Zdjęcie główne użytkownika Bea Beleza Sp. z o.o.
Bea Beleza Sp. z o.o.

Bea Beleza Sp. z o.o.


Poznań, Wielkopolskie 206 obserwujących

Distribution of premium, professional haircare brands. Medavita, Bjork, Aluram, Hufs, Excellent Edges.


Bea Beleza to rodzinna firma, która powstała z głębokiej pasji i miłości do piękna. Nasza droga do sukcesu była pełna wyzwań i nowych doświadczeń, ale dzięki temu ukształtowała nas jako organizację, której fundamentem są wartości i szacunek do ludzi. Od 2007 roku konsekwentnie budujemy miejsce o wyjątkowej kulturze organizacyjnej, stwarzając pracownikom przestrzeń do rozwoju i satysfakcji zawodowej. Naszym kontrahentom i klientom oferujemy nie tylko produkty, ale także profesjonalne doradztwo i niezawodne wsparcie, bo wierzymy, że prawdziwe piękno tkwi w partnerskich relacjach i wspólnym rozwoju.

Wielkość firmy
51-200 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
Spółka prywatna
Data założenia
profesjonalne kosmetyki fryzjerskie, sprzęt fryzjerski, artykuły fryzjerskie, kosmetyki do włosów, kosmetyki, uroda, moda, szkolenia, produkty do włosów, wszystko do włosów i szkolenia fryzjerskie


Pracownicy Bea Beleza Sp. z o.o.


  • “A decade ago, after years of being seen as a wholesaler, we made the bold decision to transition into distribution, knowing it would take years of dedication to build a successful business story. From the start, we sought a brand with a strong identity, a compelling story, and values that aligned with ours - a true partnership built on mutual respect and understanding. For two years, we searched for the right brand, and in 2014, at Cosmoprof Bologna, we found it in Medavita. From the very beginning, we knew it was the right choice. We never felt abandoned, neglected, or treated from above. Instead, we experienced open dialogue, unwavering support, and the dedication of Stefano, Medavita’s CEO, who ensured we had the best team to help us grow. Of course, success required our own efforts, but without this mutual trust and collaboration, none of it would have been possible. Today, as one of Medavita’s longest-serving distributors, we proudly celebrate 10 years of partnership and look forward to the next decade of shared success. Medavita, renowned for its highly effective and innovative professional treatments, allowed us to take a completely new approach to opening salon doors. While most brands built their strength around color ranges, we focused on scalp health and hair loss treatments. Trichology became our unique entry point, helping us educate salon owners and hairdressers that healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. Our sales team successfully leveraged this strategy until it became a widespread trend. Then, history unfolded before our eyes with the arrival of COVID-19. Until that moment, we had been firmly opposed to online sales. However, the pandemic changed everything. Adapting to a rapidly evolving world, we embraced e-commerce to make Medavita visible to retail customers. We turned the pandemic’s side effects - such as increased hair loss - into an opportunity to introduce Medavita treatments and the power of Lotion Concentree Anti - Hair Loss Treatment, flagship Medavita product. By integrating Choice colouring masks into the offering, we unlocked remarkable success, selling thousands of units and firmly establishing Medavita’s presence in the digital marketplace. Our success story is simple: hard work, driven by passionate people. We recognized a great opportunity in social media and influencer collaborations - an investment that required significant resources but delivered immense results. In business, as in life, those who don’t take risks don’t taste success. We firmly believe that giving it your all is the only way to achieve lasting growth, and this mindset continues to drive us forward.”

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