SDC Poland

SDC Poland

Usługi i doradztwo informatyczne

Warszawa, Mazowieckie 1085 obserwujących

A great banking experience at a competitive price


SDC is a full-service IT-company that develops the efficient banking solutions of the future for millions of bank customers throughout the Nordic region. We were founded in Denmark in 1963 when a number of small savings banks joined forces with a dream of economies of scale and digital bookkeeping. And that dream still drives us. "A great banking experience at a competitive price", we call it today. In short, we offer small and medium-sized Nordic banks efficient, user-friendly, and open platforms via a balanced mix between self-development and collaboration with the best partners on the market. And, of course, with the most competent, ambitious, and dedicated employees. SDC Poland was established in 2014 and have during the years grown from 4 to 300 people. Our fantastic team plays a vital part in development of new solutions that are used in banks across the Nordic Region. Co-workers in SDC Poland thereby impact the everyday life of millions of people with their work – meaning, that advisors and other employees at SDC banks experience efficient and user-friendly systems, but also that end users – across the entire Nordic region – have an easy and seamless interaction with their bank. We keep on expanding our operations in Poland, so if you are looking for fulfilling career opportunities, make sure to look out for upcoming posts, where we will be announcing vacant positions.

Usługi i doradztwo informatyczne
Wielkość firmy
201-500 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Spółka cywilna
Data założenia


Pracownicy SDC Poland


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    We have been looking forward to today, where we gather to celebrate SDC Poland's 10th anniversary - the perfect opportunity to revisit all the great stories and memories from the past decade ⌛   A big thank you to our colleagues at SDC Denmark for the lovely greeting!! 🎉

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC; grafika

    11 621 obserwujących

    10 år - det skal fejres! 2024 er et helt særligt år for os her på SDC. Vi kan nemlig fejre, at det er 10 år siden, vi åbnede vores nearshore kontor i Warszawa i Polen 🎉Der er sket rigtig meget, siden fire Java-udviklere i 2014 satte benene på det lille kontor. I dag udføres mere end 40 % af SDC's aktiviteter af nearshore-ressourcer - aktiviteter som spænder over alt fra systemudvikling og -forvaltning til drift, infrastruktur og administration 💡 Lørdag den 14. september er det 10 år siden, SDC Poland åbnede - og det fejrer vi selvfølgelig med en jubilæumsfest for kollegerne i Polen ... og også en hilsen her på LinkedIn, som Michael, der er afdelingsleder for vores Nearshore setup, sender på vegne af os alle her fra kontoret i Ballerup. Se videoen til ende … så vil du bl.a. kunne høre, at Michael faktisk taler et temmelig habilt polsk 💪 😊 På vores polske LinkedIn profil (den følger du selvfølgelig allerede 😉) deler mange af vores polske kolleger i en række opslag deres minder og tanker om den udvikling, som SDC Polen har været igennem. Hvis du ikke allerede har set opslagene, så tag et smut forbi profilen 🍿 Tillykke, SDC Polen! #SDC #DenGodeBankoplevelse #10år #SDCPolen #OneSDC

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    #10YearsOfSDCPoland Dear followers ... one more trip down memory lane for the 10th anniversary of SDC Poland 🎉 Today, we invited Paweł Polak, who is a Server Domain Architect in the Infrastructure Services department. Paweł joined SDC eight years ago, which makes him the perfect person to discuss his memories and journey in our company. Recalling his beginnings at SDC Poland, Paweł pointed out one element of SDC culture that particularly surprised him: 💬“I think the big surprise for me was the fact that SDC had a lot of trust towards its people compared to what I had experienced in some other companies. With a great degree of flexibility, SDC meets modern requirements and expectations of workers - and I really felt (and still do) that the company trusts us." Comparing SDC in its early stages and now, one of the biggest changes from Paweł's perspective are the relations between the Polish and Danish colleagues: 💬“I would say over time, one of the biggest changes is the way we cooperate with our Danish colleagues. At the beginning, there was some distance and hesitance, which is understandable as cross boarder cooperation with people from another country is a significant change. Over time, I think we managed to build a trust and both Polish and Danish colleagues know they can count on each other's support.” Paweł also pointed that a lot was achieved in terms of technological development: 💬“IT is a sector that requires a constant development, and we managed to both introduce some new and update existing solutions, to create the most effective tools for our clients. Of course, as we are working for the banking sector, we can not rush the processes, but the progress is significant. I think, that the factor that has helped us get to where we are today, was a synergistic combination of Danish colleagues experience and knowledge of SDC systems and a fresh perspective brought by people who joined SDC Poland.” Thank you for your memories, Paweł 🙏 Stay tuned for more memory posts. #SDCPoland #AGreatBankingExperience #10Years

