[PL related] Twój pomysł na startup – sukces czy porażka? Nasz CEO, Sebastian Białas, w rozmowie z Tomasz Oszkiel opowiada o tym, jak sprawdzić pomysł na produkt cyfrowy lub biznes. Wywiad jest już dostępny na YouTube! 🎥 To odcinek pełen inspiracji dla właścicieli startupów, software house’ów i firm SaaS, ale każda osoba, która chce przetestować swój pomysł, znajdzie tu coś dla siebie. Sebastian odpowiada na kluczowe pytania, takie jak: ➡️ Jaka jest sytuacja startupów w 2025 roku? Czy widać spadek inwestycji ze strony Venture Capitals i inwestorów prywatnych? ➡️ Kiedy startup lub software house potrzebuje UX/UI albo walidacji pomysłu? ➡️ Od czego startup powinien zacząć? ➡️ Ile kosztuje warsztat w Push Buttons? Zapraszamy do obejrzenia: https://lnkd.in/dgMjZsQb 🎧 #StartupSukces #UXDesign #WalidacjaPomysłu #WywiadPushButtons #SaaS
Naszą misją jest pomoc firmom w dostarczaniu rozwiązań przyjaznych ich klientom, poprzez: - projektowanie i tworzenie użytecznego oprogramowania, - dbanie o ich wizerunek w sieci, - dzielenie się wiedzą i doświadczeniem. Podczas pracy dla firm tworzących oprogramowanie zauważyliśmy nękające je, powtarzające się problemy. Tworzone oprogramowanie pomimo spełniania zdefiniowanych przez klientów wymagań było odbierane przez użytkowników jako trudne i nieprzyjazne. Powodowało to oczywiste niezadowolenie klientów oraz wysokie koszty obsługi serwisowej.Było to w czasie, kiedy pojęcie user experience nie było szerzej znane na rodzimym rynku. Pomysł na markę Push Buttons zajmującą się projektowaniem user experience powstał z potrzeby zmiany tego stanu i zapewnienia użytkownikom końcowym przyjaznych rozwiązań, a naszym partnerom biznesowym zadowolonych klientów. I tak z firmy świadczącej usługi doradcze dla firm IT, staliśmy się interdyscyplinarnym zespołem, łączącym kompetencje techniczne, dbałość o dobry design i użyteczność projektowanych rozwiązań z elementami wizerunkowymi. Od tego czasu projektujemy i tworzymy oprogramowanie, prowadzimy badania z użytkownikami i audytujemy oraz tuningujemy użyteczność istniejących rozwiązań. Pomagamy naszym klientom zaplanować przyjazne ścieżki obsługi klientów, często wychodząc poza świat IT. Dzięki silnemu poczuciu misji, nasza praca jest dla nas przyjemnością. Czujemy, że to co robimy na sens i realny wpływ na życie innych. Ponieważ w wielu segmentach rynku świadomość potrzeby tworzenia użytecznych rozwiązań jest nadal bardzo niska, chętnie edukujemy i doradzamy dzieląc się naszą wiedzą i doświadczeniem.
- Witryna
Link zewnętrzny organizacji Push Buttons
- Branża
- Tworzenie oprogramowania
- Wielkość firmy
- 2–10 pracowników
- Siedziba główna
- Gliwice, Śląskie
- Rodzaj
- Samozatrudniony(-a)
- Data założenia
- 2014
- Specjalizacje
- User experience, User research, Usability, Software design, Software development, Outsourcing, UX, Product design i UX design
ulica Bojkowska 37
Gliwice, Śląskie PL
Pracownicy Push Buttons
Sebastian Białas
CEO & Owner at Push Buttons - User Experience Agency | UX Design | Product Design | UX Research & Audits
Alicja Dąbrowska
UX/UI Designer | NRG Energy | Push Buttons | UX Nomada
⚽️ Marek Palka
4GOAL.app (The biggest football app in Poland) || start’ups & business consultant - marekpalka.com
Aurelia Bober
Projektantka UX w Push Buttons
🚨 "I need this app now, it’s just a matter of drawing and coloring!" Sounds familiar? This approach simply doesn’t work in UX, especially in app design. At Push Buttons, our 10 years of experience have taught us what a real design process looks like: ✅ Analyzing the idea – What is the client trying to achieve? ✅ Researching the market – Who’s already doing it, and how? ✅ Studying the competition – What could better solutions look like? ✅ Testing – Dozens of screen variations to find the best one. Good design isn’t just about making something “pretty.” It must solve user problems and meet business goals. That takes time and a well-thought-out process. If someone promises a fully designed app in a week, think twice. Without proper analysis and planning, success is just a gamble. Have you ever worked on rushed design projects? Share your experience in the comments! 👇 #UXDesign #AppDesign #DesignProcess #UserExperience #PushButtonsTips
A hypothesis is an assumption you can test to validate or reject an idea. It should focus on a specific topic and target audience. Having clear hypotheses helps guide your validation process and ensures your product solves real problems. Here are some examples from our projects: 📚 "Polish founders will be interested in reading a book on idea validation." 📸 "Users will enjoy using an automatic photo book creation feature." 👨👩👧 "Parents need a tool to monitor their kids' screen time." 🎮 "Medical students will engage with an educational game in a 3D world." 🕶️ "Employees of company XYZ will be eager to use VR training sessions." Each hypothesis is tested using methods tailored to time, budget, and product type—landing pages, interviews, focus groups, or MVPs. Defining success criteria is equally important. What needs to happen for the experiment to confirm or reject your hypothesis? Curious about how to test hypotheses effectively? Stay tuned for more tips! #UXDesign #HypothesisTesting #UserResearch #ProductValidation #DesignThinking #PushButtonsTips
