Bayer Sp. z o.o.

Bayer Sp. z o.o.

Produkcja wyrobów chemicznych

Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia 5 731 886 obserwujących


Opieka zdrowotna i rolnictwo – to dziedziny, w których się specjalizujemy. Od ponad 150 lat z nieustanną pasją tworzymy innowacyjne rozwiązania, dzięki którym możemy odpowiednio reagować na wyzwania i zaspokajać największe potrzeby współczesnego świata.

Produkcja wyrobów chemicznych
Wielkość firmy
10 001+ pracowników
Siedziba główna
Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Spółka akcyjna
Pharmaceuticals , Consumer Health, Crop Science, Life Sciences, Research, Innovation, Sustainability, Health Care, Digital Farming, Food Security, Science For Better i Innovation


Pracownicy Bayer Sp. z o.o.


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer Sp. z o.o.; grafika

    5 731 886 obserwujących

    +++ #News +++ Bayer and BlueRock Therapeutics are taking a significant step forward in the fight against Parkinson's disease with the planned initiation of a Phase III clinical trial for an investigational stem cell derived therapy. This trial represents a crucial milestone in our commitment to exploring innovative treatment options for people living with this challenging condition. As we move forward, we remain focused on the needs of those affected by Parkinson's disease, aiming to address the unmet medical needs and improve the quality of life for patients. We look forward to collaborating with the Parkinson's disease community as we embark on this important journey. Learn more:

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer Sp. z o.o.; grafika

    5 731 886 obserwujących

    About 97 percent of the world's farmers manage less than 10 hectares of land. They represent nearly 550 million smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries. These farmers feed more than half the population in their regions. It's no overstatement to say that smallholder farmers play a major role in global agriculture and food security. 🌾 With our mission #HealthforAll #HungerForNone, we are committed to empowering more than 100 million resilient smallholder farmers by developing innovative solutions that enhance productivity and income, positively impacting their lives and that of their communities. Stay tuned over the coming weeks to learn more about how Bayer is transforming smallholder agriculture around the world.

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer Sp. z o.o.; grafika

    5 731 886 obserwujących

    January Photo Dump – Our People, Our Mission! New year, same incredible energy! From labs to fields, from offices to production sites—our people are the driving force behind Bayer’s success. Their passion, diversity, and commitment move the needle every day, making a real impact on health and nutrition worldwide. This is just the beginning of 2025—let’s keep pushing boundaries together! #BayerCareer #BeBayer #TeamBayer #Photodump

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer Sp. z o.o.; grafika

    5 731 886 obserwujących

    From 1971 to today, Bayer’s nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) laboratories have been at the heart of molecular research. Early on, our scientists used NMR to reveal the structures of chemical compounds, laying the foundation for modern pharmaceuticals. Today, advanced NMR technology combined with cryogenic techniques allows us to delve deeper into molecular structures, revealing insights that are shaping the future of medicine. Our commitment to advancing science remains unwavering, bridging past and present innovations to drive tomorrow’s discoveries. At Bayer, we empower you to own your career and make an impact in a supportive environment. Join us and take charge of your career, as we shape the future of medicine together in the pursuit of our mission ‘Health of all, Hunger for none’. Many thanks to our Heritage Communications team for preserving these incredible visual treasures. Are you as fascinated by vintage photos as we are? Stay tuned for more captivating glimpses of our past and present! What’s your favorite way to recharge during or after the workday? Let’s hear your tips below! #BayerCareer #BeBayer #TeamBayer #BayerArchiv

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer Sp. z o.o.; grafika

    5 731 886 obserwujących

    Recent research among men with prostate cancer shows that fatigue and other treatment side effects can negatively impact quality of life. Three out of four prostate cancer patients feel tired, listless, and exhausted. Far too often, men accept these symptoms as a seemingly logical consequence of their disease and the accompanying treatment. The development of new treatments means there may be effective options that allow patients to keep doing what they love. At Bayer, we address the unique needs of prostate cancer patients, providing treatments that extend survival without compromising patients’ daily lives so that they can continue with their everyday activities and live longer better lives. #WorldCancerDay

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer Sp. z o.o.; grafika

    5 731 886 obserwujących

    Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der glücklicherweise viele Krankheiten behandelbar sind. Dennoch denken wir oft, dass medizinische Versorgung nur in Arztpraxen oder Krankenhäusern stattfindet. Tatsächlich beginnt die Verantwortung für unsere Gesundheit viel früher – und sie liegt bei uns selbst. Unsere Mission bei Bayer lautet: #HealthForAll #HungerForNone. Ein wichtiger Schritt, um sie zu verwirklichen, ist, allen Menschen Zugang zur individuellen Gesundheitsversorgung zu ermöglichen. Indem wir Menschen helfen, ihre Alltagsbeschwerden selbst zu behandeln, geben wir ihnen die Möglichkeit, die Dinge zu tun, die sie lieben.

