Academia Urdu reposted this
The renowned scholar Syed Abul Ala #Maududi, in a joint gathering of Shia and #Sunni people, delivered a speech in #Urdu on the topic of #Shahadat e Imam Hussain (RA). It was later published in July 1960 in Tarjuman ul Quran, now being presented in English #translation, done by Mr Ali Abbas, for the interest of the masses. Every year, in the month of Muharram, millions of Shi’as and Sunnis alike #mourn Imam Hussain (RA)’s martyrdom. It is regrettable, however, that very few of these mourners focus their attention on the objective for which #ImamHussain not only sacrificed his life but also the lives of his kith and kin. A believer should not hesitate to sacrifice all that he possesses for preventing the changes which constitutes a danger to the religion of Islam and the #Muslim community which is a custodian of the principles mentioned above. One is at liberty to contemptuously disregard it as merely a maneuver for securing political power, but in the eyes of #Hussain Ibn ‘Ali, it was primarily a religious obligation. He therefore laid down his life to this cause, gaining the crown of #martyrdom. #Islam #Muharram #Karbala #HussainIbnAli #Ashura #SyedMaududi #ShahadatEHussain