We are ready with our area managers Stefano Fussi and Yukio M. at Fipan, at the Sao Paulo Expo Center Norte, Pavilhione Bianco, from 23 to 26 July 2024, Rua F booth no. F045. ➡️ Join us to find out more about Agriflex technological solutions! ________ Estamos prontos com nossos gerentes de área Stefano Fussi e Yukio M. na Fipan, no São Paulo Expo Center Norte, Pavilhão Bianco, de 23 a 26 de julho de 2024, Rua F, estande nº. F045. ➡️ Junte-se a nós para saber mais sobre as soluções tecnológicas da Agriflex! #storing #rawmaterials #tailormade #dosing
Publicação de AGRIFLEX
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Suivez en direct le troisième (03) panel du séminaire sur industrie 4.0 au service de l'agriculture. #esatic #seminaire #industrie4.0
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Convenção Nação UbyAgro 2024 Ubyfol - Uby Agroquímica Projeto e execução de um evento repleto de inovação, tecnologia e experiências. #ConvençãoUbyfol2024 #Audiovisual #Eventos #Inovação #ExperiênciaÚnica #CenterConvention
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We are at Intermodal 2024 - Stop by our stand #A089! We look forward to seeing you! Combilift #Combilift #LiftingInnovation #intermodal2024 #Forklift #Multidirectional #SupplyChain #MaterialHandling #AisleMaster #projetologistico
Especialista em identificar oportunidades de melhorar Segurança, Espaço e Produtividade na Intralogística
Combilift Brasil presente na #Intermodal #SaoPauloExpo 5 a 7 de março #projetologistico Combilift
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CEO Seagran Engenharia de Pós Colheita | Projetos em Armazenagem de Grãos | Engenheiro Civil | Engenheiro Agrícola
Fazendo parte da comissão organizadora de mais um SIMPÓSIO DE PÓS COLHEITA DE GRÃOS, nessas reuniões são discutidos os TEMAS mais relevantes, desafios e oportunidades atuais e futuros desse tão importante setor ao agronegócio, que é a armazenagem de grãos. #abrapos #seagran #poscolheita
Reunião de alinhamento para o Próximo Simpósio Sul de Pós-colheita de Grãos, que será nos dias 23 a 25 de julho de 2024, no parque de Exposições da FENASOJA em Santa Rosa - RS Inscrições liberadas, acesse o site https://lnkd.in/du7McKCg
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Nordeste, já temos data marcada para o nosso encontro. De 10 a 12 de Julho/2024 XXXIX Simpósio da Agroindústria da cana-de-açúcar de Alagoas. Nos vemos em breve! 🚀 #automação #Agroindústria #Alagoas
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In today's fast-paced world, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability and the need to transition to a circular economy. When we optimize the use of materials in our products by incorporating recycled content and designing for recyclability. This approach not only conserves resources but also promotes a more sustainable production process. At Trotec ♻️, we transform fluxes (former foodstuff and agro fluxes) into a circular ingredient for the feed industry. Trotec NV - Where food becomes feed. ... And food again... We are feeding the animals of tomorrow. These animals who give us milk, eggs, meat,... in the end. Trotec is closing the loop! #circonomy #biomass #biomassahubs #bioeconomy
👀 Wat gebeurt er als je enkele grote #biomassahubs en regelgevende instanties rond de tafel brengt en samen brainstormt over hun #raakpunten en de sectoroverschrijdende #uitdagingen binnen de #bioeconomie❓ 💡 >> Lees er vandaag alles over in Drietandmagazine van het Algemeen Boeren-Syndikaat en in @VILT (Vlaams Infocentrum Land- en Tuinbouw) https://lnkd.in/eRzzRtnN 💚 Dank aan de stakeholders voor hun waardevolle input en enthousiasme: Trotec NV Joris Dewinter, Duynie Feed Derk Van Manen, Orinso | organic industrial solutions Charlotte Van Rumst, BelOrta Wim Hubrechts, Verbond van Belgische Tuinbouwcoöperaties VZW @Ann De Craene, OVAM Sofie De Regel, ILvA (Intergemeentelijk Samenwerkingsverband voor het milieu Land van Aalst) Bart Rooms, A.W.B. Schots Nv Roeland Schots #biomassa #valorisatie #reststromen #biomassahub #bioeconomie #matchmaking #inspireren
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🚝 Currently travelling through our neighbouring country as I make my way to Berlin for the annual Grune Woche (‘Berlin International Green Week’). Tomorrow, I’ll be joining one of three knowledge sessions at the #NLPavilion in Berlin #IGW2024 #NBTC #LandofFutureFood. Come and meet! In the session on Protein Transition we will talk on the vast realm of opportunities in this area – a topic close to my heart as CEO of Foodvalley NL and head of the #BeanDeal steering committee, and of course, as an enthusiastic cook and foodie. My #keymessage? Focus on #value, not cost. One-and-half years ago, the Green Deal Protein-rich Crops for Human Consumption, the Bean Deal, is a collective action by 72 organisations in order to increase the cultivation, processing, and consumption of protein-rich crops, aka legumes...Beans. The launch was a true highlight, spurring 43 tangible initiatives towards a more plant-forward future. And despite progress in breeding projects, new processing facilities, and the upcoming consumer activation campaigns, #BeanMeal, the adoption of food products based on Dutch-grown leguminous plants has yet to see the envisioned #growth in uptake. The main obstacle? An #undervaluation of the value that these crops bring, leading to their low-value use in animal feed and high pricing in supermarkets. ✍ We need explicit recognition of the value of leguminous plants for soil health, biodiversity, and our health -- involving consistent, long-term policies that highlight the value of these crops for human consumption, rather than solely focusing on reducing the cost price. There are three clear points for future policy and action: 👉 Quantify the sustainable and healthy value of various leguminous plants and the products they can be used in. 