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I am actively looking for a MuleSoft and Workato Developer role as a fresher | Certified Mulesoft Developer | Certified Workato Developer | Mysql | Snowflake
🚀Student Registration System Architecture: Frontend and MuleSoft, and Database Integration . 🔄 In my next post, i will delve into how to design the frontend and implement MuleSoft flows, along with the process of setting up the database schema. Stay tuned for detailed technical examples and insights that will help you build robust systems like this one! 🔄 In today's digital world, building efficient and user-friendly applications for student registration is essential. A strong architecture combines a frontend interface, MuleSoft middleware, and a backend database. 🔍 Key Components: 1.Frontend Application: The user interface where students fill out registration forms. A good design helps them easily navigate the process and enter their details. 2.MuleSoft Middleware: This serves as the connection between the frontend and the database. It handles requests from the frontend, sends them to the database, and returns responses, ensuring real-time feedback. It also allows integration with other services. 3.Database: This securely stores all registration data. A well-organized database ensures quick access and efficient handling of data. 🔄 How It Works: -->Students complete their registration forms on the frontend. -->MuleSoft processes the request and communicates with the database. -->The database saves or retrieves the necessary information. -->Responses are sent back to the frontend to inform students of their registration status. #MuleSoft #workato #StudentRegistration #APIIntegration #Database #Mysql #Frontend #Middleware #Integration #MuleSoft #snowflake #Api #Salesforce `
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🚶♂️ 🚶♀️ Caminhando pelo universo Salesforce? 🚶♂️ 🚶♀️ Neste post, trago dicas do que estudar para quem deseja inicar em desenvolvimento Salesforce. Vamos juntos desvendar como essas linguagens e ferramentas moldam o desenvolvimento no ecossistema Salesforce. 🚀 #Salesforce #Apex #JavaScript #SOQL #HTMLCSS #RESTSOAP #DesenvolvimentoSalesforce #InovaçãoTech"
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Desenvolvedor Salesforce | 2x Salesforce Certified | Double Star Ranger | 11 Superbadges | CRM | LWC | APEX | JavaScript | SCRUM
Olá Galera, tudo bem? Espero que estejam todos bem! Muita gente gostou do meu post onde compartilhei algumas coisas sobre SQL e SOQL, então decidi compartilhar mais sobre esse tema. Espero que vocês gostem, a ideia é ilustrar o uso e facilitar o entendimento. Para ilustrar o uso, nada melhor que trazer para um cenário real. Case: No Projeto, nos deparamos com a necessidade de encontrar todos os contatos que trabalham na empresa "Salesforce" e residem no Brasil. Queríamos recuperar informações cruciais como nome, CPF e e-mail desses contatos para uma análise específica. Facil de fazer? É uma consulta bem simples, não é mesmo? Vamos lá! Vou explicar o que cada item faz e postar uma imagem da Query. Explicação da Consulta: SELECT Name, CPF__c, Email: Estamos selecionando os campos Nome, CPF e E-mail dos contatos. FROM Contact: Indica que estamos buscando os registros na entidade Contact. WHERE Account.Name = 'Salesforce' AND MailingCountry = 'Brasil': Essa cláusula WHERE filtra os contatos onde o nome da empresa é "Salesforce" e o país de correspondência é "Brasil". Compreender como esses elementos se combinam nos permite realizar consultas específicas e eficazes em Salesforce. Fiquem ligados na imagem da consulta! Compartilhe suas experiências ou dúvidas nos comentários abaixo. Vou trazer mais informações sobre SOQL e, com certeza, aumentarei o nível de dificuldade dos casos progressivamente. #Salesforce #SOQL #ConsultaSalesforce #CompartilheConhecimento #SQL #CRM #Query #SalesCloud #MarketingCloud #Vlocity #Desenvolvedor #Estudo #Conhecimento
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I am actively looking for a MuleSoft and Workato Developer role as a fresher | Certified Mulesoft Developer | Certified Workato Developer | Mysql | Snowflake
What is an API An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allows one software application to interact with another. APIs enable the exchange of data and functionality between different software systems, making it easier to integrate and extend applications. #Mulesoft #MulesoftDevelopers #Mulesoftcommunity #Muleys #mulesoftCertified #apimanagement #salesforce #snowflake #Mysql #integration #lowcode #workato
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No ambiente corporativo moderno, a eficiência na gestão e manipulação de dados é crucial para o sucesso dos negócios. Uma das plataformas amplamente utilizadas para armazenamento e compartilhamento de informações é o Microsoft SharePoint. No entanto, extrair e manipular dados desse ambiente pode ser um desafio. Neste contexto, escrevi um artigo que aborda uma solução eficaz para a extração de dados do Microsoft SharePoint utilizando Python. O método proposto permite a obtenção de dados de listas e arquivos do SharePoint de forma automatizada, simplificando e agilizando o processo de análise e tomada de decisões. Neste artigo, serão abordados os seguintes tópicos: 🚀 Problemática Vs Solução do processo de ETL; 🗝 Configurando Permissões no Sharepoint necessárias para o ETL; 🐍 Utilizando biblioteca Python Office365-REST-Python-Client; 📚 Exemplo de extração de dados.
