Sua equipe não tem motivação para colaboração. Como você pode inspirá-los a trabalhar juntos de forma eficaz?
Quando a motivação de sua equipe para a colaboração diminui, reacender sua paixão por trabalhar em conjunto é crucial. Considere estas estratégias:
- Defina metas claras e compartilhadas que exijam cooperação para serem alcançadas.
- Comemore os sucessos colaborativos para reforçar o valor do trabalho em equipe.
- Facilite a comunicação aberta e as atividades de construção de confiança.
Como você incentiva a colaboração em sua equipe? Compartilhe suas experiências.
Sua equipe não tem motivação para colaboração. Como você pode inspirá-los a trabalhar juntos de forma eficaz?
Quando a motivação de sua equipe para a colaboração diminui, reacender sua paixão por trabalhar em conjunto é crucial. Considere estas estratégias:
- Defina metas claras e compartilhadas que exijam cooperação para serem alcançadas.
- Comemore os sucessos colaborativos para reforçar o valor do trabalho em equipe.
- Facilite a comunicação aberta e as atividades de construção de confiança.
Como você incentiva a colaboração em sua equipe? Compartilhe suas experiências.
Inspiring collaboration begins with creating a shared sense of purpose. In my experience, when teams understand how their collective efforts contribute to a larger goal, motivation naturally improves. I start by clearly communicating the vision and showing how each person’s strengths complement the team’s objectives. Encouraging open dialogue and brainstorming fosters a collaborative spirit, while recognizing and celebrating team achievements builds momentum. I also focus on creating opportunities for cross-functional work, which breaks down silos and encourages collaboration. Empowering the team to solve problems together leads to more effective, motivated teamwork.
Kazi Nurus Sofa
Executive Vice President @ bKash | UX & App Strategy, App Growth, Product Management
A common challenge, that needs attention! Its a challenge which not everyone wants to express during 1-on-1 sessions. But a team leader has to be vigilant enough to identify and address this. First, need to identify the root cause- is there any lack of clarity about the expectations or role? Is there any communication challenge? Or, it's an interpersonal conflict? No matter what it is, you need to reach out and talk. Know the story from both sides, if needed, conduct anonymous surveys to gather honest feedback. And, then take precise actions- create space for open communication, make people feel comfortable to talk, share moments, express concerns, help, commit, achieve and celebrate together. Remember, none of us is as smart as ALL of us.
Publicly acknowledge and reward successful team collaboration. This reinforces the idea that teamwork is valued and essential. Highlight specific examples of strong collaboration to demonstrate its positive impact on project outcomes, reinforcing a sense of shared achievement. However, be mindful of the preferences and personalities of your employees when acknowledging and rewarding collaboration. Rewards don't have to be one-size-fits-all. Beyond verbal praise, consider other forms of recognition like offering flexible working hours, professional development opportunities, or team lunches.
When team motivation for collaboration dips, it’s essential to rekindle their enthusiasm. Start by setting clear, shared goals that emphasize the need for teamwork to achieve them. This clarity helps everyone see the importance of working together. Celebrate successes that result from collaboration to reinforce its value and boost morale. Additionally, foster open communication and organize trust-building activities to strengthen relationships and encourage a supportive environment. These strategies help revitalize team spirit and enhance overall collaboration.
1) PLAN the calendar consequently and constantly: ensure "strategic breaks", so that you and your Team have the opportunity to revise plans. 2) TRANSFORM routine into CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT spirited work. Inspire and motivate your Team to cultivate the spirit of working with efficiency, but also with EFFICACY. 3) Besides the weekly Staff Meetings, I usually tried to bring an external Guest Speaker to talk about innovation, progress and improvement on short, mid and long term. It is very efficient to listen to voices and experts which are not necessarily in your daily work. It opens minds and provide them with fresh and new perspectives.
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