🎉Sto lat, sto lat, niech żyje żyje nam! 🎂 Mija rok od powstania 4fund.com - naszej europejskiej platformy 🤩 Ten rok pokazał nam jeszcze dobitniej, że że jeśli chodzi o wspieranie to nasze serca mówią jednym językiem, a pomoc nie zna granic ❤️ Jesteśmy pełni ekscytacji myśląc o tym, że mogliśmy dać europejczykom narzędzie do zbierania pieniędzy na dowolny cel - łatwo, bezpiecznie i za darmo! 🙌 A jaki był ten rok? Zobaczcie nasze krótkie podsumowanie ⬇️
It's been a year since 4fund.com launched, giving people across Europe the chance to raise money for any cause - easily and for free! 🥳 What has this year been like? Very exciting! 🤩 Exactly when we publish this post: 👥 44 772 users are now part of 4fund.com 📈 64 691 fundraisers have been created 💰 €720 166 have been raised for your goals! And these numbers are growing by the minute! We are honoured that you rated us 9.64/10! Your feedback motivates us to continue to develop and improve to meet your needs. That’s why so far we have introduced significant improvements for you, like automatic page translation to 27 European languages 🌐 and many local payment methods 💳 But one thing doesn’t change – our willingness to support your goals, no matter how big or small! Thank you for trusting us! ❤️ #companyanniversary #firstyear #reviews #fundraisingplatform #4fund #4fundcom