Neo Insight

Neo Insight


Poznań, Wielkopolskie 223 obserwujących

A modern medical platform for the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases.


Nowoczesna platforma medyczna stworzona w celu diagnostyki i leczenia chorób onkologicznych.

Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Poznań, Wielkopolskie
Spółka cywilna


Pracownicy Neo Insight


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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that focuses on enabling computers to perform tasks traditionally associated with human intelligence, e.g. learning, comprehension, and problem-solving. Recently AI technology has started to influence many scientific fields, including medicine. For example, Artificial Intelligence may be a useful tool in cancer research and care. 🖥️ AI may contribute to the quality improvement of some cancer screening tests and detection methods. For example, in 2021 FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) authorized the marketing of AI-based software that assists medical professionals in identifying areas of prostate biopsy images that may be cancerous. Artificial Intelligence could be also used in drug discovery and development, e.g. to help researchers understand the mechanisms of drug responses or to design new potential medicines. 💊 In your opinion, what are the possible benefits and risks of using AI in oncology? We encourage you to discuss this subject in the comments. 📣 #NeoInsight #Oncology #AI #Cancer #ArtificialIntelligence #Diagnostics #Screening #DrugDiscovery #Science #Medicine #Research #FDA

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    Rare diseases are conditions that affect less than 1 person in 2000. People suffering from rare disorders often face problems such as long and challenging diagnostic process or difficult access to properly qualified healthcare specialists. To improve the situation of those patients and their families the Council Of Ministers adopted the Plan for Rare Diseases 2024-2025. Its realization will cost almost 100 million PLN. The Plan includes: 🔹 improving access to tests used in the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases, 🔹 implementation of quality inspections in laboratories that conduct large-scale genomic tests for the genetic diagnosis of rare disorders, 🔹 improving access to modern medical equipment, medicines, and foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses for rare diseases, 🔹 enhancing the infrastructure of healthcare facilities by, among others, providing laboratories with the equipment necessary to perform advanced diagnostics, 🔹 conducting a public awareness campaign regarding rare conditions. Moreover, all the necessary information about rare diseases will be regularly updated on the government website: 🌐 #NeoInsight #RareDiseases #Cancer #Oncology #MinistryOfHealth #Healthcare #Diagnostics #

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    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Tecelra (afamitresgene autoleucel) – the first gene therapy for unresectable or metastatic synovial sarcoma. It is indicated for adults who have received prior chemotherapy and have specific HLAs (human leukocyte antigens). Additionally, the MAGE-A4 expression has to be confirmed in patients’ tumors. Synovial sarcoma is a rare cancer that develops in soft tissues of the body. It occurs mainly in the extremities, however, the malignant cells may also spread to other organs. This type of cancer is typically treated by surgery, sometimes combined with radio- or chemotherapy. Unfortunately, for some patients, standard treatment can have limited efficacy. Tecelra is a new option for the treatment of synovial sarcoma. It is autologous T-cell immunotherapy (CAR-T therapy). T-cells collected from patients are engineered to express a TCR (T-cell receptor) that targets MAGE-A4, an antigen expressed by cancer cells in synovial sarcoma. Tecelra is administered in a single infusion. More information about Tecelra can be found on the FDA’s official website. 🌐 #NeoInsight #DrugApproval #FDA #MarketingAuthorisation #Immunotherapy #GeneTherapy #Oncology #Sarcoma #Cancer 

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    On 1 June 2024, the Ministry of Health’s program for infertility treatment through the in vitro procedure was launched. It provides for the reimbursement of all steps associated with IVF for couples facing fertility problems. The program presupposes fertility protection for patients undergoing cancer treatment as well. 💉 The government support program allows to safeguarding of fertility in people at risk of infertility due to cancer or oncological treatment. It guarantees refunding of the process of freezing reproductive cells before or during therapy. Men can thus preserve sperm and women can preserve oocytes. Frozen cells may be then used in the in vitro procedure that will be also reimbursed by the government. The full list of medical facilities participating in the program is available on the website. 🌐 In everyday practice, it is crucial to inform patients about probable fertility problems associated with cancer and discuss with them available oncofertility-related options. 🗨️ #NeoInsight #InVitro #Oncofertility #Infertility #MinistryOfHealth #RefundProgramme #SupportProgramme #Support #Government

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    The Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) plays a crucial role in conducting clinical trials. They focus mainly on managing daily clinical trial activities. 📝 What do the CRCs do? 1️⃣ They ensure that clinical trial is conducted according to the protocol, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), and applicable regulations. 2️⃣ The CRCs recruit and register study participants and provide them with informed consent forms, questionnaires, and surveys. 3️⃣ They collect and review all clinical data and medical records. 4️⃣ The Clinical Research Coordinators ensure research staff with proper training on the study protocol. 5️⃣ They monitor participants’ progress and manage possible side effects. Prior expertise in healthcare, clinical research, and the GCP is required if you want to start a career as a clinical research coordinator. Usually, the CRC must have proper education, e.g. degree in pharmacy, health sciences, nursing, or a related field. However, specific qualifications will vary depending on the company. To learn more about clinical trials, follow our profile. ✔️ #NeoInsight #ClinicalTrials #CRC #ClinicalResearchCoordinator #DrugEfficacy #DrugSafety #Healthcare 