  • Bayer Sp. z o.o. ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer | Consumer Health; grafika

    21 451 obserwujących

    Menopause is a stage of life that every woman will go through, yet too many still feel left in the dark. In fact, two-thirds of perimenopausal women report feeling unprepared, and half admit they didn’t understand what was happening to them at the time.* It's time to change the narrative! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the CanesMeno® Educational Hub and product range in the UK! 🎉 As part of the Canesten family, a trusted name in women’s intimate health for over 40 years, we’re dedicated to transforming menopause support and celebrating women's health at every stage of life. Let's face it – menopause isn't a ‘one-size-fits-all’ experience. Every woman’s journey is unique, with symptoms, severity and impacts that vary widely. That's why CanesMeno® is designed to offer holistic support, empowering women with the knowledge and resources to navigate this chapter with confidence. Together, we can break the silence and ensure every woman feels informed and empowered! 💪 ✨ A huge shoutout to our incredible #TeamBayer for breaking boundaries and making this innovation a reality! Let's embrace this journey together! 💖 #HealthforAll #HungerforNone #WomensHealth #Menopause

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer Sp. z o.o.; grafika

    5 731 886 obserwujących

    Marilia Tocalino PcD, nossa Gerente de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão para América Latina, fala sobre a empregabilidade de pessoas trans. Confira na íntegra: “O Brasil é amplamente conhecido como um dos países mais hostis para a população transgênero. No âmbito social e organizacional, as barreiras estruturais movidas pelo preconceito e pela discriminação são presentes. A escassez de oferta profissional para homens trans, mulheres trans e travestis resulta em dados alarmantes de subemprego ou condições indignas de trabalho. Ações afirmativas que promovem a empregabilidade, em muitos casos a preparação profissional dessa população, são de extrema importância social e estrutural. A diminuição da desigualdade e a constante quebra de preconceito são engrenagens contínuas que podem e devem ser protagonizadas pelas companhias, gerando assim impacto e transformação expressiva. O preparo de equipes e liderança é igualmente relevante, pois a pessoa a ser contratada necessitará de ambiente seguro, em todos os aspectos, para performar e conduzir uma trajetória digna de trabalho.” Faça parte também da nossa jornada por inclusão. Conheça nossas oportunidades: #Diversidade #Inclusão #CarreirasNaBayer #BayerBrasil

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Bayer Sp. z o.o.; grafika

    5 731 886 obserwujących

    „United Force for Change“ ist das Motto der Healthcare Businesswomen's Association. Und es wird gelebt: Networking - als einer der größten Erfolgsfaktoren - hilft Frauen in der Gesundheitsbranche Kontakte mit Gleichgesinnten zu knüpfen und Karrierechancen zu ergreifen. ♀️ #BayerAustria's erster Lunch & Learn dieses Jahres stand ganz im Zeichen von HBA. Unsere Gäste Sokuntheary En (MBA) und Kristina Hentschel, Gründerin des neuen HBA Vienna Chapters, informierten Mitarbeiter*innen über die globale Organisation und die Verbindung zu Bayer. HBA fördert die #Geschlechtergerechtigkeit am Arbeitsplatz, und das erfolgreich: Bereits 80% der HBA Mitglieder weltweit konnten mit Weiterbildungen, Skill-Building und Vernetzung ihre Karriere ausbauen! 💪🏼 In Österreich liegen besonders #TalentPool und #Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Privatleben im Fokus. Diversität und somit auch Frauenförderung sind bei Bayer Grundwerte. Aber für eine gerechtere Welt braucht es Zusammenarbeit: So let's unite for change! 🤜🏼🤛🏼

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5 287 810 223,00 USD

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