

Konsulting biznesowy i usługi

Jodłówka, Małopolskie 2389 obserwujących

Jesteśmy firmą doradczą skoncentrowaną na poprawie działalności firm poprzez wykorzystanie technologii cyfrowych.


W Tylko Advisors specjalizujemy się w dostarczaniu najnowocześniejszych rozwiązań cyfrowych dla branży budowlanej. Nasze podejście obejmuje prowadzenie eksperckich warsztatów i seminariów mających na celu ułatwienie cyfrowej transformacji przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych. Jesteśmy szczególnie dumni z oferowania specjalistycznych usług zarządzania projektami w celu optymalizacji operacji i skutecznego osiągania celów. Nasz globalny zasięg umożliwia nam łączenie zespołów na każdym kontynencie, aby sprostać szerokiemu zakresowi potrzeb projektowych. Zapewniamy niestandardowe narzędzia cyfrowe, takie jak automatyczne generatory modeli BIM i wirtualne katalogi 3D, dostosowane specjalnie do unikalnych wymagań biznesowych naszych klientów. Nasz zespół, wykwalifikowany w zakresie technologii cyfrowych, wdrażania BIM, zarządzania danymi, rozwoju oprogramowania i cyberbezpieczeństwa, jest zaangażowany w rozwój biznesu i strategie lokowania produktów, wykorzystując platformy cyfrowe do wzmocnienia obecności na rynku. Jesteśmy zdeterminowani, aby wytyczać drogę ku przyszłości budownictwa dzięki innowacyjnym strategiom i rozwiązaniom w erze Construction 4.0.

Konsulting biznesowy i usługi
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Jodłówka, Małopolskie
Spółka prywatna
Data założenia
operations, six sigma, agile, performance, project recovery, project management , bim, digitalization, supply chain, construction, manufacturing, implementation, processes, Value Stream Mapping, Customised BIM Model Generators i Digital Product Passport


Pracownicy TylkoAdvisors


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    Completely agree! In the construction industry, digital transformation is key to unlocking new levels of efficiency and innovation. It’s not about adding more layers of management but streamlining processes with the right tools—whether it’s AI-driven project management, BIM technology, or advanced data analytics. These innovations reduce delays, optimise resource use, and create a more productive work environment. Let’s focus on building smarter, not just bigger! 🚀💡 What is your opinion? #ConstructionTech #DigitalTransformation #Efficiency #BIM #Innovation #TylkoAdvisors

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Pascal BORNET; grafika

    Award-winning AI & Automation Expert | Keynote Speaker, Influencer & Best-Selling Author | Forbes Tech Council | 2 million+ followers | Follow me to be IRREPLACEABLE and thrive in the age of AI ✔️

    Invest in innovation, not just supervision! Adding more managers isn't the key. Embracing the right technologies often unlocks efficient solutions to problems What do you think? We can all build a better workplace by leveraging the right technology, the right way. Join the Academy and read the Book: https://zurl.co/91Z3 Source: MFG MIL #tech #transformation #IT #AI #innovation

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    What’s Your Biggest Compliance Challenge? 🚧 Navigating construction regulations is like playing a never-ending game of chess—one wrong move, and you’re facing costly delays or fines. But what’s the biggest compliance challenge you’re facing right now? Is it: ➤ Keeping up with changing regulations? ➤ Ensuring product compliance across multiple regions? ➤ Streamlining documentation processes? Share your challenges below, and let’s brainstorm some solutions. Compliance doesn’t have to be a headache. #ComplianceSimplification #RegulatoryChallenges #ConstructionCompliance #TylkoAdvisors If there is anything you are curios about this subject, do not hesitate to contact us. Piotr A. Pyszkowski | Swetha D | Sercan Topcan

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    Labour Cost Increases Impacting the Construction Sector 🏗️ According to the latest Eurostat report, hourly labour costs in the construction sector rose by 5.8% in the EU and 5.3% in the Euro area in Q2 2024, compared to the same quarter last year. These increases directly affect project budgets and timelines, especially as material costs also remain high. 📈 Key Insights: Wages and salaries in construction grew by 5.6% in the EU. Non-wage costs saw an even sharper rise of 6.4%, putting additional pressure on overall labour expenses. Labour costs in construction recorded one of the highest increases across industries, highlighting the need for strategic cost management. As labour costs rise, there is a clear opportunity for innovation in project management, automation, and sustainability within construction. Now is the time to rethink strategies for efficiency and cost control. 👉 Read the full Eurostat report here: https://lnkd.in/ed79tbyG #Construction #LabourCosts #Eurostat #ProjectManagement #BuildingIndustry #Sustainability

    Annual increase in labour costs at 4.7% in euro area

    Annual increase in labour costs at 4.7% in euro area


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    Are we fully leveraging the power of BIM in facility management, or are we stuck in data silos? 🌍 The real estate industry's future hinges on interoperability and open standards like IFC. Without seamless data exchange, we risk inefficiency and lost value across the building lifecycle. 📉 When systems communicate, we unlock precise asset management, cost savings, and sustainability gains. This isn't just tech talk—it's the blueprint for smarter, greener operations. 🚀 Ready to break free from closed systems and tap into BIM's full potential? Let's embrace open standards and lead the future. #BIM #RealEstate #Innovation