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    Cycling, campfire and quality time 🙏 Recently, our SDC Poland Cycling Club decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and went for a weekend trip 🚴 During their expedition, all participants travelled more than 130 kilometers, visiting various places across the Lublin region. We asked one of our brave cyclists, Justyna Szymańska, to tell us a bit about the trip: 💬“It was a great, but also quite challenging experience, as the region we were visiting had a lot of up and downhills. Thankfully, our efforts were rewarded by beautiful views along the way. Apart from the cycling, during the first day of the trip, we had a campfire, which was a good opportunity to chat and get to know each other better. Although we got back from this trip exhausted, I truly enjoyed it, as it was a good chance to get a break from the city, enjoy nature and, of course, spend some quality time integrating with my colleagues outside the office space. I think that the best proof for my words is, that we have already started to plan our next trip.” Well done, Cycling Club Members 💪 🚵And thank you for sharing this experience with us, Justyna. #SDCPoland #NordicWorking #AGreatBankingExperience

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    #10YearsSDCPoland End of summer is approaching. SDC Poland's 10th anniversary is getting closer! We continue the exploration of the SDC Poland history. Today, we invited Paweł Wielopolski, Team Lead at Infrastructure Services, who has been a part of our team since 2017. We asked Paweł ,how he remembers SDC from his early days in the company and how it changed over time: 💬“Back when I joined, SDC Poland was much smaller but we grew fast in both number of colleagues and responsibility. In the beginning, our main role was to support our Danish colleagues. Over time, we have built a mutual trust which allowed us to take over more and more complex tasks and later on we got to manage our own projects. A big step forward was also the appointment of the first Polish Team Leaders, as in my early days, almost all the managers were Danish. I think SDC Poland has definately come a long way over the years.” Paweł also pointed out, what he is proud of in his work: 💬“Thanks to our work, some key projects were done much faster and more efficiently. This success would not be possible without the great team, I have the pleasure to work with. I am really proud that despite all the changes around us, we have low rotation and our team stays mostly the same. This shows what a great work environment, we have managed to build.” We also took the chance to ask Paweł about some funny stories from his time at SDC: 💬“In the beginning, we had two Paweł’s at our team. To make matters worse, we have quite similar last names. As you can imagine, our Danish colleagues were quite often mixing as up. For example, it was not unusual that someone video called me and was quite surprised to see me, showing up on the screen, instead of the other Paweł.” Thank you for sharing your story, Paweł 🙏✨ #SDCPoland #AGreatBankingExperience #10Years

