Center of Urbanism and Design

Center of Urbanism and Design

Architektura i planowanie

we make our cities better


Center of Urbanism and Design is a project of informal education and a community of citizens who strive to transform cities into a space of care and inclusion.

Architektura i planowanie
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Działalność edukacyjna
Data założenia
architecture, design i urbanism


Pracownicy Center of Urbanism and Design


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    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Школа компетенций; grafika

    476 obserwujących

    Немного о цифрах совместной программы ШК и Центр Урбанистики и Дизайна URBAN FELLOWSHIP: → 65 вдохновляющих участниц и участников прошли вместе с нами через вопросы критического урбанизма и научились смотреть на город по-новому → Более 17 часов лекций, мастер-классов и дискуссий! → 6 стран, откуда к нам подключались спикерки и спикеры → 8 стран, где живут наши участницы и участники → “Программа очень классная, очень интересная и полезная информация, которая легко воспринимается, все такие тёплые и интересные”. #сделали

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    Next week, we're diving into urban studies, but today let's get acquainted with our fabulous experts. Here they are from left to right — on our cards 👀 Just a reminder, Urban Fellowship is an educational program that will help you look at your city from a new perspective and find like-minded individuals. 😎 We'll be exploring why we pay attention to benches in cities; where the money comes from in the city and how it's allocated; what public transport should be like and how to solve environmental problems in the city. And together, we'll learn to research and improve our cities. When: from May 18th to June 8th. Format: Zoom meetings twice a week. For whom: everyone interested in developing a critical perspective on the city and making our cities spaces of concern. 📍How to apply? Fill out the form by May 13th. See the full program on the Center of Urbanism and Design's website or Школа компетенций's website To all the concerned cities and see you soon ❤️🩹 #moo_cud #community #cud #UrbanFellowship

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Center of Urbanism and Design; grafika

    89 obserwujących

    Together with Школа компетенций Center of Urbanism and Design is launching the renewed educational program Urban Fellowship, which will help to take a fresh look at your city and find like-minded people. Is urban planning only about roads? Where does the money come from in the city and how is it distributed? What should public transport be like? How can we explore the city and influence urban processes? Is there a place for nature in the city? We will discuss these and many other relevant questions together! 🤝 When: from May 18th to June 8th. Format: Zoom meetings twice a week. For whom: everyone interested in developing a critical perspective on the city and making their cities spaces of concern. How to apply? Fill out the questionnaire by May 13th. See the full program on the Center of Urbanism and Design's website or Школа компетенций's website See you soon! 👀 #moo_cud #community #cud #UrbanFellowship

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    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika; grafika

    400 obserwujących

    🚃 Urban Fellowship — твой гарадскі трамвайчык у тэму гарадскога развіцця і ўрбаністыкі Школа компетенций і Центр Урбанистики и Дизайна запускаюць бясплатную адукацыйную праграму, якая адкрые вочы на горад і тое, як у ім можна жыць яшчэ лепш кожнай і кожнаму з нас. На праграме будуць як гісторыя ўрбанізму, так і суперактуальныя і трэндавыя тэмы прыкладных гарадскіх праектаў, інклюзіўнасці і экалогіі ў гарадской прасторы. Калі: 18 траўня — 8 чэрвеня Дзе: Zoom 🔗 Запісацца на курс і азнаёміцца з праграмай можна па спасылцы: P.S. Дарэчы, вывучыцца на урбанолага-менеджара ці менеджарку можна на факультэце прыродазнаўства ў Брэсцкім дзяржаўным універсітэце імя А.С.Пушкіна:

    Urban Fellowship - ШКОЛА НОВЫХ КОМПЕТЕНЦИЙ

    Urban Fellowship - ШКОЛА НОВЫХ КОМПЕТЕНЦИЙ

  • Center of Urbanism and Design ponownie to opublikował(a)

