Foto de capa de Lemon Variance
Lemon Variance

Lemon Variance

Serviços de design

Porto, Portugal 299 seguidores

Design Studio Porto | Madrid

Sobre nós

Interior Design Projects for Hotels Customized Concepts We can respond to each project as a unique and individual, always adapted to each concept, based on an identity. Our services include the development of a global and customized concept. The furniture and everything else can be personalized: carpets, wallpaper, lighting. Each project will be developed, always with the objective of a result that is distinct and appropriate to each Hotel, client and the story that wants to be told. We have in the experience of our team, the development of previous projects in different countries and hotel brands.

Serviços de design
Tamanho da empresa
2-10 funcionários
Porto, Portugal
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Interior Design, Illustration, Graphic Design e Interior Design Projects for Hotels


  • Principal

    Praceta Engº António de Almeida 70, Torre C - 1º Andar Escritório 362

    Porto, Portugal 4100-065, PT

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