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    #10YearsSDCPoland In today's post, we have once again invited Country Manager Bartlomiej Kwiatkowski (aka Bart) to take us a trip down memory lane for the 10th anniversary of SDC Poland ✨ Bart reveals his memories of two recruitments interviews that did not go exactly as planned 😉 "When we were starting the office in Poland, we were very focused on expanding our team. This meant we had a lot of job interviews, sometimes as much as eight per day. Most of them went really well, but there are two interviews in particular that I still remember to this day. The first was during one of these day where we had a series of interviews - one after another. At the beginning of the interview, everything was fine, but as I started introducing the position and requirements, I could see the growing anxiety on the face of the candidate. As it turned out, I looked at the wrong line of my spreadsheet and I was trying to interview him for a position, that the candidate for the next planned interview has applied for. After we figured out what happened, we had a bit of a laugh and the rest of the interview went well. The second story was when I was standing with a candidate in the hallway before an interview, welcoming him to SDC. I had my back to the door, and suddenly I could see him looking over my shoulder with a strange expression in his eyes ... as a few office pranksters decided to put a big sign put in the door glass saying “Run away!” 😄 Thankfully, the candidate decided not to run away - but I think this story is a great example of the good atmosphere and fun we have always had at our office.” We completely agree! Thank you for your memories - and the laughs - Bart 😍 And dear LinkedIn follower, please stay tuned for more stories from the SDC Poland memory lane. #SDCPoland #AGreatBankingExperience #10Years

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    🌐 Today, we celebrate International World Wide Web Day! We at SDC would like to take a moment to appreciate the World Wide Web and its impact on our work as a full-service IT center for banks across the Nordic region. Online banking and the World Wide Web have come a long way - from a novelty to a basic necessity - and we are proud to have been part of this journey from the very beginning. #SDCPoland #AGreatBankingExperience #WWW

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    #MeetTheTeam In this new video from our #MeetTheTeam series, we would like to introduce you to Piotr Oktaba, who is a Team Leader in the Self Service Processes Department. Piotr has been in SDC for more than six years now and leads a team responsible for development of solutions, that automate communication processes between a bank and its customers. In this video, he gives an example of a tool his team build to make the life of both bank customers and employees easier, reveals what achievement he is the most proud of and talks a bit about his team's goals for the near future. Sounds interesting? That will be a big YES, if you ask us! 😉 Tune in to the video and let us know, if you agree 🍿 📽️ #SDCPoland #AGreatBankingExperience #MeetTheTeam

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    #10YearsSDCPoland As the 10th anniversary of SDC Poland is getting closer and closer, we continue our trip down memory lane together with some of our colleagues, who has been on the team the longest. Today, we were joined by Babu Srikanth Koyyagura who is a regression Tester in the Service Transition Department. Babu told us a bit about how he joined the company: “In 2011, I joined SDC as a regression Tester working remotely from India. Five years later, I got a proposition to come to Poland to support a process of building a new team here with my experience and knowledge of SDC systems. I thought it was a big opportunity and after some consideration, my wife and I decided to relocate to Poland - and that is how my adventure at SDC Poland started". Babu also shared with us what are the biggest differences and what hasn’t changed in SDC Poland between 2016 and 2024: “When I joined, SDC had much fewer employees. What has not changed is that I work with great people who are, from the very beginning, helpful, kind and have a lot of enthusiasm to their work. It is a pleasure to be in such a team. I would say we also made a lot of progress in regard to technologies as we successfully updated many of the solutions we use for our daily work, which allows us to provide the best experience for our customers.” The good proof of good relations within Babu’s team is his favorite story from working at SDC Poland: "If I were to pick my favorite memory from working at SDC Poland I would definitely pick a quite recent story. One of our teammates decided to invite our whole team for his wedding. It was a really moving gesture. Of course, we accepted the invite and went to the event. This was a very memorable day, and I am happy that I could be a part of it." Thank you for sharing your story, Babu 🙏✨ #SDCPoland #AGreatBankingExperience #10Years

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika SDC Poland; grafika

    1085 obserwujących

    #PassionsOfSDC Is there a link between table soccer and working in the IT industry? Definitely! Table soccer is usually associated with a simple bar game, but there is much more complexity to it 🧠 Lately, we had a chance to talk with Marcin Paczuski, System Analyst in the Advisory, Credit and Pension Department. Marcin has been playing table soccer for a few years now and has participated in tournaments! Tune in on the video below, as Marcin explains why table soccer is a really challenging game that requires a lot of different skills - some of which are even useful at work💡 #SDCPoland #AGreatBankingExperience #PassionsOfSDC #TableSoccerProTips

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