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Hello Power Platform enthusiasts. For a long time I wanted to write some technical articles about Power Platform/ALM/Azure..., but couldn't find time or topic interesting enough. Recently I decided to put my team lead role a bit aside to return back to my true passion architecting and building software solutions. I hope this will be first of many posts and maybe some of you would find something useful for you as well Recently I was rewriting some of my old azure devOps pipelines for deploying Power Platform solutions. Back in the days there was more or less only one way to do it, by using community build tools like xrm-ci-framework from Wael H. (thanks Wael) which works great and are still being actively supported and used After some time Microsoft introduced its own set of Power Platform Build Tools which covers most(but not all what we need :) ) As I am working on projects mostly for financiral industries like banks and insurance companies, security and vendor reliance is top priority therefore any 3rd party and community based tools are not preferable if not forbidden for use, so I have to work with what MS is providing As part of our ALM process there was a requirement to version Power Platform solutions in a way which required a step where I had to retrieve current version. As simple as it seems there is no build task from MS that would enable you to do that. To complicate situation a bit more service connections were using managed identity, which rendered another possible option not possible(using powershell module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell and cmdlet Get-CrmRecords to retrieve data from solution table) So is there a solution to use strictly MS tools which can work with managed identity? Reading some documentation of MS Power Platform Build Tools I saw that recent versions use power platform cli (pac) in contrast to power shell modules and that I can use pac commands as part of build pipelines. Great but does this solves my problem? I turned out that recent version of pac do support managed identity. Nice, step in the right direction, but still there is no command to get solution version. Or is it? There is a command "pac solution list" which lists all of the solutions on the environment and fortunately there is also current version included. Can I somehow parse this output of the command? Yes, pac supports to redirect output to a json format which I can parse in powershell to extract current solution version. This was the final piece of the puzzle. See below sample yaml template file that you can use Hope it helps someone Cheers till next time
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Create a dynamic requests for GraphQL using DataWeave in Mule4 Let's take a look on how to create query request for GrpahQL API using mules 4 and the power of DataWeave. MuleSoft MuleSoft Community Salesforce Salesforce Developers
Create a dynamic requests for GraphQL using DataWeave in Mule4
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🔴 Analista de Sistemas @ CI&T | APEX | HTML | CSS | LWC/AURA | Integração (REST/SOAP/API) | Visualforce | Sites | Communities | Implantação API/ANT/CLI | Azure | SSO/Provedor de autenticação| SOQL/SOSL
10 extensões essenciais para desenvolvedores Salesforce no VS Code!! 🚨🚨
Top 10 VsCode Extensions for Salesforce
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Take the plunge and embark on a journey through the fundamentals of MuleSoft in our latest installment! Dive deep into error logging, handling, and more. Learn where to find saved logs in Any point Studio and discover the power of error propagation. Plus, get insights into integrating PostgreSQL with ease. Stay tuned for more exciting content in our ongoing series! #MuleSoft #Integration #AnypointStudio #TechTalks #MulsoftBasics #APIGateway #FastAPIIntegration #CloudHubMonitoring #TechTalks #Integration #AnypointStudio #DatabaseIntegration #Connectivity
MuleSoft Integration Platform Basics: Enhancing Monitoring and Logging: Error Handling & Log Saving
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