Privacy Policy

Items of personal information to be collected

When signing up for membership using a social media login, we collect your nickname, social media ID, email address, and profile image from the chosen social media platform. Also, email address (ID), nickname, and password will be collected when signing up with email address.

In the course of handling events and customer inquiry, email address and event prize shipment information may be additionally collected. In the course of using services, IP addresses, device information (language, country, etc.), service use records, records of poor use, terminal information, etc. may be automatically generated and collected.

The service provides features that utilize facial data, but facial data is not collected or stored.

Personal Information collection methods

The company collects personal information to provide services in the following manner:

  • Directly collected from the user during the course of subscription and use of PRISM Live Studio
  • Provided from the affiliated partners
  • Collected through the created information-gathering tools

Purposes of collecting and using personal information

The company uses the collected information for the following purposes:

  • To help users seamlessly access services
  • To identify users and prevent illegal use of services
  • To create statistical data about service use
  • For surveys and analysis required to improve services
  • For a lottery and prize shipment of campaigns and events
  • To identify users and respond to an inquiry when a user submits one
  • To notify depending on needs, including important notices, etc.
  • To deliver advertising information such as events

Sharing and supply of personal information

In principle, the company does not provide any external party with the personal information of the user without prior written consent. However, exceptions are as below.

  • If the user agrees in advance
  • If under the provisions of the law and regulations

Consignment of handling personal information

The company has consigned the personal information for the service supplied as below.
Trustee company and consigned details

  • (1) Infrastructure operation for service supply and prevention of illegal use of services: NAVER Cloud Corp., NIT Service Corp.
  • (2) Data backup (storage): NAVER Cloud Corp.
  • (3) Customer service, service operation: InComms Corp., Green Web Service Corp., CommPartners Corp.
  • Period of retention and use of personal information: Until withdrawing from the membership or the termination of consignment contract

The trustee NAVER CLOUD stores the following personal information overseas.

To ensure uninterrupted service even during a disaster, the company backs up (stores) data at home and abroad.
The personal information necessary to provide the PRISM Live Studio service is securely stored overseas. If you do not want your personal information to be stored overseas, you can opt out by cancelling your membership. However, you will not be able to
continue using the service.

  • Trustee: NAVER CLOUD Co., Ltd.
  • Location: Singapore (#24-01, Vision Exchange, 2 Venture Drive, Singapore 608526).
  • Consignment date and method: Remotely transferred to location via private network on July 13, 2020.
  • Information management contact:
  • Entrusted personal information: Minimum user data required for recovery.
  • Entrusted tasks: Overseas data backup (storage) to protect user data from disasters.
  • Retention and use of personal information: Until the cancellation of membership or termination of the consignment contract.

User rights and how to exercise them

  • PRISM Live Studio is available to users aged 14 and older. Users can look up and modify their registered personal information, and request account deletion at any time.
  • Users may request the suspension of the processing of personal information at any time. However, the request to suspend processing may be denied due to the provisions of the law.
  • Users may withdraw their consent to the collection and use of their personal information at any time by cancelling their memberships.
  • If the user asks for correction of an error in their personal information, the relevant personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if this incorrect personal information was already provided to a third party, we will notify the result of correction to the third party without delay and have it corrected.
  • The company has terminated or deleted personal information upon the request of the users or legal representatives as specified in the “Period of retention and use of personal information”, and also processed not to browse or use for other purposes.

Matters regarding installation/operation and rejection of automatic devices collecting personal information

  • The purpose of the use of cookies

    They are used to identify the visit and use types and the volume of users of the services and websites that the users have used, and to provide optimized information to the users.

  • The installation/operation and rejection of cookies

    The users have the option to set cookies. The users may allow or deny the storage of cookies from the option menu which is available in the browser and OS. However, if they refuse to save cookies, some services requiring login may not be accessible.

  • The permission for the third-party accounts

    A user can revoke a permission for accessing for Google account.  Google account permission page

Period of retention and use of personal information

In principle, the company will destroy the personal information of users without delay, when purposes of collecting and using personal information have been achieved. However, if there is a need to store it pursuant to the company’s internal policy or the relevant laws and regulations, it may be kept for a certain period of time.
To prevent fraudulent subscriptions and illegal use, we retain one-way encrypted IDs for 6 months.

Destruction procedures and methods of personal information

The company’s destruction procedures and methods of personal information are as below:

  • Destruction procedures

    After the purpose of use is achieved, the information that the user entered for the service use shall be destroyed in accordance with internal policy and the relevant laws and regulations after being stored for a certain period of time. The relevant personal information shall not be used for purposes other than the storage purpose, except in cases according to the law.

  • Destruction method

    Personal information printed on paper shall be destroyed in a shredder, and personal information stored as an electronic file type shall be deleted by using technical methods that will disable the reproduction of the records.

Contact related to privacy operation

If you have any questions/complaints/consultations regarding the privacy policy, please contact the privacy department 'Data Protection & Privacy' (Contact).

Additional policies

By connecting any account to PRISM Live Studio you agree to privacy policies of the corresponding media or social network platform.
PRISM Live Studio uses the YouTube API Services.


With regard to the collection of personal information by other business operators from the link page in the services etc., this can’t be covered by the privacy policy.

Revision of the privacy policy

If there is any addition, deletion or modification to the current contents of the privacy policy, users will be notified through the “Bulletin board” beginning seven days prior to the revision. However, if there is a significant modification to the user’s rights such as collecting and use, and the supply of personal information to a third party etc., users will be notified at least thirty (30) days before it goes into effect.

Privacy Policy announced on February 21, 2024

Privacy Policy enforced on February 28, 2024

See previous version of Privacy Policy (November 20, 2023 ~ February 27, 2024)

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