VM.PL Software House

VM.PL Software House

Usługi i doradztwo informatyczne

Wrocław, Poland 2208 obserwujących

Software Engineering where Quality matters


VM Software House is a highly specialized IT company with over 19 years of experience in supporting companies across Europe, especially in the DACH countries. Our team of over 140 IT experts works closely with renowned partners in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. We specialize in nearshoring, providing dedicated teams of senior developers fluent in German and English. Our expertise spans various technologies, including Java, JavaScript, C#, C++, Python, and PHP. We embrace agile methodologies and automate testing and CI/CD processes. At VM Software House, we are passionate about driving our client's digital transformation. We help companies thrive in today's dynamic business landscape through innovation, expertise, and long-term partnerships. Our Services include - Outsourcing IT (Nearshoring) - Custom Development - DevOps - Cloud Development - Quality Assurance Security&OWASP - Architecture design - Tech-stack update, - Re-engineering - IT Consulting Technologies: - Java - Spring, EE - JavaScript - Angular, Node.js, React JS, Vue, TS, - PHP - Laravel, Symfony, - C# - .NET - C++ - Kotlin, Flutter - Python We work with tech creators in the following industries - Healthcare - Automotive - Semiconductors - Logistics - FinTech - Education - Industrial Engineering

Usługi i doradztwo informatyczne
Wielkość firmy
51-200 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Wrocław, Poland
Spółka prywatna
Data założenia
Nearshoring, German-speaking Nearshore Teams, Custom Software Development, Java (Spring/EE), JavaScript (Angular, React, Vue), C# (.NET), C++, Python, PHP (Laravel, Symfony), DevOps, Quality Assurence, Test automation, Architecture design, UX/UI Design, Migration, Tech-stack update, Re-engineering, Agile methodology, CI/CD, Security Services, OWASP Top 10 , Cloud security, AWS Cloud, Containters, Product Discovery, Secure IoT i Product/Project Management


Pracownicy VM.PL Software House


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    Dziękujemy wszystkim za wsparcie i zaangażowanie w akcję charytatywną VM.PL Software House oraz Fundacja Słonko na rzecz DCOPiH - Dolnośląskie Centrum Onkologii, Pulmonologii i Hematologii! 🌱 Dzięki wspólnej pracy naszego zespołu, udało się uporządkować chodniki, a aktualnie planujemy nasadzenie krzewów, dzięki wsparciu autorki projektu ogrodu Lidii Codrow oraz dzięki zbiórce, którą prowadzimy przy okazji wspólnej jesiennej integracji VM - zapraszamy dziś do oglądania naszych relacji! Szczególne podziękowania kierujemy do firmy Edinos, która przekazała nam dwie drewniane ławki – będą one idealnym miejscem odpoczynku dla pacjentów i pracowników szpitala. 👏 Dziękujemy również MbS Movies by Sisters za zmontowanie filmu pro bono – świetna robota!   Dziękujemy również IT-Corner za promowanie inicjatywy wśród firm członkowskich!  Teraz łapiemy oddech i przygotowujemy się do kolejnych działań na wiosnę. Dalej potrzebujemy funduszy oraz materiałów na stworzenie bezpiecznych ścieżek spacerowych.  Wesprzyj naszą inicjatywę i pomóż nam stworzyć azyl dla dzielnych pacjentów w centrum. Każde wsparcie się liczy.    FUNDACJA SŁONKO  PL 52109024860000000148207541 Razem możemy więcej! 💪🌸  . . . Thank you all for your support and involvement in the VM.PL Software House and Fundacja Słonko charity event for the DCOPiH - Dolnośląskie Centrum Onkologii, Pulmonologii i Hematologii! 🌱 Thanks to the collaborative work of our team, we've managed to tidy up the pavements and are currently planning to plant shrubs, thanks to the support of Lidia Codrow's garden design and the fundraising we're doing at the joint VM autumn integration - watch our stories today!  Special thanks to Edinos, who donated two wooden benches - they will be the perfect resting place for patients and hospital staff. 👏 Thanks also to MbS Movies by Sisters for editing the film pro bono - great job!   Thanks also to ITCORNER for promoting the initiative to member companies!    We are now catching our breath and preparing for more activities in the spring. We still need funds and materials to create safe walking paths.  Support our initiative and help us create an asylum for brave patients at the centre. Every support counts.  FUNDACJA SŁONKO  PL 52109024860000000148207541 Together we can do more! 💪🌸 

