Você está liderando uma reunião multifuncional. Como você pode garantir que todos os membros da equipe se sintam ouvidos e valorizados?
Em reuniões multifuncionais, garantir que todos se sintam ouvidos é fundamental. Veja como promover um ambiente inclusivo:
- Comece com introduções round-robin para definir um tom participativo.
- Atribua funções como anotador ou cronometrista para envolver os participantes.
- Incentive o feedback com uma política de 'nenhuma ideia é uma má ideia' para promover o diálogo aberto.
Como você garante que todas as vozes sejam ouvidas em suas reuniões?
Você está liderando uma reunião multifuncional. Como você pode garantir que todos os membros da equipe se sintam ouvidos e valorizados?
Em reuniões multifuncionais, garantir que todos se sintam ouvidos é fundamental. Veja como promover um ambiente inclusivo:
- Comece com introduções round-robin para definir um tom participativo.
- Atribua funções como anotador ou cronometrista para envolver os participantes.
- Incentive o feedback com uma política de 'nenhuma ideia é uma má ideia' para promover o diálogo aberto.
Como você garante que todas as vozes sejam ouvidas em suas reuniões?
A escuta ativa é essencial para construir relacionamentos e criar um ambiente de confiança. Demonstre interesse genuíno pelas ideias dos outros, faça perguntas e parafraseie para garantir que compreendeu corretamente. Isso faz com que todos se sintam valorizados.
Marcel Yoshida(editado)
My solid Global Leadership’s experience shows that: 1) start always with the classical short personal intro round, it's all about human trust and connections at the start. Ensure clear meeting simple, but fundamental rules (e.g., "one speaker after the other", "respect different opinions", respect time-keeping"). 2) SMILE and break long silence pauses, when appropriate. 3) emphasise the great added-value of cross-functional activities and diverse backgrounds, levels of experience. 4) promote a highly focused and structured work stream and organisation, nevertheless giving the proper space for each individual to contribute with the overall success and results of the tasks and projects, always guided by clear strategy, values and KPIs.
To make sure everyone feels heard in your meeting: —Kick off right: Let them know their thoughts matter. —Ask quiet people: Directly invite input from those who aren’t speaking up. —Show you’re listening: Repeat back and ask more about their points. —Give props: Acknowledge and thank people for their ideas. —Go around: Let everyone speak in turn. —Handle disagreements: Keep it cool and open. —Wrap up: Summarize the main points. —Get feedback: See how it went and how to make it better. This way, everyone feels involved and appreciated!
in cross-functional meetings, beginning with round-robin introductions is a great way to start. Hers is from my experience how you can enhance the process Unique perspective sharing: Ask participants to share a specific skill or experience they bring to the table. For example, "What's one skill from your background that might not be obvious but could be valuable to our discussion today?" Encourage them to mention a recent project or challenge they've worked on that relates to the meeting topic. Have them share a "fun fact" about their role that others might not know, fostering curiosity about each other's work.
To make your meeting truly collaborative, start the process before the event itself. For example, win over team members for agenda items and roles such as experts, facilitators, note-takers and timekeepers in advance. Create an environment where opinions can be shared openly and regularly rotate roles to promote diversity, equity and inclusiveness. During the meeting, act as a conductor: engage further voices to ensure everyone feels heard and valued and integrate big picture perspectives where indicated. By doing so, you’ll avoid awkward radio silence situations, democratize the meeting process, encourage quieter voices to speak up more regularly and build cross-disciplinary ownership and buy-in for common objectives along the way.
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