Push Buttons

Push Buttons

Tworzenie oprogramowania

Gliwice, Śląskie 258 obserwujących


Naszą misją jest pomoc firmom w dostarczaniu rozwiązań przyjaznych ich klientom, poprzez: - projektowanie i tworzenie użytecznego oprogramowania, - dbanie o ich wizerunek w sieci, - dzielenie się wiedzą i doświadczeniem. Podczas pracy dla firm tworzących oprogramowanie zauważyliśmy nękające je, powtarzające się problemy. Tworzone oprogramowanie pomimo spełniania zdefiniowanych przez klientów wymagań było odbierane przez użytkowników jako trudne i nieprzyjazne. Powodowało to oczywiste niezadowolenie klientów oraz wysokie koszty obsługi serwisowej.Było to w czasie, kiedy pojęcie user experience nie było szerzej znane na rodzimym rynku. Pomysł na markę Push Buttons zajmującą się projektowaniem user experience powstał z potrzeby zmiany tego stanu i zapewnienia użytkownikom końcowym przyjaznych rozwiązań, a naszym partnerom biznesowym zadowolonych klientów. I tak z firmy świadczącej usługi doradcze dla firm IT, staliśmy się interdyscyplinarnym zespołem, łączącym kompetencje techniczne, dbałość o dobry design i użyteczność projektowanych rozwiązań z elementami wizerunkowymi. Od tego czasu projektujemy i tworzymy oprogramowanie, prowadzimy badania z użytkownikami i audytujemy oraz tuningujemy użyteczność istniejących rozwiązań. Pomagamy naszym klientom zaplanować przyjazne ścieżki obsługi klientów, często wychodząc poza świat IT. Dzięki silnemu poczuciu misji, nasza praca jest dla nas przyjemnością. Czujemy, że to co robimy na sens i realny wpływ na życie innych. Ponieważ w wielu segmentach rynku świadomość potrzeby tworzenia użytecznych rozwiązań jest nadal bardzo niska, chętnie edukujemy i doradzamy dzieląc się naszą wiedzą i doświadczeniem.

Tworzenie oprogramowania
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Gliwice, Śląskie
Data założenia
User experience, User research, Usability, Software design, Software development, Outsourcing, UX, Product design i UX design


Pracownicy Push Buttons


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    With the support of a UX agency, it will be easier to prove that the investment in your idea will quickly turn into suitable fruits: a growing number of users and app downloads. Get ready for a substantial dose of knowledge. Reading this article will take about as long as drinking a large tea or a big Americano. From this article, you will learn: 🔸How a UX agency will help you prepare to talk to investors; 🔸What are the possibilities for validating your idea before meeting with an investor; 🔸What you will learn about your product through a well-executed validation; what an MVP and a waiting list are, and you will learn about specific tools for their use, such as clickable prototypes or a pilot service; 🔸What are user interviews, and what channels will help you get detailed feedback from your target audience; 🔸What you will gain from conducting product research in a real environment; READ THE ARTICLE: https://lnkd.in/g7gTtRGB

    How will a UX agency help you when talking to investors? - Push Buttons

    How will a UX agency help you when talking to investors? - Push Buttons


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    🔶 We validate ideas quickly Got a great idea and want to enter the market? There’s no time to waste! That’s why we plan experiments to ensure we don’t spend too much time on preparation and execution, and the experiments themselves shouldn’t last too long. 🔶 We validate ideas affordably We don’t conduct validation just to blow our budget—there will be time for that later, as developing software can be quite costly. Therefore, we seek validation methods that can keep the entire process within reasonable financial limits. 🔶 We validate ideas effectively Many validation methods are available—some are cheap and quick, while others are more complex and expensive. While opting for the faster, cheaper options is tempting, it’s crucial to consider what each approach can truly deliver. 🔶 We validate ideas without emotions or attachment Treat each idea as just one of many. Objectively assess whether the market believes in it as much as you do. If it doesn’t pan out, there will always be a new idea that deserves the same level of cool-headed analysis. 🔶 We validate ideas by focusing on data collection and learning What distinguishes properly conducted validation from exceptionally well-executed validation is what you take away from it, regardless of the experiment's outcome. That something is knowledge. This could include new insights about the market, your target group, or the examined problem. Sometimes, it’s an unexpected knowledge you hadn’t thought to ask about, but it emerges between the lines during the workshops. #IdeaValidation #IT #UX #userexperience #startup #founders #digitalproduct #mobileapp 

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    Is the vision for your digital product consistent among all team members? 👉Check this by doing one simple exercise. Ask each person to write down in 3-4 sentences what the product will be. This description should include information on: 🔸What is the product? 🔸What does it do? 🔸Who is it intended for? 🔸What needs does it fulfill? 🔸What problem does it solve? Example: A product that provides an excellent experience for watching movies at home. The target audience is individuals who want to watch films using their TV or computer. The product meets the need for accessing movies without ordering them in advance and paying for each film separately. Additionally, the app provides a range of information about each film production. After the designated time, each participant reads their description, and a brainstorming session begins. The goal of the discussion is to reach a unified description that everyone agrees on. Only then will this documented vision serve as a foundation for further action 👌 #DigitalProduct #ProductVision #TeamAlignment #UserNeeds #ProblemSolving #ProductDevelopment #UXDesign