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    In September, our managing partner Jakub Orczyk returned to North America, this time meeting with even more clients and prospects. The VM.PL Software House executive spent most of his time in Minnesota but also visited a factory in Iowa. 🏭 Jakub met Pawel Gilewicz from Progressive Innovation and Automation, Inc., whose product SHOPGRID®, a digital manufacturing software solution, creates “smart factories” through the integration of data exchange and automation. 🤖 Everywhere he went with North American Director Natalia Dueholm, they discussed market challenges and opportunities. They were happy to hear that the demand for software development has been increasing even though some sectors still haven’t recovered. 📈 Minnesota is a great state with a vibrant tech community. 🌐 September featured Twin Cities Startup Week (TCSW) with more than 50 events. They also met many old friends at Tech on Tap 🍻, run by the Minnesota Technology Association. VM.pl's second home is in Germany 🇩🇪, so Jakub and Natalia attended St. Paul's Oktoberfest for an authentic German brat with sauerkraut and potato salad.  🌭🥨 At the end of his trip, Jakub flew to Montreal to meet Xavier Prudent of Civilia, an expert in AI solutions for the transportation sector. 🚗💡 Our CEO/CTO Łukasz Borzęcki is coming to the Twin Cities in November and will be available for in-person meetings.👥 He will be at the Applied AI conference, organized by Justin Grammens and Emerging Technologies North. It’s a full-day conference for both executives and engineers focused on GenAI and ML, as well as their real-world applications. VM.PL Software House is sponsoring this unique event. See you there: https://lnkd.in/dUPieBNa #vmpl #northamerica #softwaredevelopment #AI #automation #techcommunity #montreal #machinelearning #networking

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    🚀 Kubernetes On-Premise or Cloud – which is the better fit for your business? With Kubernetes adoption skyrocketing, organizations face a critical choice: deploy locally for more control or in the cloud for scalability? In our latest blog post, we dive into the pros and cons of both models, helping you decide which one aligns best with your business needs. If you’re navigating this decision, this guide will give you the insights you need to make an informed choice. 🔗 Curious about which Kubernetes deployment model suits your business? Check out the full article here: https://lnkd.in/dfJCWiYr #kubernetes #cloud #onpremise #vmpl

    Kubernetes On-Premise or Cloud - which is a better fit for your organization?

    Kubernetes On-Premise or Cloud - which is a better fit for your organization?


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    🚀 Migrating from Java EE to Jakarta EE – Is Your Company Ready for the Change? 🤔 💡 Did you know that migrating from Java EE to Jakarta EE can significantly enhance the flexibility and scalability of your enterprise applications? Learn how to do it seamlessly! 📈 Moving your applications to the Jakarta EE platform is a step towards modern cloud-native architecture, containerization, and microservices. With support for cloud-native solutions, your applications will be more scalable, portable, and resilient. 📌 In the article, you’ll find: 1️⃣ A brief history of Java EE and Jakarta EE 2️⃣ Key differences between the platforms 3️⃣ Tools supporting the migration 4️⃣ Success stories from other companies 5️⃣ Future prospects of Jakarta EE 📅 Our VM.PL team successfully migrated a client’s warehouse management system from Java EE to Jakarta EE, improving stability and compatibility with modern technological solutions. 🔗 Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/d9N-WHzu 💬 Considering migration or want to learn more? Get in touch with us! We’re happy to share our expertise and help assess if Jakarta EE is the right fit for your projects. #jakartaee #javaee #softwaresevelopment #microservices #java