    Open BIM Standards and Real Estate Operations

    Open BIM Standards and Real Estate Operations

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    Are You Using the Right Tools? 📊 Time is money, especially in construction. But are you using the right tools to maximise efficiency? You could be losing out on serious cost savings if you’re not leveraging BIM, data analytics, and automated project management tools. Here’s how digital tools can make a difference: ➤ BIM: Improve planning and reduce rework. ➤ Data Analytics: Make informed decisions based on real-time data. ➤ Automation: Eliminate repetitive tasks and focus on what matters. What tools are you using to boost efficiency in your projects? Let’s share ideas on how to optimise construction workflows. #Efficiency #BIM #Automation #TylkoAdvisors If you need help with this issue, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Piotr A. Pyszkowski | Swetha D | Sercan Topcan

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    [#ForBuildingMaterialsManufacturers]The Future of Compliance: Are You Ready for Digital Product Passports? 📑 By 2026, Digital Product Passports (DPPs) will be mandatory for many construction products in the EU. But what does this mean for your business? A DPP isn’t just a regulatory hoop to jump through—it’s an opportunity: ➤ Ensure transparency and traceability. ➤ Build trust with clients and stakeholders. ➤ Stay ahead of environmental regulations. Are you ready to implement DPPs? If not, now’s the time to start preparing. Let’s talk about how you can turn compliance into a competitive advantage. #DPP #RegulatoryCompliance #ConstructionInnovation #TylkoAdvisors If you need help with this issue, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Piotr A. Pyszkowski | Swetha D | Sercan Topcan

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    In an industry where efficiency and precision are everything, the quality of your BIM objects can make or break a project. BIM Depot Factory isn’t just about delivering objects – we deliver innovation customised to your project’s needs, ensuring seamless integration, compliance, and data management. Ready to build smarter, not harder? Let’s redefine construction together. 💡 #TylkoAdvisors #BIM #ConstructionInnovation #Efficiency #BIMObjects #Buildingsmaterials #Constructionmanufacturing #DigitalTransformation

    Creating High-Quality BIM Objects for Construction Efficiency

    Creating High-Quality BIM Objects for Construction Efficiency

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    When comparing Navisworks and Solibri, the key difference is how each tool approaches model checking and coordination. Navisworks is primarily used for clash detection and construction sequencing, which makes it ideal for managing the coordination between different trades during the construction phase. It supports a wide range of file formats, particularly Autodesk products, and integrates well into existing workflows for visualisation and clash detection. Solibri, however, shines in its rule-based model checking, offering a deeper level of quality assurance. Its rulesets allow for detailed checks on geometry, data quality, and compliance with building codes and standards. This makes it particularly powerful for ensuring a model’s completeness and adherence to regulations. Additionally, Solibri allows for customisation of these rules to meet specific project needs, making it highly adaptable for a range of quality checks, from clash detection to more complex validation like code compliance and model integrity. Ultimately, while Navisworks is effective for high-level coordination and quick clash checks, Solibri’s focus on detailed, rule-based analysis makes it invaluable for thorough model auditing and quality assurance. Many professionals advocate using both tools together to leverage their strengths in different aspects of BIM workflows.

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Ignacy Lozinski; grafika

    Helping AEC professionals become successful BIM Coordinators/Managers || Work with me and 508 others in the program, link below || DM me BBC TRAINING and let’s chat

    When comparing the checking capabilities of Navisworks to those of Solibri - Navisworks falls short. Do you wonder why? There is one particular thing. Rules in Solibri. They give you a tremendous possibility to scan your model. - data - geometry - code compliance and standards. Many BIM professionals still don’t know what the rules are in model checking. That’s why today I want to present this topic. Check it out 👇 If you need more guidence in the BIM Coordiantion topic, then might potenially help you. Let's find out. 𝗗𝗠 𝗺𝗲 "𝗕𝗜𝗠 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗥𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀" and let's have a chat :)

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    👷 The construction industry is facing a serious skills shortage. Qualified engineers, BIM specialists, and project managers are hard to come by, and it’s only getting more complicated. But there’s a solution: Hybrid teams. Combining in-house staff with external experts gives you the best of both worlds—internal process knowledge and external innovation. 💡 Here’s why hybrid teams work: ➤ Knowledge transfer from external experts to your staff. ➤ Access to specialised skills without the long-term commitment. ➤ Faster project delivery with fewer bottlenecks. How are you handling the skills gap? Is a hybrid team the solution for your company? If you need help with this issue, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Piotr A. Pyszkowski | Swetha D | Sercan Topcan #WorkforceDevelopment #HybridTeams #BIMSpecialists #TylkoAdvisors

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika TylkoAdvisors; grafika

    2389 obserwujących

    🔒 Data is the new gold, but are you really in control of it? In a world where everything from project timelines to BIM objects is digitized, owning and securing your data has never been more important. Here’s what you need to know about data ownership: ➤ Keep your data in-house: Don’t rely on third-party platforms that lock you out. ➤ Ensure data security: Protect sensitive information from breaches. ➤ Maintain data accuracy: Regularly review and update your data to avoid costly mistakes. Is your data really yours? Let’s talk about how to take back control and secure your digital assets. #DataOwnership #DataSecurity #ConstructionTech #TylkoAdvisors

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