🚀 Will your digital product succeed on the market? Before launching, it's worth asking the right questions and making data-driven decisions. 💡 In our latest blog post, we share actionable tips on assessing your product's market potential. From user needs to competition analysis – we’ve got you covered. 🔍 👉 Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/dRhhQwii #UXDesign #ProductSuccess #DigitalStrategy #UserResearch #ProductMarketFit #DesignThinking #DigitalTransformation
As we wrap up another year, we reflect on the importance of creating seamless experiences — not just for users, but in all aspects of life. May your holidays be filled with smooth interactions, delightful moments, and thoughtful design! 🎄 Like in great UX, we believe the small details make a big difference. Whether it’s the perfect gift, quality time with loved ones, or moments of reflection, let’s continue to design intuitive, meaningful lives full of joy. Thank you for being a part of our journey this year. We look forward to another year of creating great experiences together! Here’s to more successful projects, user-friendly moments, and shared growth in 2024! 🎉
Many entrepreneurs, founders, and app creators fall into a common trap: instead of validating whether their idea holds real value for users and the market, they spend years perfecting the tiniest details of their product. Why is this risky? You might build something no one needs. The market might already offer a better solution. Time and budget can be wasted on features that add no value. Idea validation isn’t a waste of time; it’s an investment. Tools like landing pages, A/B testing, or rapid MVPs can save you thousands of dollars (and countless hours). 👉 Remember: validation doesn’t limit creativity – it helps direct it toward the right goals. Have you experienced this scenario? Share your insights and validation stories in the comments! #UXDesign #ValidationFirst #MVP #LeanStartup #ProductDevelopment #StartupTips #BusinessGrowth
4 quick ways to validate your idea: ➡️ Launching a landing page? Use pre-made templates. Analyze the stats after 2 and 4 weeks of activity. ➡️ Running A/B tests on a live product? Conclude 1,000 views of the tested area. ➡️ Conducting research? Choose the smallest sample size that still provides meaningful results. ➡️ Building an MVP? Leverage existing solutions and low-code/no-code tools to speed up development. This approach gives you rapid insights, a sense of progress, and the flexibility to pivot quickly if the initial experiments reveal the idea isn’t market-ready. Remember: it needs to be fast but also effective. Don’t let speed come at the cost of quality. #UXDesign #LeanStartup #MVPDevelopment #ProductValidation #RapidPrototyping #UserTesting #ABTesting
If you want customers to buy your solution, they need a compelling reason. That reason lies in the value you can deliver to them ⬇️ While the product might be valuable sometimes, this is rarely true for applications. The value proposition is more often about what the user can achieve with the app. And surprisingly, the possibilities can be quite diverse. Let’s take a closer look at the most common ones: 🔸Time Savings – In today’s fast-paced world, a solution that helps people save their precious time is highly sought after and something they’re willing to pay for. 🔸Improved Efficiency – Optimization becomes a strong selling point, especially if you can translate it into measurable customer savings. 🔸Cost Savings – Ideally, you should be able to clearly show how much your customers will save by using your solution. 🔸Design and Usability – People buy with their eyes. While good design alone might not be enough to convince someone, superb usability can often be the deciding factor in the purchase decision. 🔸Customer Experience – PwC’s report, "Experience is Everything," clarifies that people are willing to pay more for brands that deliver great experiences and are more likely to return for additional products. Of course, your value to your users can go far beyond this list. Importantly, if your solution targets multiple customer segments, it’s likely that each group perceives a different value in what you offer. Tailoring your proposition to each segment can make all the difference. #ValueProposition #CustomerExperience #AppDevelopment #BusinessGrowth #EfficiencyMatters #UXDesign #CustomerCentric #InnovationStrategy
🔸 Are you among the 55%? 🔸 Research shows that only 55% of companies actively test their UX. This statistic is alarming, considering that a well-designed user experience can significantly boost customer satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, revenue. Why is UX testing essential? ✔️Identifies pain points: regular UX testing helps uncover issues that users face, allowing you to address them proactively. ✔️Informs design decisions: user feedback is invaluable in shaping a product that truly meets the needs of its audience. ✔️Enhances engagement: a seamless user experience keeps customers engaged and encourages them to return. At Push Buttons, we believe that every interaction matters. If you're not among the 55% testing your UX, now is the time to start! Investing in UX testing is not just a choice; it's a necessity for sustainable growth. 📙 Let's connect and explore how we can enhance your digital experience together! #UX #UserExperience #UXTests #UXresearch