    We continue to talk about the sections of the Future Leaders Forum 💼 On May 25 from 15:30 to 16:00 we will talk in a pecha-kucha format on the topic “How to get through turbulent times?” Let us introduce our speakers: Katerina Bunina, editor-in-chief of our partner, will talk about the importance of training before and after work. Klim Khaletski from Ū Hub | Startup Community in Poland, our partner initiative, will give advice on how to build vibrant communities. Tanya Tereshchenko, co-founder of the Center of Urbanism and Design, will talk about how to form communities to improve cities. Katerina Azhgirei is a communications specialist, founder of the podcast “We haven't finished!” will talk about the fight against burnout. Yauhen Fiadotau from the new project about global Belarusians “+three” will introduce you to those people's success stories. Nikita Abramchik, the founder of the telegram channel about Belarusian music KLIK, will talk about how to go beyond the ordinary when making music. We remind you that you need to register for the forum here — We are waiting for you at the most important Belarusian event of this spring⚡️

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    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Школа компетенций; grafika

    476 obserwujących

    Центр Урбанистики и Дизайна совместно со Школой компетенций запускает обновленную образовательную программу Urban Fellowship! → Урбанизм только про скамейки? → Откуда берутся деньги в городе и как они распределяются? → Каким должен быть общественный транспорт? → Как мы можем исследовать город и влиять на городские процессы? → Есть ли место природе в городе? Эти и многие актуальные вопросы мы обсудим вместе! Курс пройдет с 18 мая по 8 июня в онлайн-формате. До 13 мая заполните анкету по ссылке:

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Center of Urbanism and Design; grafika

    89 obserwujących

    Our last lecture from the Inclusive city course is dedicated to the topic of animals in the urban environment, presented by Petr Ivanov. It's an immensely important and complex topic that requires thorough and thorough exploration. Today's material delves into the history of human-animal relationships and modern approaches to creating animal-friendly cities. During the lecture, we briefly addressed the issue of homeless animals. This issue is multifaceted and often closely tied to local culture. It's crucial to remember that stray animals, for the most part, are born and raised on the streets, possessing historical adaptations for survival in urban environments. We encourage you to explore this topic further and share any interesting findings you come across in the comments section 🤝 #moo_cud #community #cud #inclusivecity 

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    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Школа компетенций; grafika

    476 obserwujących

    📚 Как проходит обучение? → Бесплатно Время — деньги. Нам хватит, если ты заплатишь за курсы своим временем. Считаем это инвестицией в твоё будущее. → Онлайн Будем честны, ты и так проводишь много времени в интернете. Давай вместе проведём его с пользой? → Топовые спикерки и спикеры Экспертки и эксперты своего дела нашли время в плотном графике, чтобы поделиться с тобой опытом. Да это ж круто! → Комьюнити Представь, что тебя окружают такие же увлечённые люди. А теперь запишись на курсы Школы компетенций и убедись, что это реальность. → Практика Чтобы выработался навык, нужно приложить усилие. Жди нестандартных заданий: учёба — это ещё и fun! Все курсы Школы компетенций собрали здесь:

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Center of Urbanism and Design; grafika

    89 obserwujących

    By the year 2050, children and elderly individuals will constitute about 45% of the population. Working towards a comfortable environment is also working for our future and the future of our society. At the same time, it's not just age that requires careful planning: parenthood, trauma, illness – factors that, temporarily or situationally, place individuals in vulnerable groups. Within the framework of the "Inclusive City" course, Ilona Elyashevich presented what should guide the design of urban spaces to make them comfortable and accessible for everyone. #moo_cud #community #cud #inclusivecity 

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Center of Urbanism and Design; grafika

    89 obserwujących

    We conclude the cycle of lectures within the course "Inclusive City" with a meeting with the "The Others" (“ІншыЯ”) project, which is engaged in the promotion and inclusion of cross-cutting values in the work of civil society, as well as the formation and increase of resilience of vulnerable groups. What is inclusion? Inclusion is the process of involving of various vulnerable groups in the life of society. Why do we need inclusion? Inclusion guarantees everyone equal opportunities to participate in society. Inclusion is about: • people and diversity • process / creation of conditions • reciprocity, reciprocity, non-coercion • subjectivity and independence • "Nothing about us without us" What groups need to be included in public processes? • people with limited mobility; • visually impaired and blind people; • people with weak hearing and complete hearing loss; • people with mental disabilities; • parents with children; • LGBTQ+ community; • eco-friendly people • … (these are just examples, there are many more groups*): read about what the inclusion consists of in the following cards! #moo_cud #community #cud #inclusivecity 

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