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Wonder Woman 1984

2020. • 151 минут
1,76 хиљ. рецензијe
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О овом филму

Fast forward to the 1980s as Wonder Woman’s next big screen adventure finds her facing a wide array of foes including: Max Lord and The Cheetah.

Оцене и рецензије

1,76 хиљ. рецензијe
3. април 2021.
This movie was absolutely horrible, which sucks because the firet one was so good! The characters didn't make sense from the way Steve Trevor was brought back to the clown Pedro Pascal plays. Even Cheetah which to me was the most anticipated aspect of the movie in my opinion...was abysmal...I hated it. Worst movei in the DCEU. Rates below Suicide Squad even!! And that's saying something!! P. S. Restore the Snyderverse.
48 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
Jaysin Waters
15. фебруар 2021.
One of the biggest disappointments I have had all year, and that includes being locked in my house for 8 months. The movie was terrible. The special effects were so laughable that it made me physically cringe. Dialogue was awful as well. Dont get me started on the story. DC movies have proven that they can't do anything right. These characters have established universes with decades of stories to pick from. It's like the director didnt read comics and thinks their "version" will be better.
661 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
Mel A
26. фебруар 2021.
I’ve waited so long to watch this movie. I mean I’m a die hard Gal Gadot fan I just love looking at her. To have waited so long and been so excited and to be disappointed. The opening scene was the better part of the movie. Better I mean the Best the rest was just like what’s the point? I had high expectations. Don’t waste your money wait until the price drops. I would not waste $20 on this. You will be disappointed. I still love you Gal but this one ain’t it. The first one was WAY better. It honestly deserves 1 star but because I enjoy watching her I gave it a 2.