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    🍷 Einladung zum Networking bei Wein in München! 🍷 Am Abend des 30. September laden wir Sie herzlich ein, an unserem exklusiven Networking-Event bei Wein teilzunehmen, organisiert vom VM.PL Software House. In einer entspannten Atmosphäre haben Sie die einmalige Gelegenheit, den Mitbegründer des Bliro AI Meeting Assistant-Tools, Maurice Schweitzer, persönlich kennenzulernen. 👨💻 Der Abend wird von Wolfgang Reinicke-Abel, Vorstandsberater bei VM.PL, passionierter Weinliebhaber und ehemaliger Sommelier, moderiert. Gemeinsam werden wir eine Auswahl exquisiter österreichischer Weine verkosten und uns über aktuelle Trends und Herausforderungen in der Softwareentwicklung austauschen. 🍇 Ob Sie Unterstützung bei der Softwareentwicklung suchen oder einfach nur interessante Gespräche in guter Gesellschaft schätzen – dieses Event bietet Ihnen die perfekte Gelegenheit, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und bestehende zu vertiefen. 📅 Datum: 30. September 2024 📍 Ort: München (genaue Adresse auf Anfrage) Melden Sie sich jetzt an und seien Sie dabei! Wir freuen uns auf einen inspirierenden Abend mit Ihnen. 🥂

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Mariusz Mrowiec; grafika

    Head of Business Development // VM.PL Software House // Our value proposition? We provide IT services in German, at attractive prices

    Hallo zusammen! Vom 29. September bis zum 1. Oktober werde ich an Bits & Pretzels in München teilnehmen. 🍻 Dies ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, sich zu treffen und über die Herausforderungen zu sprechen, denen sich der Markt derzeit gegenübersteht. Wer hätte Lust auf einen kleinen Kaffee? ☕ Wenn jedoch eine große Messe nichts für Sie wäre, hätten wir eine Alternative! Am Abend des 30. September organisiert das VM.PL Software House ein intimes Networking bei Wein. In angenehmer Atmosphäre haben Sie die Möglichkeit u.a. den Mitbegründer des Bliro - AI Meeting Assistant-Tools, Maurice Schweitzer, zu treffen. 👨💻 Die gesamte Veranstaltung findet in Form einer Verkostung österreichischer Weine statt, die von Wolfgang Reinicke-Abel Vorstandsberater bei VM.PL, passionierter Weinliebhaber und ehemaliger Sommelier, geleitet wird. 🍷 Alle, die Unterstützung bei der Softwareentwicklung suchen, sind herzlich eingeladen. Wir sehen uns in München!

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    Happy Programmer’s Day to our amazing VM.PL team! Today, we celebrated with special gifts 🎁 to show our appreciation for your creativity, commitment, and the innovations you bring to life every day. Here’s to clean code 🧑💻, smooth deployments 🚀, and efficient algorithms! Your hard work drives us forward, shaping the digital world for the better. Let’s continue pushing boundaries and delivering successful projects. We’re proud to be part of such an incredible programming team! 💻✨ And to all the talented programmers out there – may your code always run smoothly and your projects succeed. Keep making the digital world a better place! 🌍 #programmersday #VMteam #innovation #success

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    🌍✈️ Our Managing Partner, Jakub Orczyk, is back in the U.S. for key meetings and events, alongside our U.S. representative, Natalia Dueholm. This trip is another great opportunity to strengthen relationships and explore new business possibilities in the U.S. market. Stay tuned as Jakub continues to share updates from this important journey!

    🇺🇸✈️ Back in the United States for the second time! This trip is all about attending key events and meeting with clients, alongside our U.S. representative, Natalia Dueholm.   I’m thrilled for what’s ahead – it’s a fantastic chance to build relationships, share experiences, and explore new business possibilities in this dynamic market. The U.S. is full of inspiration and potential, and I can’t wait to leverage these opportunities for our continued growth.   Even with a packed schedule, I’ve already had the chance to visit the Minneapolis Federal Reserve, which was an incredible experience. I’m also planning to explore other interesting places as I continue my journey. The blend of culture, history, and business opportunities here is truly inspiring.   Stay tuned for updates – I’ll be sharing insights and highlights from this incredible journey!   #USA #business #collaboration #federalreserve #exploration