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    [PL related] Uwaga, uwaga! Nasz CEO, Sebastian Białas, właśnie wydał własną KSIĄŻKĘ 📙„Zanim zainwestujesz: Jak zweryfikować pomysł na aplikację? Teoria + sprawdzone metody” to ponad 100 stron wiedzy, praktycznych przykładów i konkretów o wątpliwościach, z którymi zmaga się wielu founderów i przedsiębiorców w Polsce. Ta publikacja to pierwszy krok, dzięki któremu przetestujesz swój pomysł na produkt cyfrowy. Dowiesz się, jak zrobili to inni founderzy i skorzystasz z ich doświadczenia, aby nie popełniać podobnych błędów 💥 📙Więcej informacji o książce znajdziesz tutaj, serdecznie zapraszamy: https://lnkd.in/gSeXQiph #Walidacja #UX #UserExperience #AplikacjaMobilna #ProduktCyfrowy

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    Why are product workshops such a unique experience? 📚✂️📝 During these sessions, founders, managers, employees, and other stakeholders disconnect from their daily routines for a few days. They can view their venture (whether an existing company or a new idea) from a bird's-eye perspective, free from the burdens of routine tasks. This fresh outlook allows them to rediscover their business reality. 👉The result? After a few days spent together, we can summarize the workshops with a comprehensive vision, an action plan, or ideas for validation. It's common to hear warm feedback regarding the effectiveness andprofessional atmosphere of the workshops. What’s often emphasized is that well-facilitated workshops create a space for releasing thoughts buried in the corners of their minds. Typically, the demands of daily responsibilities have left little room for these ideas to surface. #UXWorkshops #BusinessDiscovery #CreativeThinking #Innovation #TeamCollaboration #ProfessionalDevelopment #UserExperience #Workshops

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    Do you know what most founders have in common—perhaps including you? 👉 In the beginning, everyone thinks their idea is brilliant. After all, it solves a problem that just popped into their head! Or maybe they've been mulling it over for a while and noticed something unusual in their industry. They FEEL like they've just discovered the holy grail in their niche and are eager to turn their vision into reality. And start making money. I hate to break it to you, but at this stage, what we FEEL doesn’t hold much weight 🤷🏻♂️ As long as your idea only solves your own problem, it isn’t worth much. Not yet, because that could change in an instant. The validation process is all about continuous learning, but more on that later. Validation is often associated with testing the idea and the eternal question: "Are you really solving a real problem for your target audience?" 💡 This is indeed one of the fundamental questions you need to answer. #Startup #Entrepreneurship #ProductValidation #UXDesign #MarketFit #BusinessStrategy #LeanStartup #Innovation #UserExperience #ProblemSolving #StartupJourney

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    Why is it important to validate app ideas? 🔸Financial Protection The primary goal of idea validation is safeguarding your business and everything associated with it from a misguided investment. The cost of the validation process often amounts to a small percentage, or even a fraction of a percentage, of the budget needed to develop and launch the app. 🔸Brand Protection If you run a large company with a recognizable brand, validating your idea before creating and launching an app can protect you from a PR disaster that's harder to forget the bigger your brand is. 🔸Building a Significantly Better Product Sounds too obvious? But that's what it all boils down to. An additional benefit of validation, aside from finding the right product-market fit, is the opportunity to create an outstanding product—unless the validation process completely buries your idea, which can happen. Do you validate your ideas before bringing them to market? #UXDesign #ProductValidation #StartupAdvice #MarketFit #FinancialProtection #BrandStrategy #AppDevelopment #UserExperience #BusinessGrowth 

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    The "Wizard of Oz" method is a technique that allows you to effectively test an app concept without having to develop complex algorithms 🧙♂️ In practice, it involves an operator, the "wizard," who controls and influences the system’s behavior to make it seem like it operates autonomously and intelligently. 🔸You can successfully use this method to test interactions between the system and users. The operator can simulate various scenarios and communication methods for the system and reactions from fictional users. They can also manage the software’s behavior during interactions with real users, which helps assess the effectiveness of the communication and tailor it to the target audience’s needs. 🔸A more tangible example might be testing a chatbot system. Before creating the bot, you can set up a page that simulates it. Users interacting with it will communicate with real people pretending to be the bot rather than with artificial intelligence. This allows you to check what users ask about, how they want to use the bot, and whether they are interested in interacting with it, all without unnecessary coding. Have you heard of this method before? #WizardOfOzMethod #UXTesting #AppDesign #StartupTips #ProductValidation #DesignThinking #UserTesting #UX #UserExperience 

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Push Buttons; grafika

    258 obserwujących

    Users don’t necessarily care about having the most features in an app. At least, not always. ➡️ What they really care about is having the features they’re looking for and need. Define the app’s core function—no specific method is required. The most important function is the one that has the most significant impact on the app’s success and effectively addresses user needs. You know what problem your app solves and what its primary purpose is. ✒️ For example, if your app is an accounting system that calculates tax liabilities or deductions, then its core functionality is tax calculation. Any other features will be secondary to that. By minimising the number of features, you can focus on the most critical elements of the system and avoid getting distracted by what’s not essential ✌️ #UX #UXDesign #UserExperience #App #AppIdea

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