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    The Investigator's Brochure (IB) is one of the documents required for a clinical study to begin. What does it need to include? The IB provides all relevant and necessary clinical and non-clinical data on the product studied in human subjects. The information should be clear, uncomplicated, and balanced. It allows clinicians and investigators to properly understand all the tested product’s properties. The type of information depends on the development stage of the investigational product. EMA (the European Medicines Agency) recommends including three main topics related to the studied product: 1️⃣ Physical, chemical, and pharmaceutical properties and formulation with additional storage instructions. 2️⃣ Summary reports from all relevant non-clinical studies, including pharmacology, toxicity, metabolism, and pharmacokinetic tests. 3️⃣ Results from available studies in humans. If there is any data on already conducted clinical trials, a summary of their effects should also be included. More information about IB and its content is available on the EMA website. 🌐 #NeoInsight #ClinicalTrials #InvestigatorsBrochure #Investigator #DrugEfficacy #DrugSafety #MedicinalProduct #EMA

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    Translational medicine (TM) is an interdisciplinary biomedical field that focuses on improving human health by evaluating the applicability of new biological science findings to illnesses. What is its core concept? According to the European Society for Translational Medicine, TM is supported by three main pillars: benchside, bedside, and community. Translational medicine aims to use all available resources within those pillars to properly prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases. Translational medicine’s main concept is to translate laboratory discoveries into practical clinical applications and to provide researchers with clinical data about novel treatments, diagnostics, and preventive measures. The exchange of information may contribute to generating new scientific hypotheses. TM is based not only on cooperation between researchers and clinical practitioners but also on the impact of the community – academia, industry, governments, and regulatory bodies. Translational medicine is responsible for the dynamic evolution of available cancer treatments. What do you think about this concept? Do not hesitate to share your opinions in the comments! 💬 #NeoInsight #TranslationalMedicine #TranslationalScience #Medicine #Healthcare #Oncology #Biomedicine #TargetedTherapy

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    Untreated malnutrition in oncology patients has a negative effect on quality of life and possible treatment toxicities and side effects. Therefore, it is crucial to provide proper care to patients who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. Parenteral nutrition (PN) is one of the available methods to help maintain nutritional status. What do we need to know about it? 1️⃣ Parenteral nutrition delivers liquid nutrients (including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes) through a peripheral vein (if PN is needed for a short duration, e.g. less than 7 days) or central vein. 2️⃣ According to the ESPEN (the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) guideline on clinical nutrition in cancer, PN is recommended only if oral and enteral nutrition is inadequate or infeasible. 3️⃣ In cancer patients, PN is used in cases of severe intestinal insufficiency due to radiation enteritis, short bowel syndrome, or chronic bowel obstruction. To find out more about oncology care, we invite you to follow our profile. 📚 #NeoInsight #MedicalNutrition #ParenteralNutrition #Malnutrition #CancerPatients #Nutrition #Health #Oncology #Cancer

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    The National Cancer Network (the KSO) was first introduced in the Act of 9 March 2023. The KSO is developing a new approach for organizing and managing oncology care. Its main goal is to ensure that every patient, regardless of their place of living, receives complete care based on high quality standards. The National Cancer Network consists of Specialized Oncology Treatment Centers (SOLOs) and Cooperation Centers. SOLOs are divided into three main types (I, II, and III) which differ in the number of provided cancer treatments: 🏥 SOLO I offers one of the treatment plans: surgical treatment, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. 🏥 SOLO II provides two of the treatments mentioned above. Additionally, it organizes multidisciplinary therapeutic teams for patients. 🏥 SOLO III offers all of the essential cancer treatments. It can also organize therapeutic teams. The National Health Fund has recently announced a list of providers qualified for all of the SOLO levels. The National Cancer Network (the KSO) is said to start its activity in 2025. #NeoInsight #Oncology #CancerTreatment #CancerPatients #Healthcare #NationalCancerNetwork

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    The Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System is a public entity with a legal personality, responsible for the assessment and valuation of healthcare services in Poland. The Agency’s key role is to provide the Minister of Health with information necessary for making decisions related to financing medicines and other health technologies. What are the Agency’s main everyday tasks? ➡️ Issuing recommendations on reimbursement of medicinal products, (e.g. used in cancer treatment), healthcare services, medicinal devices, and foodstuff for particular nutritional use, ➡️ preparing opinions on emergency access to drug technologies, ➡️ issuing opinions on health policy programs, for example, cancer prevention programs, ➡️ establishing tariffs for healthcare services, ➡️ international cooperation, ➡️ participation in legislative works, ➡️ preparing methodological guidelines. If you have any questions about the Agency, do not hesitate to ask in the comments below 💬 #NeoInsight #AOTMiT #HTA #HealthTechnologyAssessment #MinisterOfHealth #Healthcare #Reimbursement #PrevetionPrograms #GuaranteedBenefitsBasket #CancerTreatment

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