👉 Support Protein Farmers and chain organizations to market the value of leguminous crops to processors, producers of finished products, supermarkets and caterers. 👉 Compensation for growers of legume crops in the transition phase as as starting up with new crops requires time and effort. Any questions, let me know in DM or the comments below. Those Vegan Cowboys De Nieuwe Melkboer 👇 Or come and attend the session. See details 👇
Vrijdag 19/1 organiseren de gezamenlijke eiwitprovincies drie kennissessies over de kansen en mogelijkheden van de #eiwittransitie en voedselverspilling/reststroomverwaarding in het #NLPaviljoen te Berlijn #IGW2024 , NBTC | Nederlands Bureau voor Toerisme & Congressen #LandofFutureFood. Ik mag deze drie sessies modereren. 1 - Kansen in de eiwittransitie met Marjolein A.J. Brasz (Foodvalley NL), gedeputeerde Gert Harm ten Bolscher (NES en #BeanDeal), Jaap Korteweg (Those Vegan Cowboys ) en Bart Grobben (De Nieuwe Melkboer). 2 - Landbouw van de toekomst - eiwitten uit reststromen met André Hoogendijk (BO Akkerbouw) en Jan Sikkema (Fascinating) 3 - Minder CO2 met een verspillingsvrij en plantaardiger dieet met Toine Timmermans (Stichting Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling) en Marcel van der Heijden (Plant FWD). Oa over Project Drawdown Silent seminar met koptelefoons in de stand. Voor meer info klik hier: https://lnkd.in/eGJ--DcD
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Analise de proteina em 30 segundos em campo ? Sim .... iremos demonstrar amanha ! Analise de acidez no grao de soja ? Sim.... Iremos demonstrar amanha ! e vigor e germinacao de sementes ? Sim .... iremos demonstrar amanha ! ABRAPOS Vetquimica Comercial Agrícola
⚠️ É amanhã! A Biofy Agro estará presente no XII Simpósio Paranaense de Pós-colheita de Grãos. Já garantiu seu lugar para conhecer as últimas inovações em análises em campo? 📍 ONDE: Centro de Eventos LAR Medianeira/PR 📅 QUANDO: 23 a 25 de outubro de 2024 No Stand da Vetquimica Comercial Agrícola , vamos apresentar nosso equipamento portátil para análises com inteligência artificial embarcada, projetado para levar mais eficiência e precisão ao seu agronegócio. 👉 Não perca essa oportunidade de descobrir como a tecnologia da Biofy Agro pode transformar suas operações de pós-colheita! 🚀 Venha conferir de perto no Stand da Vetquimica Comercial Agrícola e explore como nossas soluções podem elevar seus resultados. Alexandre Pereira Luciano Paitch Leonardo Sologuren Paulo Perez . . . #SimpósioDeGrãos #BiofyAgro #InovaçãoNoCampo #AgronegócioInteligente #TecnologiaAgrícola #PósColheita #MedianeiraPR
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#solidarity with Swiss glass workers fighting for the last country glass packaging factory Vetropack. In late April, the staff at Vetropack's Saint-Prex facility, supported by IndustriALL Global Union Swiss affiliates Gewerkschaft Unia and SYNA, submitted a comprehensive proposal aimed at saving the site and workers' jobs. This was in response to the management's previous announcement of their intention to shut down Switzerland's last glass-making factory, potentially affecting 175 jobs. The proposal highlighted a sustainable economic model that includes significant investments in modernisation and innovation to promote a circular economy. It suggested adopting proven technologies like oxy-fuel glass melting connected to an oxygen generator, which could drastically reduce energy and resource consumption. The plan, which seeks to preserve 95% of the jobs, would align the plant with international environmental standards while maintaining competitive production costs. The final decision from the management is expected in mid-May. https://lnkd.in/eWDcsVd8
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Estrategista de Marketing | Marketing Agro | Marketing Digital | Conteúdos Agro | Coordenador Marketing | Especialista Marketing | Marketing
Mais uma feira com a participação e cobertura do marketing concluída. É gratificante ver o resultado do nosso trabalho de três dias resumido em poucos minutos, embora, nos bastidores, demande um esforço considerável. #AgroMarketing #Marketing #Agro
A Expo Cocari 2024 foi um grande sucesso! Durante os últimos três dias em Mandaguari, Paraná, vivemos momentos enriquecedores, trocando experiências com diversos clientes e visitantes, fortalecendo ainda mais nossa relação com a COCARI - Cooperativa Agropecuária e Industrial. Agradecemos calorosamente a todos que visitaram nosso estande, contribuindo para conversas valiosas e tornando esta experiência única. Um agradecimento especial à Cocari, por sua parceria fundamental na realização deste evento que impulsiona o agronegócio em toda a região. Juntos, somos impulsionadores do agro! Até a próxima! 🌱🚜🌟 #Expococari2024 #AgriculturaParanaense #InovaçãoYoorin #Agro #Fertilizantes #FertilizantesEspeciais #Agronegocio #ProdutorRural #Safra2024
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