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    🚀 Enhance Your Development with Microsoft GitHub Copilot 🚀   At VM.PL, we understand that time is a critical asset in today’s fast-paced business environment. That’s why we’re excited to share insights on how Microsoft GitHub Copilot can revolutionize your development process. This AI-driven tool is not about replacing skilled developers but empowering them to work smarter and faster, reducing repetitive tasks, and boosting productivity. 📈   Our latest article dives deep into the key features and benefits of GitHub Copilot, from real-time code suggestions to enhanced debugging assistance. We explore how this tool can be integrated throughout the entire software development life cycle (SDLC), helping teams to work more efficiently, reduce human errors, and ultimately gain a competitive edge in the market. 🛠️   Whether you’re looking to speed up your coding, improve collaboration, or simply make your job easier, GitHub Copilot offers powerful solutions.  And yes, while it’s a game-changer, remember that human oversight is key to ensuring quality and security. 🔍   Interested in learning more? Check out the full article on our website (https://lnkd.in/d29vsfCe), and don’t forget to reach out if you’re curious about how to implement GitHub Copilot in your own projects. We’re here to help you navigate the future of development with AI! 🤖   #ArtificialIntelligence #GitHubCopilot #SoftwareDevelopment #AI #Productivity #TechInnovation #VMPL

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    🌿 Project Secret Garden – A New Beginning 🌿 Hey everyone! We are beyond excited to share our journey of transforming a forgotten hospital garden into a peaceful oasis. Thanks to our partnership with the Fundacja Słonko, ITCORNER, and other amazing contributors, we have taken the first step in revitalizing the garden at the Dolnośląskie Centrum Onkologii, Pulmonologii i Hematologii. ✨ Phase 1: The Clean-Up ✨ On a Saturday in August, the incredible volunteers from VM.PL and the Fundacja Słonko gathered to clear the overgrown area. Together, we're transforming this forgotten courtyard into a peaceful haven for patients and their families. The hard work is just beginning, but the potential of this space fills us with hope and determination. ✨ Phase 2: Fundraising and Supplier Engagement ✨ We need your support to continue! Together with the Fundacja Słonko, we’re launching a fundraising campaign to help with the next phases—replacing the pathways, adding benches, planting new greenery, and building infrastructure that will make this garden a true sanctuary for patients. Let’s work together to make this hospital dream come true. Stay tuned for future posts where we will highlight the wonderful companies and individuals who are joining us in this mission, as well as showcase the progress of the upcoming phases of the project. 📅 Join us in making a difference! 📅 Please support this cause and help us create a sanctuary for the brave patients at the center. Every bit of support counts. FUNDACJA SŁONKO PL 52109024860000000148207541 #SecretGarden #Charity #GivingBack #HealthcareHeroes #MakeADifference #VMPL #ITOnTheMove

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika VM.PL Software House; grafika

    2208 obserwujących

    Our Presence in London! 🇬🇧 We are excited to announce that our CEO, Łukasz Borzęcki, is currently in London. The purpose of this visit is to establish new connections and explore collaboration opportunities with potential UK partners. 🤝 If you would like to meet and discuss potential collaboration with VM.PL, we invite you to reach out! We are always open to new opportunities and partnerships that contribute to the development of innovative projects. 🚀💼 Contact us on https://lnkd.in/dFmYnfbQ to schedule a meeting. We look forward to inspiring conversations and fruitful meetings! ✨ #VMPLinLondon #TechPartnerships #InnovationJourney #UKBusinessConnections

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Łukasz Borzęcki; grafika

    CEO at VM.PL Software House

    🌍 Excited to Connect in London! 🇬🇧   I’m thrilled to announce that I will be in London from August 12th to 24th for a series of business meetings and industry events. This visit is a fantastic opportunity to establish new connections and explore collaboration possibilities with partners in the UK. 🤝   During my time in London, I plan to engage with leaders in the tech industry and participate in several conferences and meetings. Friday the 16th, you can meet me at AI, Digital & Tech Entrepreneurs and Professionals Networking at Mint Leaf. I’m eager to exchange experiences and gain even more insights into the latest technology trends. 💡📈   To give you a glimpse of what we aim to achieve, I’ve attached a short video where I share more about our goals for this trip and how we can potentially work together. 🎥   #VMLondonVisit #Networking #BusinessDevelopment #TechInnovation 

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