you subscribe now you’ll receive a notification when it is posted:
18:53:06 From Brian Jorde to Everyone:
Example of aerial overlay of plume travel at 40,000ppm from an 8″ diameter CO2 pipeline:
18:54:32 From Brian Jorde to Everyone:
Landowner Expert Testimony related to Hazard Distances and Plume Modeling:
18:55:19 From Paul Blackburn, Bold Alliance to Everyone:
Enbridge pipeline company in Minnesota estimated that the cost of removing an old 34″ diameter pipeline was $1,000 PER FOOT. The vast majority of landowners cannot afford to remove a pipeline. The Minnesota government required Enbridge to pay into a fund to pay for abandonment of a new 36″ diameter pipeline, which fund totals $1.2 BILLION.
19:02:05 From Terry Luttrell (Elpac Tester) to Host and Panelists:
How can we verify if our land has an existing easement?
19:07:27 From Maple O NC to Host and Panelists:
Point to NOT allow at all
19:08:28 From Maple O NC to Host and Panelists:
oops not allow cuz ONLY 10% of CO2 gets sucked out AT THE MOST !! (+ Sartatia, + NOT for GOOD of nation/ppl )
19:08:52 From Connie phone to Host and Panelists:
The corn plants also get subsidies from the government for this CO 2 pipeline
19:09:59 From rcalvert to Host and Panelists:
I went directly to Tallgrass and asked for copies and they sent them to me.
19:11:00 From Maple O NC to Host and Panelists:
Lots of BLM land is Native rights (or maybe that cursed checkerboard patchwork ownerships! 🙁 But y’all partner, leverage ? (or will corporations just pick the “wasteland” part of BLM)
19:11:27 From C Cronin to Host and Panelists:
Is there any studies conducted in regards to the pipeline and impacts to the animals protected in the endangered species act?
19:12:00 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
REMINDER! Submit a comment in support of LB1366 – Bill for Eminent Domain Reform in Nebraska by TOMORROW 8AM ==>
19:12:20 From Maple O NC to Host and Panelists:
CBD has always had MONEY (ppl love animals)
19:12:21 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Pipeline Fighters Hub
19:14:10 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
How to Contact Your County Board About the Pipeline:
19:14:23 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Paul Blackburn: Risks of Converting Natural Gas Pipelines to CO2 Service:
19:15:25 From Mark Hefflinger to Everyone:
Nebraska Easement Action Team:
19:16:41 From rcalvert to Host and Panelists:
Can you please notify us of local in person meetings further in advance so we can plan?

Pipeline Fighters Hub