Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw

Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw

Organizacje rządowe


The Embassy works to enhance bilateral political, economic and cultural relations between Poland and Norway.

Organizacje rządowe
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Agencja rządowa


Pracownicy Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    This week marks the launch of the first publication on the impact of the Norwegian companies on the Polish economy. Just released by the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce ( SPCC ) We are proud to share some interesting findings from this report: ➡️ 1.8 billion euros (about 8.5 billion PLN) – is the value of Norwegian capital invested in Poland in 2022 ➡️ 2 billion euros is the value of investments by the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global in Polish listed companies, bonds, and other assets ➡️ 4 million households in Poland will be supplied with green energy thanks to the joint investments of Equinor and Polenergia ➡️ 20 000 people are employed by Norwegian companies in Poland with 65 000 being employed across the supply chain ➡️ Through the Baltic Pipe project, Norway is the largest supplier of gas to Poland, playing a key role in ensuring Poland's energy security ➡️ Norway is also the largest supplier of fresh fish with 1.3 billion euros in the value of imports from Norway to Poland 2 billion euros allocated through EEA and Norway Grants to Poland since 2004. Poland is the largest beneficiary of the Grants, with another 925 million euros made available in the coming years The Norwegian Ambassador Øystein Bø underlines that since 2004 the trade between Norway and Poland has increased by a staggering 880%, and it is still growing! He also shares his forecast for the future , “I am optimistic about the future business cooperation between Norway and Poland. It will be expanding towards green and climate friendly solutions and sustainable trade”. Here you can find the two reports:

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    We are getting ready for new opportunities and enchanted cooperation with Polish partners. For the next 7 years we will be working together in addressing green transition, protection of democracy and social inclusion. Today 🇳🇴 Norway 🇮🇸Iceland and Liechtenstein, and 🇪🇺signed an Agreement for a new funding period of the EEA and Norway Grants! 🇵🇱 Poland will again be the biggest partner country to the EEA Norway Grants with an allocation of EUR 925 million 🌍💚 Good for Poland Good for Norway

    Agreement on EEA and Norway Grants

    Agreement on EEA and Norway Grants

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    ER DU VÅR NESTE STUDENTPRAKTIKANT? Den norske ambassaden i Warszawa søker to studentpraktikanter for våren 2025. Fristen for å søke er 29. september. Målet med praktikantordningen er å gi bred innsikt i ambassadens virksomhet og i utenrikstjenestens organisering og oppgaver. På ambassaden i Warszawa deltar praktikantene i hele bredden av vår virksomhet. Hovedoppgaven er å fremme norske interesser i Polen innenfor blant annet sikkerhetspolitikk, grønn omstilling, samarbeid under EØS-midlene samt kultur- og næringsfremme. Ambassaden i Warszawa har også høyt fokus på demokrati og rettsstat, LHBTQI- og menneskerettigheter. Som følge av krigen i Ukraina er Polen nå en helt sentral aktør i all internasjonal støtte til nabolandet. Les mer om stillingen og formelle krav for å søke her ⤵

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    The Royal Norwegian Embassy together with the Atlantic Council in Warsaw hosted a seminar on the future of NATO. We had the pleasure of listening to Dr. John Andreas Olsen, a colonel in the Royal Norwegian Air Force, lecturing professor at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies and strategic analyst in the NATO HQ Defence Policy and Planning Division. He delivered a keynote speech on the future of NATO. Afterwards a distinguished panel of experts Lucyna Golc-Kozak, Deputy Director, Security Policy Department, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Piotr Pacholski, Director, International Security Policy Department, Polish Ministry of National Defence, Justyna Gotkowska, Deputy Director, Centre for Eastern Studies, Dan Lawton, Deputy Head of Mission, US Embassy and Dr. John Andreas Olsen gave us insights into the future of NATO, shared their perspectives on the challenges and achievements as well as the way forward for the Alliance. 

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    13 Norwegian companies showcased during the 32nd International Defence Industry Exhibition (MSPO) in Kielce, one of 3 largest defence fairs in Europe. The defence industry in Norway has a long tradition of delivering specialised, leading-edge niche solutions for larger systems of key defence material suppliers based in allied nations. Øystein Bø Odd Erling Furu Dobrawa Antoszkiewicz Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace Nammo AS

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    Today, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Embassy, Bjørn Erik Brustad participated in Łódź in the 80. anniversary of the liquidation of Litzmannstadt-Ghetto. The Litzmannstadt Ghetto, established in April 1940, was the second-largest ghetto in German-occupied Europe after the Warsaw Ghetto. Before WWII, Łódź was home to over 200 000 Jews, constituting 31% of the city population. The commemorations included addresses by survivors, state and local authorities, wreath laying at the Radegast Station and a March of Remembrance of those who lost their lives, and the ones who helped save lives. Thank you Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana Towarzystwo Społeczno-Kulturalne Żydów w Polsce

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    This week, Embassy Counsellor Aleksandra Wacko, was in Wrocław with representatives of donors of UNCHR to learn more about the great work done by the UN Refugee Agency and its partners on integration of refugees and the benefits of migration on the ground. Very good meetings with local authorities, public institutions and NGOs. Inspiring to listen to refugee testimonies and how Wrocław has welcomed them in the city. Thank you UNHCR. 📷: ©️ UNHCR

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    On 2 August Charge d'affaires of the Embassy, Bjørn Erik Brustad , participated in the commemoration of the Holocaust of Sinti and Roma in the German Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp. 80 years ago the last remaining Sinti and Roma prisoners, about 4,300 children, women and men were gassed to death there. Several hundred thousands were murdered during WW II. The commemoration included addresses by survivors, state authorities, international organizations and Sinti and Roma associations. Also present were policy advisor Kristina S. Gitmark from the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and Natalina Jansen from the Norwegian Roma Council. Out of the 66 Norwegian Sinti and Roma prisoners. Natalina Jansen’s grandfather was one of four that survived. #neveragain

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw; grafika

    1105 obserwujących

    A new holiday trend called coolcation (cool+vacation) is on the rise, reports 🇵🇱 daily Gazeta Wyborcza. Hot and dry summers can be demanding, therefore more and more people are looking for slightly cooler vacation destinations. One good example is Norway, the land of the fjords, where the summer temperature usually holds at 25C, guaranteeing picturesque landscapes and a beautiful surrounding nature.

    Ciepłe kraje już za gorące. Coolcation na ochłodę dla tych, którzy ekstremalnym upałom mówią dość

    Ciepłe kraje już za gorące. Coolcation na ochłodę dla tych, którzy ekstremalnym upałom mówią dość

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